class Realogy::Agent < Realogy::Entity # addlEmails : [Hash] # Additional emails of agent def addl_emails self.dig_for_array("addlEmails") end # addlLanguageNames : [Hash] # Additional languages of agent def addl_languages_names self.dig_for_array("addlLanguageNames") end # addlPhones : [Hash] # Additional phone numbers for agent def addl_phones self.dig_for_array("addlPhones") end # agentSummary : Hash def agent_summary self.dig_for_hash("agentSummary") end # id : String # Globally unique identifier assigned to an Agent by Realogy def agent_id self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "id") end # areasOfSpecialization : [String] # Area of specialization for the agent def areas_of_specialization self.dig_for_array("areasOfSpecialization") end # businessPhone : String # Business phone number of agent def business_phone self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "businessPhone") end # businessPhoneExt : String # Business phone extension of agent def business_phone_ext self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "businessPhoneExt") end # office / brandCode : String # The Franchise that the Office is part of def company_brand_code self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "brandCode") end # office / companyId : String # description": "Globally unique identifier assigned to a company by Realogy def company_id self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "companyId") end # office / companyName : String # Name of the Company def company_name self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "companyName") end # defaultPhotoURL : String # Profile photo URL for the Agent def default_photo_url self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "defaultPhotoURL") end # designations : String # Designation of the agent def designations self.dig_for_string("designations") end # displayTitle : String # Title of the agent def display_title self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "displayTitle") end # emailAddress : String # Email address of the agent def email_address self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "emailAddress") end # firstName : String # First name of the agent def first_name self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "firstName") end # gender : String # Gender of the agent (male/female) def gender self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "gender") end # isProducingRole : Boolean # def has_producing_role? return nil unless (arr = self.roles).is_a?(Array){|r| r.dig_for_boolean("isProducingRole")}.include?(true) end # isAgent : Boolean # Indicates whether the person is an agent or not def is_agent? self.dig_for_boolean("agentSummary", "isAgent") end # isFullTime : Boolean def is_full_time? return nil unless (arr = self.roles).is_a?(Array){|r| r.dig_for_boolean("isFullTime")}.include?(true) end # isTeamMember : Boolean # Indicates whether the person is a team member or not def is_team_member? self.dig_for_boolean("isTeamMember") end # languagesSpoken : [Hash] # The languages agent speaks def languages_spoken self.dig_for_array("languagesSpoken") end # lastName : String # Last name of the agent def last_name self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "lastName") end # lastUpdateOn : DateTime # The date/time that the Agent record was last updated in the system (UTC) def last_updated self.dig_for_datetime("lastUpdateOn") end # leadEmailAddress : String # Email address to send leads to the agent def lead_email_address self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "leadEmailAddress") end # licenseInfo : [Hash] # A collection of licenses associated with the Agent def license_info self.dig_for_array("licenseInfo") end # media: [Hash] def media self.dig_for_array("media") end # middleName : String # Middle name of the agent def middle_name self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "middleName") end # mlsInformation : [String] # MLS numbers associated with the Agent def mls_information self.dig_for_array("mlsInformation") end # mobilePhone : String # Mobile phone number of agent def mobile_phone self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "mobilePhone") end # name : String # Display Name of the agent def name self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "name") end # office : String def office self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office") end # office / officeAddress : Hash def office_address self.dig_for_hash("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress") end # office / officeAddress / city : String # City def office_city self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "city") end # office / officeAddress / country : String # Country def office_country self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "country") end # office / officeAddress / countryCode : String # ISO Code of the country def office_country_code self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "countryCode") end # office / officeAddress / district : String # Subdivision name in the country or region for the address. In USA it's same as County. def office_district self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "district") end # office / emailAddress : String # Main contact email address for the office def office_email_address self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "emailAddress") end # office / faxNumber : String # Fax number for the office def office_fax_number self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "faxNumber") end # office / officeAddress / formattedAddress : String # Formatted address for display purpose def office_formatted_address self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "formattedAddress") end # office / officeId : String # Globally unique identifier assigned to an office by Realogy def office_id self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeId") end # office / officeAddress / latitude : Decimal # Latitude of a location def office_latitude self.dig_for_decimal("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "latitude") end # office / officeAddress / longitude : Decimal # Longitude of a location def office_longitude self.dig_for_decimal("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "longitude") end # office / name : String # Name of the office def office_name self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "name") end # office / officeAddress / phoneNumber : String # Main contact phone number for the office def office_phone_number self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "phoneNumber") end # office / officeAddress / postalCode : String # ZIP/Postal code def office_postal_code self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "postalCode") end # office / officeAddress / stateProvince : String # State/Province where the address is def office_state_province self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "stateProvince") end # office / officeAddress / stateProvinceCode : String # ISO code of the state def office_state_province_code self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "stateProvinceCode") end # office / officeAddress / streetAddress : String # Street address def office_street_address self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "officeAddress", "streetAddress") end # office / type : String # Type of office (Main, Branch, etc.) def office_type self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "office", "type") end # remarks : [Hash] # A collection of Profile descriptions associated with the Agent def remarks self.dig_for_array("remarks") end # roles : [Hash] # Role details of the agent def roles self.dig_for_array("roles") end # specialty : String # Specialty of the agent def specialty self.dig_for_string("agentSummary", "specialty") end # webSites : [Hash] # A collection of websites associated with the Agent def websites self.dig_for_array("webSites") end end