Class rio.DelayedTask

DelayedTask will execute a function after a delay. Every time delay is called, any pending execution will be canceled.
Defined in: delayed_task.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Cancels the queued task
delay(delayLength, task, scope, args)
Executes the passed in task after a delay.
Class Detail
Method Detail
Cancels the queued task

delay(delayLength, task, scope, args)
Executes the passed in task after a delay. This will also cancel any pending tasks.
{Number} delayLength
The delay in milliseconds
{Function} task
Task to execute after the delay
{Object} scope
(optional) The scope in which to execute the task
{Array} args
(optional) Arguments to pass into the task function

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