require 'vagrant-openstack-provider/spec_helper' describe VagrantPlugins::Openstack::NovaClient do include FakeFS::SpecHelpers::All let(:http) do double('http').tap do |http| http.stub(:read_timeout) { 42 } http.stub(:open_timeout) { 43 } end end let(:config) do double('config').tap do |config| config.stub(:openstack_auth_url) { 'http://heatAuthV2' } config.stub(:openstack_orchestration_url) { nil } config.stub(:tenant_name) { 'testTenant' } config.stub(:username) { 'username' } config.stub(:password) { 'password' } config.stub(:http) { http } end end let(:env) do do |env| env[:ui] = double('ui') env[:ui].stub(:info).with(anything) env[:machine] = double('machine') env[:machine].stub(:provider_config) { config } end end let(:session) do VagrantPlugins::Openstack.session end before :each do session.token = '123456' session.project_id = 'a1b2c3' session.endpoints = { orchestration: 'http://heat/a1b2c3' } @heat_client = VagrantPlugins::Openstack.heat end describe 'stack_exists' do context 'stack not found' do it 'raise an StackNotFound error' do stub_request(:get, 'http://heat/a1b2c3/stacks/stack_name/stack_id') .with( headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', 'X-Auth-Token' => '123456' }) .to_return( status: 404, body: '{"itemNotFound": {"message": "Stack could not be found", "code": 404}}') expect { @heat_client.get_stack_details(env, 'stack_name', 'stack_id') }.to raise_error(VagrantPlugins::Openstack::Errors::StackNotFound) end end end describe 'create_stack' do context 'with token and project_id acquainted' do it 'returns new stack id' do stub_request(:post, 'http://heat/a1b2c3/stacks') .with( body: '{"stack_name":"stck","template":"toto"}', headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token' => '123456' }) .to_return(status: 202, body: '{ "stack": { "id": "o1o2o3" } }') stack_id = @heat_client.create_stack(env, name: 'stck', template: 'toto') expect(stack_id).to eq('o1o2o3') end end end describe 'get_stack_details' do context 'with token and project_id acquainted' do it 'returns stack details' do stub_request(:get, 'http://heat/a1b2c3/stacks/stack_id/stack_name') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token' => '123456' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: ' { "stack": { "description": "sample stack", "disable_rollback": "True", "id": "stack_id", "stack_name": "stack_name", "stack_status": "CREATE_COMPLETE" } }') stack = @heat_client.get_stack_details(env, 'stack_id', 'stack_name') expect(stack['id']).to eq('stack_id') expect(stack['stack_name']).to eq('stack_name') end end end describe 'delete_stack' do context 'with token and project_id acquainted' do it 'deletes the stack' do stub_request(:delete, 'http://heat/a1b2c3/stacks/stack_id/stack_name') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token' => '123456' }) .to_return(status: 204) @heat_client.delete_stack(env, 'stack_id', 'stack_name') end end end end