require 'json' require 'pp' # Refinements # ======================================================================= using NRSER using NRSER::Types # Declarations # ===================================================================== module QB; end module QB::Ansible; end # Definitions # ===================================================================== class QB::Ansible::Module # Class Variables # ===================================================================== @@arg_types = {} # Class Methods # ===================================================================== def self.stringify_keys hash {|k, v| [k.to_s, v]}.to_h end def self.arg name, type @@arg_types[name.to_sym] = type end # Construction # ===================================================================== def initialize @changed = false # @input_file = ARGV[0] # @input = @input_file # @args = JSON.load @input init_set_args! @facts = {} @warnings = [] @qb_stdio_out = nil @qb_stdio_err = nil @qb_stdio_in = nil # debug "HERE!" # debug ENV # if QB_STDIO_ env vars are set send stdout and stderr # to those sockets to print in the parent process if ENV['QB_STDIO_ERR'] @qb_stdio_err = $stderr = ENV['QB_STDIO_ERR'] debug "Connected to QB stderr stream at #{ ENV['QB_STDIO_ERR'] } #{ @qb_stdio_err.path }." end if ENV['QB_STDIO_OUT'] @qb_stdio_out = $stdout = ENV['QB_STDIO_OUT'] debug "Connected to QB stdout stream at #{ ENV['QB_STDIO_OUT'] }." end if ENV['QB_STDIO_IN'] @qb_stdio_in = ENV['QB_STDIO_IN'] debug "Connected to QB stdin stream at #{ ENV['QB_STDIO_IN'] }." end @@arg_types.each {|key, type| var_name = "@#{ key.to_s }" unless instance_variable_get(var_name).nil? raise NRSER.squish <<-END an instance variable named #{ var_name } exists with value #{ instance_variable_get(var_name).inspect } END end value = type.check( @args[key.to_s] ) do |type:, value:| all_args = @args binding.erb <<-END Value <%= value.pretty_inspect %> for argument <%= key.inspect %> is not valid for type <%= type %> Arguments: <%= all_args.pretty_inspect %> END end instance_variable_set var_name, value } end protected # ======================================================================== def init_set_args! if ARGV.length == 1 && File.file?( ARGV[0] ) # "Standard" Ansible-invoked mode, where the args written in JSON format # to a file and the path is provided as the only CLI argument # @input_file = ARGV[0] @input = @input_file @args = JSON.load @input else # QB-specific "fiddle-mode": if we don't have a single valid file path # as CLI arguments, parse the CLI options we have in the common # # `--name=value` # # format into the `@args` hash. # # This lets us run the module file **directly** from the terminal, which # is just a quick and dirty way of flushing things out. # @fiddle_mode = true @args = {} ARGV.each do |arg| if arg.start_with? '--' key, value = arg[2..-1].split( '=', 2 ) @args[key] = begin JSON.load value rescue value end end end end end # #init_set_args! # end protected public # Instance Methods # ===================================================================== # Logging # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Logging is a little weird in Ansible modules... Ansible has facilities # for notifying the user about warnings and depreciations, which we will # make accessible, but it doesn't seem to have facilities for notices and # debugging, which I find very useful. # # When run inside of QB (targeting localhost only at the moment, sadly) # we expose additional IO channels for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR through # opening unix socket files that the main QB process spawns threads to # listen to, and we provide those file paths via environment variables # so modules can pick those up and interact with those streams, allowing # them to act like regular scripts inside Ansible-world (see # QB::Util::STDIO for details and implementation). # # We use those channels if present to provide logging mechanisms. # # Forward args to {QB.debug} if we are connected to a QB STDERR stream # (write to STDERR). # # @param args see QB.debug # def debug *args if @qb_stdio_err header = "" if args[0].is_a? String header += " " + args.shift end QB.debug header, *args end end def info msg if @qb_stdio_err $stderr.puts msg end end # Append a warning message to @warnings. def warn msg @warnings << msg end def run result = main case result when nil # pass when Hash @facts.merge! result else raise "result of #main should be nil or Hash, found #{ result.inspect }" end done end def changed! facts = {} @changed = true @facts.merge! facts done end def done exit_json changed: @changed, ansible_facts: self.class.stringify_keys(@facts), warnings: @warnings end def exit_json hash # print JSON response to process' actual STDOUT (instead of $stdout, # which may be pointing to the qb parent process) STDOUT.print JSON.pretty_generate(self.class.stringify_keys(hash)) [ [:stdin, @qb_stdio_in], [:stdout, @qb_stdio_out], [:stderr, @qb_stdio_err], ].each do |name, socket| if socket debug "Flushing socket #{ name }." socket.flush debug "Closing #{ name } socket at #{ socket.path.to_s }." socket.close end end exit 0 end def fail msg exit_json failed: true, msg: msg, warnings: @warnings end end # class QB::Ansible::Module