# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid #:nodoc: module Criterion #:nodoc: module Inclusion # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values that must all # be matched in order to return results. Similar to an "in" clause but the # underlying conditional logic is an "AND" and not an "OR". The MongoDB # conditional operator that will be used is "$all". # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.all(:field => ["value1", "value2"]) # criteria.all(:field1 => ["value1", "value2"], :field2 => ["value1"]) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes Name/value pairs that all must match. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def all(attributes = {}) update_selector(attributes, "$all") end alias :all_in :all # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values where any can # be matched in order to return results. This is similar to an SQL "IN" # clause. The MongoDB conditional operator that will be used is "$in". # Any previously matching "$in" arrays will be unioned with new # arguments. # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.in(:field => ["value1"]).also_in(:field => ["value2"]) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes Name/value pairs any can match. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def also_in(attributes = {}) update_selector(attributes, "$in") end # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values that must # be matched in order to return results. This is similar to a SQL "WHERE" # clause. This is the actual selector that will be provided to MongoDB, # similar to the Javascript object that is used when performing a find() # in the MongoDB console. # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.and(:field1 => "value1", :field2 => 15) # # @param [ Hash ] selectior Name/value pairs that all must match. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def and(selector = nil) where(selector) end # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies a set of expressions # to match if any of them return true. This is a $or query in MongoDB and # is similar to a SQL OR. This is named #any_of and aliased "or" for # readability. # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.any_of({ :field1 => "value" }, { :field2 => "value2" }) # # @param [ Array ] args A list of name/value pairs any can match. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def any_of(*args) clone.tap do |crit| criterion = @selector["$or"] || [] converted = BSON::ObjectId.convert(klass, args.flatten) expanded = converted.collect { |hash| hash.expand_complex_criteria } crit.selector["$or"] = criterion.concat(expanded) end end alias :or :any_of # Find the matchind document in the criteria, either based on id or # conditions. # # @todo Durran: DRY up duplicated code in a few places. # # @example Find by an id. # criteria.find(BSON::ObjectId.new) # # @example Find by multiple ids. # criteria.find([ BSON::ObjectId.new, BSON::ObjectId.new ]) # # @example Conditionally find all matching documents. # criteria.find(:all, :conditions => { :title => "Sir" }) # # @example Conditionally find the first document. # criteria.find(:first, :conditions => { :title => "Sir" }) # # @example Conditionally find the last document. # criteria.find(:last, :conditions => { :title => "Sir" }) # # @param [ Symbol, BSON::ObjectId, Array ] arg The # argument to search with. # @param [ Hash ] options The options to search with. # # @return [ Document, Criteria ] The matching document(s). def find(*args) type, crit = search(*args) case type when :first then crit.one when :last then crit.last when :ids then execute_or_raise(args, crit) else crit end end # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values where any can # be matched in order to return results. This is similar to an SQL "IN" # clause. The MongoDB conditional operator that will be used is "$in". # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.in(:field => ["value1", "value2"]) # criteria.in(:field1 => ["value1", "value2"], :field2 => ["value1"]) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes Name/value pairs any can match. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def in(attributes = {}) update_selector(attributes, "$in", :&) end alias :any_in :in # Eager loads all the provided relations. Will load all the documents # into the identity map who's ids match based on the extra query for the # ids. # # @note This will only work if Mongoid's identity map is enabled. To do # so set identity_map_enabled: true in your mongoid.yml # # @note This will work for embedded relations that reference another # collection via belongs_to as well. # # @note Eager loading brings all the documents into memory, so there is a # sweet spot on the performance gains. Internal benchmarks show that # eager loading becomes slower around 100k documents, but this will # naturally depend on the specific application. # # @example Eager load the provided relations. # Person.includes(:posts, :game) # # @param [ Array ] relations The names of the relations to eager # load. # # @return [ Criteria ] The cloned criteria. # # @since 2.2.0 def includes(*relations) relations.each do |name| inclusions.push(klass.reflect_on_association(name)) end clone end # Get a list of criteria that are to be executed for eager loading. # # @example Get the eager loading inclusions. # Person.includes(:game).inclusions # # @return [ Array ] The inclusions. # # @since 2.2.0 def inclusions @inclusions ||= [] end # Loads an array of ids only for the current criteria. Used by eager # loading to determine the documents to load. # # @example Load the related ids. # criteria.load_ids("person_id") # # @param [ String ] key The id or foriegn key string. # # @return [ Array ] The ids to load. # # @since 2.2.0 def load_ids(key) driver.find(selector, { :fields => { key => 1 }}).map { |doc| doc[key] } end # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values to do # geospacial searches by. The field must be indexed with the "2d" option. # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.near(:field1 => [30, -44]) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes The fields with lat/long values. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def near(attributes = {}) update_selector(attributes, "$near") end # Adds a criterion to the +Criteria+ that specifies values that must # be matched in order to return results. This is similar to a SQL "WHERE" # clause. This is the actual selector that will be provided to MongoDB, # similar to the Javascript object that is used when performing a find() # in the MongoDB console. # # @example Adding the criterion. # criteria.where(:field1 => "value1", :field2 => 15) # # @param [ Hash ] selector Name/value pairs where all must match. # # @return [ Criteria ] A new criteria with the added selector. def where(selector = nil) clone.tap do |crit| selector = case selector when String then {"$where" => selector} else BSON::ObjectId.convert(klass, selector || {}, false).expand_complex_criteria end selector.each_pair do |key, value| if crit.selector.has_key?(key) && crit.selector[key].respond_to?(:merge!) && value.respond_to?(:merge!) crit.selector[key] = crit.selector[key].merge!(value) do |key, old, new| key == '$in' ? old & new : new end else crit.selector[key] = value end end end end private # Execute the criteria or raise an error if no documents found. # # @example Execute or raise # criteria.execute_or_raise(id, criteria) # # @param [ Object ] args The arguments passed. # @param [ Criteria ] criteria The criteria to execute. # # @raise [ Errors::DocumentNotFound ] If nothing returned. # # @return [ Document, Array ] The document(s). # # @since 2.0.0 def execute_or_raise(args, criteria) (args[0].is_a?(Array) ? criteria.entries : from_map_or_db(criteria)).tap do |result| if Mongoid.raise_not_found_error && !args.flatten.blank? raise Errors::DocumentNotFound.new(klass, args) if result._vacant? end end end # Get the document from the identity map, and if not found hit the # database. # # @example Get the document from the map or criteria. # criteria.from_map_or_db(criteria) # # @param [ Criteria ] The cloned criteria. # # @return [ Document ] The found document. # # @since 2.2.1 def from_map_or_db(criteria) IdentityMap.get(klass, criteria.selector[:_id]) || criteria.one end end end end