module PaperTrail def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def has_paper_trail send :include, InstanceMethods cattr_accessor :paper_trail_active self.paper_trail_active = true has_many :versions, :as => :item, :order => 'created_at ASC, id ASC' after_create :record_create before_update :record_update after_destroy :record_destroy end def paper_trail_off self.paper_trail_active = false end def paper_trail_on self.paper_trail_active = true end end module InstanceMethods def record_create versions.create(:event => 'create', :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit) if self.class.paper_trail_active && PaperTrail.enabled? end def record_update if changed? and self.class.paper_trail_active and PaperTrail.enabled? :event => 'update', :object => object_to_string(previous_version), :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit end end def record_destroy versions.create(:event => 'destroy', :object => object_to_string(previous_version), :whodunnit => PaperTrail.whodunnit) if self.class.paper_trail_active && PaperTrail.enabled? end # Returns the object at the version that was valid at the given timestamp. def version_at timestamp # short-circuit if the current state is valid return self if self.updated_at < timestamp version = versions.first( :conditions => ['created_at < ?', timestamp], :order => 'created_at DESC') version.reify if version end # Walk the versions to construct an audit trail of the edits made # over time, and by whom. def audit_trail options={} options[:attributes_to_ignore] ||= %w(updated_at) audit_trail = [] versions_desc = versions_including_current_in_descending_order versions_desc.each_with_index do |version, index| previous_version = versions_desc[index + 1] break if previous_version.nil? attributes_after = yaml_to_hash(version.object) attributes_before = yaml_to_hash(previous_version.object) # remove some attributes that we don't need to report [attributes_before, attributes_after].each do |hash| hash.reject! { |k,v| Array(options[:attributes_to_ignore]) } end audit_trail << { :event => previous_version.event, :changed_by => transform_whodunnit(previous_version.whodunnit), :changed_at => previous_version.created_at, :changes => differences(attributes_before, attributes_after) } end audit_trail end protected def transform_whodunnit(whodunnit) whodunnit end private def previous_version previous = self.clone = id changes.each do |attr, ary| previous.send "#{attr}=", ary.first end previous end def object_to_string(object) object.attributes.to_yaml end def yaml_to_hash(yaml) return {} if yaml.nil? YAML::load(yaml).to_hash end # Returns an array of hashes, where each hash specifies the +:attribute+, # value +:before+ the change, and value +:after+ the change. def differences(before, after) before.diff(after).keys.sort.inject([]) do |diffs, k| diff = { :attribute => k, :before => before[k], :after => after[k] } diffs << diff; diffs end end def versions_including_current_in_descending_order v = self.versions.dup v << => 'update', :object => object_to_string(self), :created_at => self.updated_at) v.reverse # newest first end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, PaperTrail