require 'cocoapods-core' require 'fileutils' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' module CocoaPodsKeys class << self include FileUtils # Register for the pre-install hooks to setup & run Keys Pod::HooksManager.register('cocoapods-keys', :pre_install) do |context, options| CocoaPodsKeys.setup(context.podfile, options) end def setup(podfile, options) require 'preinstaller' unless raise Pod::Informative, 'Could not load key data' end installation_root = Pod::Config.instance.installation_root keys_path = installation_root.+('Pods/CocoaPodsKeys/') # move our podspec in to the Pods mkdir_p keys_path podspec_path = Pathname(__dir__) + '../templates' + 'Keys.podspec.json' cp podspec_path, keys_path # Get all the keys local_user_options = options || {} project = local_user_options.fetch('project') { CocoaPodsKeys::NameWhisperer.get_project_name } keyring = KeyringLiberator.get_current_keyring(project, Dir.getwd) ||, Dir.getwd, local_user_options['keys']) raise Pod::Informative, 'Could not load keyring' unless keyring # Create the h & m files in the same folder as the podspec key_master = interface_file = keys_path + ( + '.h') implementation_file = keys_path + ( + '.m') File.write(interface_file, key_master.interface) File.write(implementation_file, key_master.implementation) # Add our template podspec add_keys_to_pods(podfile, keys_path.relative_path_from(installation_root), options) # Remove the shared scheme for this pod Pod::HooksManager.register('cocoapods-keys', :post_install) do shared_scheme_path = 'Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Keys.xcscheme' FileUtils.rm(shared_scheme_path) if File.exist?(shared_scheme_path) end end def add_keys_to_pods(podfile, keys_path, options) keys_targets = options['target'] || options['targets'] if keys_targets # Get a list of targets, even if only one was specified keys_target_list = ([] << keys_targets).flatten # Iterate through each target specified in the Keys plugin keys_target_list.each do |keys_target| # Find a matching Pod target pod_target = podfile.root_target_definitions.flat_map(&:children).find do |target| target.label == "Pods-#{keys_target}" end if pod_target pod_target.store_pod 'Keys', :path => keys_path.to_path else Pod::UI.puts "Could not find a target named '#{keys_target}' in your Podfile. Stopping keys".red end end else # otherwise let it go in global podfile.pod 'Keys', :path => keys_path.to_path end end end end