# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # -*- frozen_string_literal: true -*- # -*- warn_indent: true -*- # The +UnitMeasurements::Rails::ActiveRecord::Temperature+ module provides a convenient # way to define temperature-measured attributes in +ActiveRecord+ models. # # It acts as a wrapper for the +measured+ method, simplifying the definition of # temperature-measured attributes without directly invoking the +measured+ method. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.3.0 module UnitMeasurements::Rails::ActiveRecord::Temperature # @!scope class # Defines _temperature-measured_ attributes in the +ActiveRecord+ model. # # This method serves as a wrapper around the +measured+ method and allows easy # definition of temperature-measured attributes by accepting an array of attribute # names along with their options. # # @param [Array] measured_attrs # An array of the names of temperature-measured attributes. # @param [Hash] options A customizable set of options # @option options [String|Symbol] :quantity_attribute_name The name of the quantity attribute. # @option options [String|Symbol] :unit_attribute_name The name of the unit attribute. # # @example Define single temperature-measured attribute: # class WeatherReport < ActiveRecord::Base # measured_temperature :average_temperature # end # # @example Define multiple temperature-measured attributes: # class WeatherReport < ActiveRecord::Base # measured_temperature :day_temperature, :night_temperature # end # # @return [void] # # @see .measured # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.3.0 def measured_temperature(*measured_attrs, **options) measured(UnitMeasurements::Temperature, *measured_attrs, **options) end end # ActiveSupport hook to extend ActiveRecord with the `UnitMeasurements::Rails::ActiveRecord::Temperature` module. ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do ::ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, UnitMeasurements::Rails::ActiveRecord::Temperature) end