Feature: Text Fields In order to interact with text fields Testers will need access and interrogation ability Background: Given I am on the static elements page Scenario: Setting and getting a value from a text field When I type "abcDEF" into the text field Then the text field should contain "abcDEF" Scenario Outline: Locating text fields on the Page When I search for the text field by "" Then I should be able to type "I found it" into the field Scenarios: | search_by | | id | | class | | name | | xpath | | css | | tag_name | @watir_only Scenario Outline: Locating text fields on Watir only When I search for the text field by "" Scenarios: | search_by | | index | | text | | value | Scenario: Retrieve a text field When I retrieve a text field Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible