require "ostruct" require "delegate" # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists, Lint/UnusedMethodArgument module PodcastIndex class Podcast < SimpleDelegator class << self FIND_ONE_ATTRIBUTES = %i[feed_url guid itunes_id].freeze FIND_MANY_ATTRIBUTES = %i[tag medium term title trending dead recent new newly_found].freeze def find(id) response = Api::Podcasts.by_feed_id(id: id) raise PodcastIndex::PodcastNotFound, response["description"] if response["feed"].empty? from_response(response) end def find_by(attributes) match = (attributes.keys & FIND_ONE_ATTRIBUTES) raise ArgumentError, "Must supply one of the attributes: #{FIND_ONE_ATTRIBUTES}" unless match.present? raise ArgumentError, "Must supply only one of the attributes: #{FIND_ONE_ATTRIBUTES}" if match.length > 1 send("find_by_#{match.first}", attributes[match.first]) end def where(attributes) return find_all_music_by_term(**attributes) if attributes[:medium] == "music" && attributes[:term].present? match = (attributes.keys & FIND_MANY_ATTRIBUTES) raise ArgumentError, "Must supply one of the attributes: #{FIND_MANY_ATTRIBUTES}" unless match.present? raise ArgumentError, "Must supply only one of the attributes: #{FIND_MANY_ATTRIBUTES}" if match.length > 1 send("find_all_by_#{match.first}", **attributes) end private def find_by_feed_url(feed_url) response = Api::Podcasts.by_feed_url(url: feed_url) from_response(response) end def find_by_guid(guid) response = Api::Podcasts.by_guid(guid: guid) from_response(response) end def find_by_itunes_id(itunes_id) response = Api::Podcasts.by_itunes_id(id: itunes_id) from_response(response) end def find_all_by_tag(tag:) response = Api::Podcasts.by_tag(tag: tag) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_music_by_term(medium:, term:, val: nil, aponly: nil, clean: nil, fulltext: nil) response = Api::Search.music_by_term(term: term, val: val, aponly: aponly, clean: clean, fulltext: fulltext) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_medium(medium:) response = Api::Podcasts.by_medium(medium: medium) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_trending(trending:, max: nil, since: nil, lang: nil, categories: [], exclude_categories: []) response = Api::Podcasts.trending(max: max, since: since, lang: lang, cat: categories.join(","), notcat: exclude_categories.join(",")) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_dead(*) response = Api::Podcasts.dead from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_term(term:, val: nil, aponly: nil, clean: nil, fulltext: nil) response = Api::Search.by_term(term: term, val: val, aponly: aponly, clean: clean, fulltext: fulltext) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_title(title:, val: nil, clean: nil, fulltext: nil) response = Api::Search.by_title(title: title, val: val, clean: clean, fulltext: fulltext) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_recent(recent:, max: nil, since: nil, lang: nil, categories: [], exclude_categories: []) response = Api::Recent.feeds(max: max, since: since, lang: lang, cat: categories.join(","), notcat: exclude_categories.join(",")) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_new(new:, max: nil, since: nil, feedid: nil, desc: nil) response = Api::Recent.new_feeds(max: max, since: since, feedid: feedid, desc: desc) from_response_collection(response) end def find_all_by_newly_found(newly_found:, max: nil, since: nil) response = max, since: since) # This one has a bit of an oddball response. It's nested in a "data" attribute and all the keys # for each feed are prefixed with "feed" (see example fixture) response["data"]["feeds"].map do |item| feed = item.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_prefix("feed").underscore } new(JSON.parse(feed.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)) # rubocop:disable Style/OpenStructUse end end def from_response(response) feed = response["feed"].transform_keys(&:underscore) new(JSON.parse(feed.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)) # rubocop:disable Style/OpenStructUse end def from_response_collection(response) response["feeds"].map do |item| feed = item.transform_keys(&:underscore) new(JSON.parse(feed.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)) # rubocop:disable Style/OpenStructUse end end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists, Lint/UnusedMethodArgument