class PlayerHandler < RubyPitaya::HandlerBase # class: HandlerBase # attributes: # - @bll # - class: InstanceHolder # - methods: # - [](key) # - info: get bll by key # # - @redis # - link: # # - @config # - info: Hash with config json files inside of 'app/config' # - example: # Given you have the following file "app/config/initial_player.json" # And this json content is {'name': 'Guest'} # And you can get the initial player name # Then you can run the following code: @config['initial_player']['name'] # # - @params # - info: Special hash with the request parameters # - link: # # - @session # - attributes: # - id :: session id # - uid :: user id # - data :: session data # - metadata :: session data # - frontend_id :: connector server id # # - @postman # - info: Send messages to server and clients # - methods: # - bind_session(session) # - info: # Send a session to connector, you can use to set the userId # of the session, for example you can set an userId on # @session, like `@session.uid = '123'`, and then you can # bind this session with `@postman.bind_session(@session)` non_authenticated_actions :authenticate def authenticate user_id = @params[:userId] player = Player.find_by_user_id(user_id) player = @bll[:player].create_new_player(@setup, @config) if player.nil? @session.uid = player.user_id bind_session_response = @postman.bind_session(@session) unless bind_session_response.dig(:error, :code).nil? return response = { code: RubyPitaya::StatusCodes::CODE_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, msg: 'Error to authenticate', } end response = { code: StatusCodes::CODE_OK, data: player.to_hash, } end def getInfo user_id = @session.uid player = Player.find_by_user_id(user_id) response = { code: StatusCodes::CODE_OK, data: player.to_hash, } end end