.TH MD2MAN 5 2016\-02\-10 4.0.1 .SH NAME .PP md2man \- manual page flavoring for the .BR markdown (7) file format .SH DESCRIPTION .PP md2man \[la]https://github.com/sunaku/md2man\[ra] makes the .BR markdown (7) file format friendly for writing UNIX manual pages by extending its syntax, semantics, and assumed processing extensions. .SS Syntax .PP md2man extends .BR markdown (7) syntax by defining three kinds of paragraphs. .PP .RS .nf This is a normal paragraph. This is a tagged paragraph. This is an indented paragraph. This is another normal paragraph. .fi .RE .SS Normal paragraphs .PP Paragraphs whose lines are all indented by exactly zero or one additional spaces are considered to be "normal paragraphs". For example: .PP .RS .nf This is a normal paragraph. This is another normal paragraph. .fi .RE .SS Tagged paragraphs .PP Paragraphs whose first line is indented by less than two additional spaces and whose subsequent lines are uniformly indented by exactly two additional spaces are considered to be "tagged paragraphs". For example: .PP .RS .nf This is a tagged paragraph. .fi .RE .SS Indented paragraphs .PP Paragraphs whose lines are all uniformly indented by exactly two additional spaces are considered to be "indented paragraphs". For example: .PP .RS .nf This is an indented paragraph. .fi .RE .SS Semantics .PP md2man extends .BR markdown (7) semantics by treating top\-level headings specially. .SS Top\-level headings .PP The first top\-level \fB\fC

\fR heading found in the input is considered to be the \fB\fC\&.TH\fR directive in .BR roff (7), as described under "Title line" in .BR man-pages (7): .PP .RS .RS .nf \&.TH title section date source manual .fi .RE .TP title The title of the man page, written in all caps (e.g., \fB\fCMAN\-PAGES\fR). .TP section The section number in which the man page should be placed (e.g., \fB\fC7\fR). .TP date The date of the last revision, written in the form YYYY\-MM\-DD. .TP source The source of the command, function, or system call (e.g., \fB\fCLinux\fR). .TP manual The title of the manual (e.g., \fB\fCLinux Programmer's Manual\fR). .RE .PP Any subsequent top\-level headings are treated as second\-level \fB\fC

\fR headings. .SS Extensions .PP md2man enables the following Redcarpet \[la]https://github.com/vmg/redcarpet\[ra] extensions while reading .BR markdown (7): .RS .IP \(bu 2 tables .IP \(bu 2 autolink .IP \(bu 2 superscript .IP \(bu 2 strikethrough .IP \(bu 2 fenced_code_blocks .RE .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR markdown (7), .BR man-pages (7), .BR md2man-roff (1), .BR md2man-html (1), .BR md2man-rake (1)