require 'formtastic' module ActiveAdmin class FormBuilder < ::Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder attr_reader :form_buffers def initialize(*args) @form_buffers = ["".html_safe] super end def inputs(*args, &block) # Store that we are creating inputs without a block @inputs_with_block = block_given? ? true : false content = with_new_form_buffer { super } form_buffers.last << content.html_safe end # The input method returns a properly formatted string for # its contents, so we want to skip the internal buffering # while building up its contents def input(*args) content = with_new_form_buffer { super } return content.html_safe unless @inputs_with_block form_buffers.last << content.html_safe end # The buttons method always needs to be wrapped in a new buffer def buttons(*args, &block) content = with_new_form_buffer do block_given? ? super : super { commit_button_with_cancel_link } end form_buffers.last << content.html_safe end def commit_button(*args) content = with_new_form_buffer{ super } form_buffers.last << content.html_safe end def cancel_link(url = nil, html_options = {}, li_attributes = {}) li_attributes[:class] ||= "cancel" url ||= {:action => "index"} template.content_tag(:li, (template.link_to "Cancel", url, html_options), li_attributes) end def commit_button_with_cancel_link content = commit_button content << cancel_link end def datepicker_input(method, options) options = options.dup options[:input_html] ||= {} options[:input_html][:class] = [options[:input_html][:class], "datepicker"].compact.join(' ') options[:input_html][:size] ||= "10" string_input(method, options) end def has_many(association, options = {}, &block) options = { :for => association }.merge(options) options[:class] ||= "" options[:class] << "inputs has_many_fields" # Add Delete Links form_block = proc do |has_many_form| + if has_many_form.object.new_record? template.content_tag :li do template.link_to "Delete", "#", :onclick => "$(this).closest('.has_many_fields').remove(); return false;", :class => "button" end else end end content = with_new_form_buffer do template.content_tag :div, :class => "has_many #{association}" do form_buffers.last << template.content_tag(:h3, association.to_s.titlecase) inputs options, &form_block # Capture the ADD JS js = with_new_form_buffer do inputs_for_nested_attributes :for => [association, object.class.reflect_on_association(association)], :class => "inputs has_many_fields", :for_options => { :child_index => "NEW_RECORD" }, &form_block end js = template.escape_javascript(js) js = template.link_to "Add New #{association.to_s.singularize.titlecase}", "#", :onclick => "$(this).before('#{js}'.replace(/NEW_RECORD/g, new Date().getTime())); return false;", :class => "button" form_buffers.last << js.html_safe end end form_buffers.last << content.html_safe end private def with_new_form_buffer form_buffers << "".html_safe return_value = yield form_buffers.pop return_value end end end