class Jets::Commands::Import class Rail < Base # We add jets-rails gem even though it's only activated within the megamode # rackup wrapper script so user can check run bundle install and determine early # if dependencies are met. The jets-rails gem is also added as part of the deploy # process but we add it here also so the user gets earlier possible errors and # can fix before they hit the deploy phase. def configure_gemfile append_to_file 'rack/Gemfile' do %Q|gem "jets-rails"\n| end end def install bundle_install end def configure_routes # comment out current catchall route comment_lines("config/routes.rb", 'any[ (][\'"]\*', verbose: true) # any "*catchall", to: ... # Add catchall route for rack insert_into_file "config/routes.rb", :before => /^end/ do <<-CODE # Enables Mega Mode Rails integration any "*catchall", to: "jets/rack#process" CODE end end def reconfigure_database_yml current_yaml = "#{Jets.root}rack/config/database.yml" return unless File.exist?(current_yaml) vars = {} current_database = YAML.load_file(current_yaml) database_names = infer_database_name(current_database) vars.merge!(database_names) vars['adapter'] = current_database['development']['adapter'] path = File.expand_path("templates/config/database.yml", File.dirname(__FILE__)) content = Jets::Erb.result(path, vars) IO.write(current_yaml, content) puts "Reconfigured #{current_yaml}" rescue Exception # If unable to copy the database.yml settings just slightly fail. # Do this because really unsure what is in the current database.yml end def finish_message puts <<~EOL #{"="*30} Congrats! The Rails project from #{@source} has been imported to the rack folder. Here are some next steps: # Local Testing Check out the config/routes.rb file and noticed how a new catchall route has been added. It looks something like this: any "*catchall", to: "jets/rack#process" The catchall route passes any route not handled by the Jets app as a request onto the Rails app. You can modified the route to selectively route what you want. Please double check that rack/config/database.yml is appropriately configured, it likely needs to be updated. Test the application locally. Test that the Rails app in the rack subfolder works independently. You can start the application up with: cd rack # cd into the imported Rails project bundle exec rackup The rack server starts up on http://localhost:9292 Once tested, stop that server with CTRL-C. Then you can start the jets server from the main jets project: cd .. # back to the main jets projet jets server # starts both jets and rack servers The jets server starts up on http://localhost:8888 You can stop both servers with CTRL-C. # Deploy When you are ready deploy to AWS Lambda with: jets deploy EOL end private def infer_database_name(current_database) vars = {} %w[development test production].each do |env| if !current_database[env]['database'].include?('<%') # already has ERB vars["database_#{env}"] = current_database[env]['database'] else lines = IO.readlines("#{Jets.root}rack/config/application.rb") module_line = lines.find { |l| l =~ /^module / } app_module = module_line.gsub(/^module /,'').strip app_name = app_module.underscore vars["database_#{env}"] = "#{app_name}_#{env}" end end vars end end end