module ActiveFedora module Datastreams module NokogiriDatastreams extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def xml_template Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("") end def decorate_ng_xml(xml) xml end end def ng_xml @ng_xml ||= begin if new_record? ## Load up the template xml = self.class.xml_template else xml = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(remote_content) end self.class.decorate_ng_xml xml end end def ng_xml=(new_xml) # before we set ng_xml, we load the datastream so we know if the new value differs. # TODO reinstate this #local_or_remote_content(true) case new_xml when Nokogiri::XML::Document self.content=new_xml.to_xml when Nokogiri::XML::Node ## Cast a fragment to a document self.content=new_xml.to_s when String self.content=new_xml else raise TypeError, "You passed a #{new_xml.class} into the ng_xml of the #{self.dsid} datastream. OmDatastream.ng_xml= only accepts Nokogiri::XML::Document, Nokogiri::XML::Element, Nokogiri::XML::Node, or raw XML (String) as inputs." end end def refresh_attributes changed_attributes.clear @ng_xml = nil end # don't want content eagerly loaded by proxy, so implementing methods that would be implemented by define_attribute_methods def ng_xml_will_change! changed_attributes['ng_xml'] = nil end def ng_xml_doesnt_change! changed_attributes.delete('ng_xml') end # don't want content eagerly loaded by proxy, so implementing methods that would be implemented by define_attribute_methods def ng_xml_changed? changed_attributes.has_key? 'ng_xml' end def remote_content @datastream_content ||= Nokogiri::XML(super).to_xml {|config| config.no_declaration}.strip end def content=(new_content) if remote_content != new_content.to_s ng_xml_will_change! @ng_xml = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(new_content) super(@ng_xml.to_s.strip) end self.class.decorate_ng_xml @ng_xml end def content_changed? return true if autocreate? && new_record? return false unless xml_loaded ng_xml_changed? end def to_xml(xml = nil) xml = self.ng_xml if xml.nil? ng_xml = self.ng_xml if ng_xml.respond_to?(:root) && ng_xml.root.nil? && self.class.respond_to?(:root_property_ref) && !self.class.root_property_ref.nil? ng_xml = self.class.generate(self.class.root_property_ref, "") if xml.root.nil? xml = ng_xml end end unless xml == ng_xml || ng_xml.root.nil? if xml.kind_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Document) xml.root.add_child(ng_xml.root) elsif xml.kind_of?(Nokogiri::XML::Node) xml.add_child(ng_xml.root) else raise "You can only pass instances of Nokogiri::XML::Node into this method. You passed in #{xml}" end end return xml.to_xml.strip end def content @content = to_xml if ng_xml_changed? || autocreate? super end def autocreate? changed_attributes.has_key? :profile end def xml_loaded instance_variable_defined? :@ng_xml end end end end