# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- module HydraHead class Routes def initialize(router, options) @router = router @options = options end def draw route_sets.each do |r| self.send(r) end end protected def add_routes &blk @router.instance_exec(@options, &blk) end def route_sets (@options[:only] || default_route_sets) - (@options[:except] || []) end def default_route_sets [:catalog, :superuser, :permissions, :assets_with_all_nested_routes] end module RouteSets def assets_with_all_nested_routes add_routes do |options| match "withdraw", :to => "hydra/assets#withdraw", :as => "withdraw" namespace :hydra do resources :file_assets resources :assets do # this is to remove documents from SOLR but not from Fedora. resources :contributors, :only=>[:new,:create] match '/contributors', :to => 'contributors#update', :as => 'update_contributors' # We would need to include the rails JS files (or implement our own) if we want this to work w/ DELETE because we delete from a link not a button. #match 'contributors/:contributor_type/:index', :to => 'contributors#destroy', :as => 'connect', :via => 'delete' match 'contributors/:contributor_type/:index', :to => 'contributors#destroy', :as => 'connect' # There is no ContributorsController#show match 'contributors/:contributor_type/:index', :to => 'contributors#show', :as => 'contributor', :via => 'get' resources :file_assets resources :downloads, :only=>[:index] resources :grants, :only=>[:new,:create] resources :permissions # Allow updates to assets/:asset_id/permissions (no :id necessary) match '/permissions', :to => 'permissions#update', :as => 'update_group_permissions' end end match "generic_contents_object/content/:container_id", :to=>"generic_content_objects#create", :as=>'generic_content_object', :via => 'post' end end def permissions add_routes do |options| namespace :hydra do resources :permissions end end end def superuser add_routes do |options| match 'superuser', :to => 'user_sessions#superuser', :as => 'superuser' end end def catalog add_routes do |options| match 'catalog/:id/edit', :to => 'catalog#edit', :as => 'edit_catalog' # The delete method renders a confirmation page with a button to submit actual destroy request match 'catalog/:id/delete', :to => 'catalog#delete', :as => 'delete_catalog' end end end include RouteSets #match 'generic_contents_object/content/:container_id', :to => 'generic_content_objects#create', :as => 'generic_content_object', :via => :post end end