require 'helper' class Character include Characterizable end class Characterizable::CharacteristicTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context Characterizable::Characteristic do setup do @universe = end context '#display' do setup do @universe = { :charisma => 'hearty' } end should 'not display a custom format if display option not given' do char =, :charisma, {}) assert_nil char.display(@universe) end should 'display a custom format if display option is given' do char =, :charisma, { :display => lambda { |c| "Level: #{c}" } }) {} assert_equal 'Level: hearty', char.display(@universe) end end context '#value' do context 'universe is a hash' do setup do @universe = { :daily_duration => 1 } end should 'return the value for a characteristic' do characteristic =, :daily_duration, {}) assert_equal 1, characteristic.value(@universe) end should 'return nil for a nonexistent characteristic' do characteristic =, :monthly_duration, {}) assert_nil characteristic.value(@universe) end end context 'universe is a non-hash' do setup do @universe.daily_duration = 1 end should 'return the value for a characteristic' do characteristic =, :daily_duration, {}) assert_equal 1, characteristic.value(@universe) end should 'return nil for a nonexistent characteristic' do characteristic =, :na, {}) assert_nil characteristic.value(@universe) end end end context '#known?' do setup do @characteristic = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:daily_duration] end should 'return true if the characteristic is not nil' do @universe.daily_duration = 1 assert @characteristic.known?(@universe) end should 'return false if the characteristic is nil' do assert !@characteristic.known?(@universe) end end context '#revealed?' do should 'return true if there are no prerequisites' do characteristic = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:size_class] assert characteristic.revealed?(@universe) end should 'return true if its prerequisite is effective' do @universe.acquisition = '1' characteristic = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:retirement] assert characteristic.revealed?(@universe) end should 'return false if its prerequisite is not effective' do characteristic = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:retirement] assert !characteristic.revealed?(@universe) end end context '#trumped?' do context 'ignoring is empty' do should 'return true if trumped by another effective characteristic' do @universe.fuel_efficiency = '5' char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:urbanity] assert char.trumped?(@universe) end should 'return false if trumped by another ineffective characteristic' do char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:weekly_distance_estimate] assert !char.trumped?(@universe) end should 'return true if mutually trumped, other is effective, and currently not effective' do @universe.daily_distance_estimate = '5' char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:weekly_distance_estimate] assert char.trumped?(@universe) end should 'return false if mutually trumped, other is effective, and currently am effective' do @universe.daily_distance_estimate = '5' @universe.weekly_distance_estimate = '6' char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:weekly_distance_estimate] assert !char.trumped?(@universe) end should 'return false if mutually trumped, other is not effective' do char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:weekly_distance_estimate] assert !char.trumped?(@universe) end end context 'ignoring is set' do should 'return false if trumped by another effective characteristic that should be ignored' do @universe.daily_distance_estimate = '5' char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:weekly_distance_estimate] assert !char.trumped?(@universe, [:daily_distance_estimate]) end end end # has :daily_distance_estimate, :trumps => [:weekly_distance_estimate, :annual_distance_estimate, :daily_duration], :measures => :length # has :daily_duration, :trumps => [:annual_distance_estimate, :weekly_distance_estimate, :daily_distance_estimate], :measures => :time # has :weekly_distance_estimate, :trumps => [:annual_distance_estimate, :daily_distance_estimate, :daily_duration], :measures => :length # has :annual_distance_estimate, :trumps => [:weekly_distance_estimate, :daily_distance_estimate, :daily_duration], :measures => :length context '#effective?' do should 'return true if known, revealed, and not trumped' do characteristic = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:daily_duration] @universe.daily_duration = '1' assert characteristic.effective?(@universe) end should 'return false if known, reavaled, and trumped' do @universe.annual_distance_estimate = "33796.2" @universe.daily_duration = "3.0" char = @universe.characterizable_base. characteristics[:daily_duration] assert_nothing_raised do char.effective?(@universe) end end should 'return false if known, but not revealed' do @universe.model_year = '2007' char = @universe.characterizable_base. characteristics[:model_year] assert !char.effective?(@universe) end should 'return false if not known' do char = @universe.characterizable_base. characteristics[:model_year] assert !char.effective?(@universe) end should 'not infinitely recurse if there is a 3-way mutual trumping' do @universe.annual_distance_estimate = "33796.2" @universe.daily_duration = "3.0" @universe.weekly_distance_estimate = "804.672" char = @universe.characterizable_base.characteristics[:daily_duration] assert_nothing_raised do char.effective?(@universe) end end end end end