module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveModel # :nodoc: # Ensure that the attribute is numeric. # # Options: # * with_message - value the test expects to find in # errors.on(:attribute). Regexp or string. Defaults to the # translation for :not_a_number. # * only_integer - allows only integer values # * odd - Specifies the value must be an odd number. # * even - Specifies the value must be an even number. # * allow_nil - allows nil values # # Examples: # it { should validate_numericality_of(:price) } # it { should validate_numericality_of(:age).only_integer } # it { should validate_numericality_of(:frequency).odd } # it { should validate_numericality_of(:frequency).even } # it { should validate_numericality_of(:rank).is_less_than_or_equal_to(10).allow_nil } # def validate_numericality_of(attr) end class ValidateNumericalityOfMatcher NUMERIC_NAME = 'numbers' NON_NUMERIC_VALUE = 'abcd' DEFAULT_DIFF_TO_COMPARE = 0.000_000_000_001 attr_reader :diff_to_compare def initialize(attribute) @attribute = attribute @submatchers = [] @diff_to_compare = DEFAULT_DIFF_TO_COMPARE add_disallow_value_matcher end def only_integer prepare_submatcher( ) self end def allow_nil prepare_submatcher( .for(@attribute) .with_message(:not_a_number) ) self end def odd prepare_submatcher( ) self end def even prepare_submatcher( ) self end def is_greater_than(value) prepare_submatcher(comparison_matcher_for(value, :>).for(@attribute)) self end def is_greater_than_or_equal_to(value) prepare_submatcher(comparison_matcher_for(value, :>=).for(@attribute)) self end def is_equal_to(value) prepare_submatcher(comparison_matcher_for(value, :==).for(@attribute)) self end def is_less_than(value) prepare_submatcher(comparison_matcher_for(value, :<).for(@attribute)) self end def is_less_than_or_equal_to(value) prepare_submatcher(comparison_matcher_for(value, :<=).for(@attribute)) self end def with_message(message) @submatchers.each { |matcher| matcher.with_message(message) } self end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject submatchers_match? end def description "only allow #{allowed_types} for #{@attribute}#{comparison_descriptions}" end def failure_message submatcher_failure_messages_for_should.last end alias failure_message_for_should failure_message def failure_message_when_negated submatcher_failure_messages_for_should_not.last end alias failure_message_for_should_not failure_message_when_negated private def add_disallow_value_matcher disallow_value_matcher = for(@attribute). with_message(:not_a_number) add_submatcher(disallow_value_matcher) end def prepare_submatcher(submatcher) add_submatcher(submatcher) if submatcher.respond_to?(:diff_to_compare) update_diff_to_compare(submatcher) end end def comparison_matcher_for(value, operator) NumericalityMatchers::ComparisonMatcher .new(self, value, operator) .for(@attribute) end def add_submatcher(submatcher) @submatchers << submatcher end def update_diff_to_compare(matcher) @diff_to_compare = [@diff_to_compare, matcher.diff_to_compare].max end def submatchers_match? failing_submatchers.empty? end def submatcher_failure_messages_for_should end def submatcher_failure_messages_for_should_not end def failing_submatchers @failing_submatchers ||= { |matcher| !matcher.matches?(@subject) } end def allowed_types allowed_array = submatcher_allowed_types allowed_array.empty? ? NUMERIC_NAME : allowed_array.join(', ') end def submatcher_allowed_types @submatchers.inject([]){|m, s| m << s.allowed_type if s.respond_to?(:allowed_type); m } end def comparison_descriptions description_array = submatcher_comparison_descriptions description_array.empty? ? '' : ' which are ' + submatcher_comparison_descriptions.join(' and ') end def submatcher_comparison_descriptions @submatchers.inject([]) do |arr, submatcher| if submatcher.respond_to? :comparison_description arr << submatcher.comparison_description end arr end end end end end end