###### (Automatically generated documentation) # Shadow Calculation ## Description This measure sets the fields of the ShadowCalculation object, which is used to control some details of EnergyPlus’s solar, shadowing, and daylighting models. ## Modeler Description The ShadowCalculation class does not have a public constructor because it is a unique ModelObject. ## Measure Type ModelMeasure ## Taxonomy ## Arguments ### Shading Calculation Method **Name:** shading_calculation_method, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method **Name:** shading_calculation_update_frequency_method, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Shading Calculation Update Frequency (days) Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method = Periodic **Name:** shading_calculation_update_frequency, **Type:** Integer, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations Shading Calculation Method = PolygonClipping **Name:** maximum_figures_in_shadow_overlap_calculations, **Type:** Integer, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Polygon Clipping Algorithm Shading Calculation Method = PolygonClipping **Name:** polygon_clipping_algorithm, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Pixel Counting Resolution Shading Calculation Method = PixelCounting **Name:** pixel_counting_resolution, **Type:** Integer, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm **Name:** sky_diffuse_modeling_algorithm, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false