require 'spec_helper' describe Aptible::CLI::Helpers::S3LogHelpers do subject {, described_class).new } let(:v2_pfx) { 'mystack/shareable/v2/fakesha' } let(:v3_pfx) { 'mystack/shareable/v3/fakesha' } let(:v2app) do "#{v2_pfx}/apps-321/fakebread-json.log.2022-06-29T18:30:01.bck.gz" end let(:v2app_rotated) do "#{v2_pfx}/apps-321/fakebread-json.1.log.2022-06-29T18:30:01.bck.gz" end let(:v3app) do "#{v3_pfx}/apps-321/service-123/deadbeef-json.log." \ '2022-08-24T21:12:33.2022-08-24T21:14:38.archived.gz' end let(:v3db) do "#{v3_pfx}/databases-321/fakebread-json.log." \ '2022-08-24T21:12:33.2022-08-24T21:14:38.archived.gz' end let(:v3db_rotated) do "#{v3_pfx}/databases-321/fakebread-json.log.1." \ '2022-08-24T21:12:33.2022-08-24T21:14:38.archived.gz' end describe '#ensure_aws_creds' do it 'Raises if no keys are provided via ENV' do expect { subject.ensure_aws_creds } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /Missing environment variable/) end it 'Accepts AWS keypair from the ENV' do ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = 'foo' ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'bar' expect { subject.ensure_aws_creds }.to_not raise_error end end describe '#info_from_path' do context 'time zones are in UTC' do it 'processes v2 upload time in UTC' do result = subject.info_from_path(v2app) expect(result[:uploaded_at].zone).to eq('UTC') end it 'processes v3 log times in UTC' do result = subject.info_from_path(v3app) expect(result[:start_time].zone).to eq('UTC') expect(result[:end_time].zone).to eq('UTC') end end it 'does not choke on v3 logs with unknown timestamps' do path = "#{v3_pfx}/apps-321/service-123/deadbeef-json.log." \ 'unknown.unknown.archived.gz' result = subject.info_from_path(path) expect(result[:start_time]).to be(nil) expect(result[:end_time]).to be(nil) end it 'can read app data from v2 paths' do result = subject.info_from_path(v2app) expect(result[:schema]).to eq('v2') expect(result[:shasum]).to eq('fakesha') expect(result[:type]).to eq('apps') expect(result[:id]).to eq(321) expect(result[:service_id]).to be(nil) expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('fakebread') expect(result[:uploaded_at]).to eq('2022-06-29T18:30:01') expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('fakebread') expect(result[:start_time]).to be(nil) expect(result[:end_time]).to be(nil) end it 'can read app data from v3 paths' do result = subject.info_from_path(v3app) expect(result[:schema]).to eq('v3') expect(result[:shasum]).to eq('fakesha') expect(result[:type]).to eq('apps') expect(result[:id]).to eq(321) expect(result[:service_id]).to eq(123) expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('deadbeef') expect(result[:uploaded_at]).to be(nil) expect(result[:start_time]).to eq('2022-08-24T21:12:33') expect(result[:end_time]).to eq('2022-08-24T21:14:38') end it 'can read db data from v3 paths' do result = subject.info_from_path(v3db) expect(result[:schema]).to eq('v3') expect(result[:shasum]).to eq('fakesha') expect(result[:type]).to eq('databases') expect(result[:id]).to eq(321) expect(result[:service_id]).to be(nil) expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('fakebread') expect(result[:uploaded_at]).to be(nil) expect(result[:start_time]).to eq('2022-08-24T21:12:33') expect(result[:end_time]).to eq('2022-08-24T21:14:38') end context 'files that have been rotated by docker (.json.log.1)' do it 'can read data from v3 paths' do result = subject.info_from_path(v3db_rotated) expect(result[:schema]).to eq('v3') expect(result[:shasum]).to eq('fakesha') expect(result[:type]).to eq('databases') expect(result[:id]).to eq(321) expect(result[:service_id]).to be(nil) expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('fakebread') expect(result[:uploaded_at]).to be(nil) expect(result[:start_time]).to eq('2022-08-24T21:12:33') expect(result[:end_time]).to eq('2022-08-24T21:14:38') end it 'can read app data from v2 paths' do result = subject.info_from_path(v2app) expect(result[:schema]).to eq('v2') expect(result[:shasum]).to eq('fakesha') expect(result[:type]).to eq('apps') expect(result[:id]).to eq(321) expect(result[:service_id]).to be(nil) expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('fakebread') expect(result[:uploaded_at]).to eq('2022-06-29T18:30:01') expect(result[:container_id]).to eq('fakebread') expect(result[:start_time]).to be(nil) expect(result[:end_time]).to be(nil) end end end describe '#validate_log_search_options' do it 'Forces you to identify the files with a supported option' do opts = {} expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, / specify an option to identify/) end it 'Does not let you pass --string-matches and id options' do opts = { string_matches: ['foo'], app_id: 123 } expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /cannot pass/) end it 'Does not let you pass multiple id options' do opts = { database_id: 12, app_id: 23 } expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /specify only one of/) end it 'Does not let you use date options with string-matches' do opts = { string_matches: 12, start_date: 'foo' } expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /cannot be used when searching by string/) end it 'Does not allow open-ended date range.' do opts = { app_id: 123, start_date: 'foo' } expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /must pass both/) end it 'Ensures you have provided a long enough container ID' do opts = { container_id: 'tooshort' } expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /at least the first 12/) end it 'Requires you to pass keys when downloading' do opts = { app_id: 123, download_location: 'asdf' } expect { subject.validate_log_search_options(opts) } .to raise_error(Thor::Error, /You must provide decryption keys/) end end describe '#find_s3_files_by_string_match' do client_stub = true) client_stub.stub_responses( :list_buckets, buckets: [{ name: 'bucket' }] ) client_stub.stub_responses( :list_objects_v2, contents: [ { key: 'stack/it/doesnt/matter' }, { key: 'stack/matter/it/does/not/yoda' } ] ) before do subject.stub(:s3_client) do 'us-east-1', client: client_stub) end end it 'finds files with a single matching string' do strings = %w(yoda) result = subject.find_s3_files_by_string_match('us-east-1', 'bucket', 'stack', strings) expect(result).to match_array(%w(stack/matter/it/does/not/yoda)) end it 'finds files with two matching strings' do strings = %w(it matter) result = subject.find_s3_files_by_string_match('us-east-1', 'bucket', 'stack', strings) expect(result).to match_array(%w(stack/it/doesnt/matter stack/matter/it/does/not/yoda)) end it 'only find files with all matching strings' do strings = %w(it yoda) result = subject.find_s3_files_by_string_match('us-east-1', 'bucket', 'stack', strings) expect(result).to match_array(%w(stack/matter/it/does/not/yoda)) end end describe '#find_s3_files_by_attrs' do before do client_stub = true) client_stub.stub_responses( :list_buckets, buckets: [{ name: 'bucket' }] ) client_stub.stub_responses( :list_objects_v2, contents: [ { key: v2app }, { key: v2app_rotated }, { key: v3db_rotated }, { key: v3db }, { key: v3app } ] ) subject.stub(:s3_client) do 'us-east-1', client: client_stub) end end it 'can find apps by id' do attrs = { type: 'apps', id: 321 } result = subject.find_s3_files_by_attrs('us-east-1', 'bucket', 'stack', attrs) expect(result).to match_array([v3app, v2app, v2app_rotated]) end it 'can find databases by id' do attrs = { type: 'databases', id: 321 } result = subject.find_s3_files_by_attrs('us-east-1', 'bucket', 'stack', attrs) expect(result).to match_array([v3db, v3db_rotated]) end it 'can find by other attributes of the log file like container id' do attrs = { container_id: 'deadbeef' } result = subject.find_s3_files_by_attrs('us-east-1', 'bucket', 'stack', attrs) expect(result).to match_array([v3app]) end end describe '#time_match?' do # Here's a represenation of the test cases. We keep the file timestamps # fixed and move --start-date/--end-date around to all possible combos. # Note that we do foce the start to be earlier than the end, which keeps the # logic here quite simple. # | |se # | s|e # s| |e # |se| # s|e | # se| | # s = start / lower bound of search # e = end / upper bound of search # |'s are the first and last timestamp in the file let(:first_log) { Time.parse('2022-08-01T00:00:00') } let(:last_log) { Time.parse('2022-09-01T00:00:00') } let(:before) { Time.parse('2022-07-01T00:00:00') } let(:between) { Time.parse('2022-08-15T00:00:00') } let(:after) { Time.parse('2022-10-01T00:00:00') } context 'identifies files that may have lines within a range' do it 'before before does not match' do range = [before, before] expect(subject.time_match?(range, first_log, last_log)).to be(false) end it 'before between matches' do range = [before, between] expect(subject.time_match?(range, first_log, last_log)).to be(true) end it 'between between matches' do range = [between, between] expect(subject.time_match?(range, first_log, last_log)).to be(true) end it 'before after matches' do range = [before, after] expect(subject.time_match?(range, first_log, last_log)).to be(true) end it 'between after matches' do range = [between, after] expect(subject.time_match?(range, first_log, last_log)).to be(true) end it 'after after does not match' do range = [after, after] expect(subject.time_match?(range, first_log, last_log)).to be(false) end end end describe '#utc_date' do e = 'Please provide dates in YYYY-MM-DD format' it 'converts strings to dates in UTC' do result = subject.utc_date('2022-08-30') expect(result).to be_a(Time) expect(result).to eq(Time.utc(2022, 8, 30, 0, 0, 0)) end it 'raises an error if the input is a valid date/tiem in wrong format' do expect do subject.utc_date('2022-08-30 11:32') raise_error(Thor::Error, e) end it 'raises an error if the input is wrong' do expect do subject.utc_date('foobar') raise_error(Thor::Error, e) end end end