require ‘sprout/generator/base’ require ‘sprout/generator/command’ require ‘sprout/generator/manifest’ require ‘sprout/generator/file_manifest’ require ‘sprout/generator/template_manifest’ require ‘sprout/generator/directory_manifest’

module Sprout

# = Introduction
# Sprout Generators are command line applications that are 
# installed by RubyGems and should universally provide the 
# following features:
# * Terminal tab completion to discover generators
# * Call with no arguments to see help output
# * Call with an +--input+ (or trailing) argument to create
# * Call with a collection of arguments given on a previous run 
#   plus +--delete+ to undo a previous +create+
# = Usage
# == Discovery
# Sprout generators should be installed by RubyGems as command line 
# applications on your system. After installing the flashsdk gem, you 
# should have access to a variety of generators. You can find out what 
# generators are available by typing: sprout- followed by pressing the 
# <TAB> key.
# Your terminal should list out all available applications that match 
# this name.
# Some generators are expected to create new projects, others expect to 
# run within existing projects. You should be able to infer the kind of 
# generator you're looking at by the name, but if you can't just run the 
# generator with no arguments to see it's usage guidelines.
# Generators that expect to be run from within a project will usually 
# expect a file named +Gemfile+ to exist in the project root. If you're 
# trying to run Sprout generators in a project that wasn't created using 
# Sprouts, create this file and add the Rubygems that include the 
# generators that you want to use.
# == Execution
# Generators are created by human beings and sometimes they have 
# different assumptions than you do. If you're running a generator 
# within a project (especially for the first time - or since updating a 
# gem), be sure to get your project checked into version control before 
# running anything.
# Non-application generators should always be executed at the project 
# root (where you store your Rakefile, Gemfile or build.xml).
# == Deletion
# Any generator that inherits from the provided Sprout::Generators::Base 
# includes support for deletion. If you run a generator and realize that 
# you don't want the files that it created, you can always run the same 
# generator again with the same arguments, but add the --delete (or -d) 
# argument.
# == Templates
# Each time a generator is asked to locate a template, it begins a lookup
# process. This process is designed to make it easy for you to modify any
# template at the scope you desire.
# The lookup process will end at the first location where the expected 
# file is found.
# The search will begin with the location specified by the +-templates+ 
# option (if provided) and will continue by adding '/templates' to the 
# end of each location specified by the listing for 
# Sprout::Generator#search_paths .
# = Creation
# The core Sprout gem comes with a Sprout::GeneratorGenerator. This command line 
# application is intended to be executed within a project and given the name 
# of a generator that you'd like to create.
# Try experimenting with this, and please 
# suggest[] any improvements to 
# the Google Group.
# ---
# Back to Home: {file:README.textile}
# Next Topic: {Sprout::Library}
# ---
# @see Sprout::GeneratorGenerator
# @see Sprout::Library
# @see Sprout::Executable
# @see Sprout::Specification
# @see Sprout::RubyFeature
# @see Sprout::System
module Generator
  include RubyFeature

  class << self

    # Register a generator class and template path for future use.
    # Generator class names must end with "Generator", and everything
    # to the left will be used for future lookups.
    # The following example will register a TestGenerator that can be
    # retrieved as +:test+.
    #   Sprout::Generator.register TestGenerator
    # @param generator_class [Class] A reference to the concrete Generator class.
    #   Usually these classes extend Sprout::Generator::Base.
    # @param templates_path [Directory] The path to the default templates that should 
    #   be used for this generator. By default, a folder named +templates+ relative to 
    #   the class definition will be used. Templates will also be searched for in a variety
    #   of locations depending on the user system. This path is simply the final searching
    #   point.
    # @return [Hash] the entity that was stored to represent the provided Generator.
    #   The entity will  generally have the keys, :class and :templates.
    def register generator_class, templates_path=nil
      generator_paths << { :class => generator_class, :templates => templates_path } unless templates_path.nil?

    # Create an instance of a concrete Generator using a +type+ argument.
    # The idea is that libraries may register a generator class named, 
    #   +TestGenerator+, and other generators can instantiate it without
    #   including it's Class by reference with:
    #   Sprout::Generator.create_instance :test
    # @param type [Symbol] A snake-cased name of the class without the Generator suffix.
    #   for example, to instantiate a generator named, +TestSuiteGenerator+, this argument
    #   would be +:test_suite+
    # @param options [Hash] deprecated - please remove this argument wherever it's found.
    def create_instance type, options=nil
      class_name = "#{type.to_s.camel_case}Generator"
      registered_entities.each do |entity|
        if(entity.to_s.match(/::#{class_name}$/) || entity.to_s.match(/^#{class_name}$/))
      raise "Could not find any generator named: (#{class_name}). Perhaps you need to add a RubyGem to your Gemfile?"

    # Retrieve the root template folder for the provided Class.
    # This method will look for a templates folder next to
    # each superclass in the inheritance chain.
    def template_folder_for clazz
      # Search the potential matches in reverse order
      # because subclasses have registered AFTER their
      # superclasses and superclasses match the ===
      # check...
      generator_paths.reverse.each do |options|
        if options[:class] === clazz
          return options[:templates]

    # Returns a new collection of paths to search within for generator 
    # declarations and more importantly, folders named, 'templates'.
    # The collection of search_paths will be a subset of the following
    # that will include only those directories that exist:
    #     ./config/generators
    #     ./vendor/generators
    #     ~/Library/Sprouts/1.0/generators                          # OS X only
    #     ~/.sprouts/1.0/generators                                 # Unix only
    #     [USER_HOME]/Application Data/Sprouts/cache/1.0/generators # Windows only
    #     ENV['SPROUT_GENERATORS']                                  # Only if defined
    #     [Generator Declaration __FILE__]
    #     [Generator SUPER-class declaration __FILE__]
    #     [Repeat step above until there is no super-class]
    # When the generators attempt to resolve templates, each of the preceding
    # folders will be scanned for a child directory named 'templates'. Within
    # that directory, the requested template name will be scanned and the first
    # found template file will be used. This process will be repeated for each
    # template file that is requested. 
    # The results of this search are not cached, so you can override a single 
    # template and leave the rest wherever the generator has defined them.
    # @return [Array] of paths
    def search_paths
      # NOTE: Do not cache this list, specific generators
      # will modify it with their own lookups { |path| }


    def create_search_paths
      paths = [
                File.join('config', 'generators'),
                File.join('vendor', 'generators'),
      paths << ENV['SPROUT_GENERATORS'] unless ENV['SPROUT_GENERATORS'].nil?

    # I know this seems weird - but we can't instantiate the classes
    # during registration because they register before they've been fully
    # interpreted...
    def update_registered_entities
      registered_entities.collect! do |gen|
        (gen.is_a?(Class)) ? : gen

    def configure_instance generator

    def generator_paths
      @generator_paths ||= []

