# frozen_string_literal: true require 'bolt/config/transport/ssh' require 'bolt/config/transport/winrm' require 'bolt/config/transport/orch' require 'bolt/config/transport/local' require 'bolt/config/transport/docker' require 'bolt/config/transport/remote' module Bolt class Config module Options # Transport config classes. Used to load default transport config which # gets passed along to the inventory. TRANSPORT_CONFIG = { 'ssh' => Bolt::Config::Transport::SSH, 'winrm' => Bolt::Config::Transport::WinRM, 'pcp' => Bolt::Config::Transport::Orch, 'local' => Bolt::Config::Transport::Local, 'docker' => Bolt::Config::Transport::Docker, 'remote' => Bolt::Config::Transport::Remote }.freeze # Plugin definition. This is used by the JSON schemas to indicate that an option # accepts a plugin reference. Since this isn't used by Bolt to perform automatic # type validation, the :type key is set to a JSON type instead of a Ruby type. PLUGIN = { "_plugin" => { description: "A plugin reference.", type: "object", required: ["_plugin"], properties: { "_plugin" => { description: "The name of the plugin.", type: "string" } } } }.freeze # The following constants define the various configuration options available to Bolt. # Each constant is a hash where keys are the configuration option and values are the # option's definition. These options are used in multiple locations: # # - Automatic type validation when loading and setting configuration # - Generating reference documentation for configuration files # - Generating JSON schemas for configuration files # # Data includes keys defined by JSON Schema Draft 07 as well as some metadata used # by Bolt to generate documentation. The following keys are used: # # :description String A detailed description of the option and what it does. This # field is used in both documentation and the JSON schemas, # and should provide as much detail as possible, including # links to relevant documentation. # # :type Class The expected type of a value. These should be Ruby classes, # as this field is used to perform automatic type validation. # If an option can accept more than one type, this should be # an array of types. Boolean values should set :type to # [TrueClass, FalseClass], as Ruby does not have a single # Boolean class. # # :items Hash A definition hash for items in an array. Similar to values # for top-level options, items can have a :description, :type, # or any other key in this list. # # :uniqueItems Boolean Whether or not an array should contain only unique items. # # :properties Hash A hash where keys are sub-options and values are definitions # for the sub-option. Similar to values for top-level options, # properties can have a :description, :type, or any other key # in this list. # # :additionalProperties A variation of the :properties key, where the hash is a # Hash definition for any properties not specified in :properties. # This can be used to permit arbitrary sub-options, such as # logs for the 'log' option. # # :required Array An array of properties that are required for options that # accept Hash values. # # :minimum Integer The minimum integer value for an option. # # :enum Array An array of values that the option recognizes. # # :pattern String A JSON regex pattern that the option's vaue should match. # # :format String Requires that a string value matches a format defined by the # JSON Schema draft. # # :_plugin Boolean Whether the option accepts a plugin reference. This is used # when generating the JSON schemas to determine whether or not # to include a reference to the _plugin definition. If :_plugin # is set to true, the script that generates JSON schemas will # automatically recurse through the :items and :properties keys # and add plugin references if applicable. # # :_example Any An example value for the option. This is used to generate # reference documentation for configuration files. # # :_default Any The documented default value for the option. This is only # used to generate reference documentation for configuration # files and is not used by Bolt to actually set default values. OPTIONS = { "apply_settings" => { description: "A map of Puppet settings to use when applying Puppet code using the `apply` "\ "plan function or the `bolt apply` command.", type: Hash, properties: { "show_diff" => { description: "Whether to log and report a contextual diff.", type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], _example: true, _default: false } }, _plugin: false, _deprecation: "This option will be removed in Bolt 3.0. Use `apply-settings` instead." }, "apply-settings" => { description: "A map of Puppet settings to use when applying Puppet code using the `apply` "\ "plan function or the `bolt apply` command.", type: Hash, properties: { "show_diff" => { description: "Whether to log and report a contextual diff.", type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], _example: true, _default: false } }, _plugin: false }, "color" => { description: "Whether to use colored output when printing messages to the console.", type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], _plugin: false, _example: false, _default: true }, "compile-concurrency" => { description: "The maximum number of simultaneous manifest block compiles.", type: Integer, minimum: 1, _plugin: false, _example: 5, _default: "Number of cores." }, "concurrency" => { description: "The number of threads to use when executing on remote targets.", type: Integer, minimum: 1, _plugin: false, _example: 50, _default: "100 or 1/7 the ulimit, whichever is lower." }, "format" => { description: "The format to use when printing results.", type: String, enum: %w[human json rainbow], _plugin: false, _example: "json", _default: "human" }, "hiera-config" => { description: "The path to the Hiera configuration file.", type: String, _plugin: false, _example: "~/.puppetlabs/bolt/hiera.yaml", _default: "project/hiera.yaml" }, "inventory-config" => { description: "A map of default configuration options for the inventory. This includes options "\ "for setting the default transport to use when connecting to targets, as well as "\ "options for configuring the default behavior of each transport.", type: Hash, _plugin: false, _example: {} }, "inventoryfile" => { description: "The path to a structured data inventory file used to refer to groups of targets on the "\ "command line and from plans. Read more about using inventory files in [Inventory "\ "files](inventory_file_v2.md).", type: String, _plugin: false, _deprecation: "This option will be removed in Bolt 3.0. Use the `--inventoryfile` command-line option "\ "to use a non-default inventory file or move the file contents to `inventory.yaml` in the "\ "project directory.", _example: "~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml", _default: "project/inventory.yaml" }, "log" => { description: "A map of configuration for the logfile output. Under `log`, you can configure log options "\ "for `console` and add configuration for individual log files, such as "\ "`~/.puppetlabs/bolt/debug.log`. Individual log files must be valid filepaths. If the log "\ "file does not exist, then Bolt will create it before logging information. Set the value to "\ "`disable` to remove a log file defined at an earlier level of the config hierarchy. By "\ "default, Bolt logs to a bolt-debug.log file in the Bolt project directory.", type: Hash, properties: { "console" => { description: "Configuration for logs output to the console.", type: [String, Hash], enum: ['disable'], properties: { "level" => { description: "The type of information to log.", type: String, enum: %w[trace debug error info warn fatal any], _default: "warn" } } } }, additionalProperties: { description: "Configuration for the logfile output.", type: [String, Hash], enum: ['disable'], properties: { "append" => { description: "Whether to append output to an existing log file.", type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], _default: true }, "level" => { description: "The type of information to log.", type: String, enum: %w[trace debug error info warn fatal any], _default: "warn" } } }, _plugin: false, _example: { "console" => { "level" => "info" }, "~/logs/debug.log" => { "append" => false, "level" => "debug" } } }, "modulepath" => { description: "An array of directories that Bolt loads content such as plans and tasks from. Read more "\ "about modules in [Module structure](module_structure.md).", type: [Array, String], items: { type: String }, _plugin: false, _example: ["~/.puppetlabs/bolt/modules", "~/.puppetlabs/bolt/site-modules"], _default: ["project/modules", "project/site-modules", "project/site"] }, "modules" => { description: "A list of module dependencies for the project. Each dependency is a map of data specifying "\ "the module to install. To install the project's module dependencies, run the `bolt module "\ "install` command.", type: Array, items: { type: [Hash, String], oneOf: [ { required: ["name"], properties: { "name" => { description: "The name of the module.", type: String }, "version_requirement" => { description: "The version requirement for the module. Accepts a specific version (1.2.3), version "\ "shorthand (1.2.x), or a version range (>= 1.2.0).", type: String } } }, { required: %w[git ref], properties: { "git" => { description: "The URL to the public git repository.", type: String }, "ref" => { description: "The git reference to check out. Can be either a branch, tag, or commit SHA.", type: String } } } ] }, _plugin: false, _example: [ "puppetlabs-facts", { "name" => "puppetlabs-mysql" }, { "name" => "puppetlabs-apache", "version_requirement" => "5.5.0" }, { "name" => "puppetlabs-puppetdb", "version_requirement" => "7.x" }, { "name" => "puppetlabs-firewall", "version_requirement" => ">= 1.0.0 < 3.0.0" }, { "git" => "https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apt", "ref" => "7.6.0" } ] }, "name" => { description: "The name of the Bolt project. When this option is configured, the project is considered a "\ "[Bolt project](projects.md), allowing Bolt to load content from the project directory "\ "as though it were a module.", type: String, _plugin: false, _example: "myproject" }, "plans" => { description: "A list of plan names and glob patterns to filter the project's plans by. This option is used "\ "to limit the visibility of plans for users of the project. For example, project authors "\ "might want to limit the visibility of plans that are bundled with Bolt or plans that should "\ "only be run as part of another plan. When this option is not configured, all plans are "\ "visible. This option does not prevent users from running plans that are not part of this "\ "list.", type: Array, _plugin: false, _example: ["myproject", "myproject::foo", "myproject::bar", "myproject::deploy::*"] }, "plugin_hooks" => { description: "A map of [plugin hooks](writing_plugins.md#hooks) and which plugins a hook should use. "\ "The only configurable plugin hook is `puppet_library`, which can use two possible plugins: "\ "[`puppet_agent`](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-puppet_agent#puppet_agentinstall) "\ "and [`task`](using_plugins.md#task).", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "puppet_library" => { "plugin" => "puppet_agent", "version" => "6.15.0", "_run_as" => "root" } }, _deprecation: "This option will be removed in Bolt 3.0. Use `plugin-hooks` instead." }, "plugin-hooks" => { description: "A map of [plugin hooks](writing_plugins.md#hooks) and which plugins a hook should use. "\ "The only configurable plugin hook is `puppet_library`, which can use two possible plugins: "\ "[`puppet_agent`](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-puppet_agent#puppet_agentinstall) "\ "and [`task`](using_plugins.md#task).", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "puppet_library" => { "plugin" => "puppet_agent", "version" => "6.15.0", "_run_as" => "root" } } }, "plugins" => { description: "A map of plugins and their configuration data, where each key is the name of a plugin and "\ "its value is a map of configuration data. Configurable options are specified by the plugin. "\ "Read more about configuring plugins in [Using plugins](using_plugins.md#configuring-plugins).", type: Hash, additionalProperties: { type: Hash, _plugin: true }, _plugin: false, _example: { "pkcs7" => { "keysize" => 1024 } } }, "puppetdb" => { description: "A map containing options for [configuring the Bolt PuppetDB "\ "client](bolt_connect_puppetdb.md).", type: Hash, properties: { "cacert" => { description: "The path to the ca certificate for PuppetDB.", type: String, _example: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem" }, "cert" => { description: "The path to the client certificate file to use for authentication.", type: String, _example: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/my-host.example.com.pem" }, "connect_timeout" => { description: "How long to wait in seconds when establishing connections with PuppetDB.", type: Integer, minimum: 1, _default: 60, _example: 120 }, "key" => { description: "The private key for the certificate.", type: String, _example: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/my-host.example.com.pem" }, "read_timeout" => { description: "How long to wait in seconds for a response from PuppetDB.", type: Integer, minimum: 1, _default: 60, _example: 120 }, "server_urls" => { description: "An array containing the PuppetDB host to connect to. Include the protocol `https` "\ "and the port, which is usually `8081`. For example, "\ "`https://my-puppetdb-server.com:8081`.", type: Array, _example: ["https://puppet.example.com:8081"] }, "token" => { description: "The path to the PE RBAC Token.", type: String, _example: "~/.puppetlabs/token" } }, _plugin: true }, "puppetfile" => { description: "A map containing options for the `bolt puppetfile install` command.", type: Hash, properties: { "forge" => { description: "A subsection that can have its own `proxy` setting to set an HTTP proxy for Forge "\ "operations only, and a `baseurl` setting to specify a different Forge host.", type: Hash, properties: { "baseurl" => { description: "The URL to the Forge host.", type: String, format: "uri", _example: "https://forge.example.com" }, "proxy" => { description: "The HTTP proxy to use for Git and Forge operations.", type: String, format: "uri", _example: "https://forgeapi.example.com" } }, _example: { "baseurl" => "https://forge.example.com", "proxy" => "https://forgeapi.example.com" } }, "proxy" => { description: "The HTTP proxy to use for Git and Forge operations.", type: String, format: "uri", _example: "https://forgeapi.example.com" } }, _plugin: false }, "save-rerun" => { description: "Whether to update `.rerun.json` in the Bolt project directory. If "\ "your target names include passwords, set this value to `false` to avoid "\ "writing passwords to disk.", type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], _plugin: false, _example: false, _default: true }, "tasks" => { description: "A list of task names and glob patterns to filter the project's tasks by. This option is used "\ "to limit the visibility of tasks for users of the project. For example, project authors "\ "might want to limit the visibility of tasks that are bundled with Bolt or plans that should "\ "only be run as part of a larger workflow. When this option is not configured, all tasks "\ "are visible. This option does not prevent users from running tasks that are not part of "\ "this list.", type: Array, items: { type: String }, _plugin: false, _example: ["myproject", "myproject::foo", "myproject::bar", "myproject::deploy_*"] }, "trusted-external-command" => { description: "The path to an executable on the Bolt controller that can produce external trusted facts. "\ "**External trusted facts are experimental in both Puppet and Bolt and this API may change or "\ "be removed.**", type: String, _plugin: false, _example: "/etc/puppetlabs/facts/trusted_external.sh" } }.freeze # Options that configure the inventory, specifically the default transport # used by targets and the transports themselves. These options are used in # bolt.yaml, under a 'config' key in inventory.yaml, and under the # 'inventory-config' key in bolt-defaults.yaml. INVENTORY_OPTIONS = { "transport" => { description: "The default transport to use when the transport for a target is not "\ "specified in the URI.", type: String, enum: TRANSPORT_CONFIG.keys, _plugin: false, _example: "winrm", _default: "ssh" }, "docker" => { description: "A map of configuration options for the docker transport.", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "cleanup" => false, "service-url" => "https://docker.example.com" } }, "local" => { description: "A map of configuration options for the local transport. The set of available options is "\ "platform dependent.", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "cleanup" => false, "tmpdir" => "/tmp/bolt" } }, "pcp" => { description: "A map of configuration options for the pcp transport.", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "job-poll-interval" => 15, "job-poll-timeout" => 30 } }, "remote" => { description: "A map of configuration options for the remote transport.", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "run-on" => "proxy_target" } }, "ssh" => { description: "A map of configuration options for the ssh transport.", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "password" => "hunter2!", "user" => "bolt" } }, "winrm" => { description: "A map of configuration options for the winrm transport.", type: Hash, _plugin: true, _example: { "password" => "hunter2!", "user" => "bolt" } } }.freeze # Options that are available in a bolt.yaml file BOLT_OPTIONS = %w[ apply-settings apply_settings color compile-concurrency concurrency format hiera-config inventoryfile log modulepath plugin-hooks plugin_hooks plugins puppetdb puppetfile save-rerun trusted-external-command ].freeze # Options that are available in a bolt-defaults.yaml file BOLT_DEFAULTS_OPTIONS = %w[ color compile-concurrency concurrency format inventory-config log plugin-hooks plugin_hooks plugins puppetdb puppetfile save-rerun ].freeze # Options that are available in a bolt-project.yaml file BOLT_PROJECT_OPTIONS = %w[ apply-settings apply_settings color compile-concurrency concurrency format hiera-config inventoryfile log modulepath modules name plans plugin-hooks plugin_hooks plugins puppetdb puppetfile save-rerun tasks trusted-external-command ].freeze end end end