echoe Echoe is a simple tool for working with Rubygems. It generates Rake tasks for documentation, testing, packaging, and deployment. == License Copyright 2007 Cloudburst, LLC. See included LICENSE file. Portions copyright 2006 Ryan Davis, Zen Spider Software, and used with permission. See included MIT-LICENSE file. == Usage First, organize your gem according to the usual structure: lib/ bin/ ext/ README LICENSE CHANGELOG Rakefile Your CHANGELOG should be formatted as follows (including newlines): v2.1. newest change v2. older change v1.9. oldest change This way Echoe can parse the latest version and changeset message automatically. Your Rakefile needs the following minimal contents: require "rubygems" require "echoe""gem_name") More advanced configuration is described in the Echoe class. == Deploying your gem Now, to build your documentation and deploy the gem: rake build_manifest rake publish_docs rake release == All Rake tasks The following tasks are made available to your gem. Packaging: * build_manifest - Build a Manifest list. * docs - Build the documentation. * package - Build all the packages. Testing: * test - Run the test suite. * install - Install the gem locally. * uninstall - Uninstall the gem. Upload: * publish_docs - Publish documentation to the web. * release - Package and upload the latest release to Rubyforge. Cleaning: * clean - Delete all the generated documentation and packages. * redocs - Force a rebuild of the Rdoc files. * repackage - Force a rebuild of the package files.