class Element < ApplicationRecord serialize :html_attributes # Scopes scope :formable, -> { where(formable: true) } scope :importable, -> { where(importable: true) } scope :exportable, -> { where(exportable: true) } scope :indexable, -> { where(indexable: true) } # Callbacks # @TODO: watch schema timestamp file and restart systemd services if it changes? # - Necessary for JSON Attr and Sidekiq to pick up new fields or changes # - # - fswatch? # - cap deploy:restart after_save do File.write(Rails.root.join("tmp/schema_timestamp.txt").to_s, end # Validations validates :label, :solr_field, :field_type, presence: true FIELD_TYPES = [ "string", "text", "integer", "boolean", "datetime" ] # Find by solr_field shortcut def Element.find_by_solr_field(field) end # Element Field List (Labels as Symbols) def self.list @list ||= { |e| e.label.parameterize(separator: "_").to_sym } end def constantized_label label.parameterize(separator: "_").upcase end # Index value def index_value if index_transformation_method.present? index_transformation_method else solr_field end end # Export value def export_value if export_transformation_method.present? export_transformation_method else solr_field end end def self.label_nocase(label) Element.where("LOWER(label) = ?","_", " ").downcase).first end # Class Level - Method Missing # ex. :title => "Title" def self.method_missing(m, *args, &block) if list.include?(m) label_nocase(m) else super end end def self.sort_elements(id_array) transaction do logger.debug { id_array.inspect } id_array.each_with_index do |elm_id, i| Element.update(elm_id, position: i) end end end def self.respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) label_nocase(method_name).present? || super end end