# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Mongo::Grid::FSBucket::Stream::Write do let(:support_fs) do authorized_client.database.fs(fs_options) end before do support_fs.files_collection.drop rescue nil support_fs.chunks_collection.drop rescue nil end let(:file) do File.open(__FILE__) end let(:file2) do File.open(__FILE__) end let(:fs_options) do { } end let(:fs) do authorized_client.database.fs(fs_options) end let(:filename) do 'specs.rb' end let(:extra_options) do { } end let(:options) do { filename: filename }.merge(extra_options).merge(fs.options) end let(:stream) do described_class.new(fs, options) end describe '#initialize' do it 'sets the file id' do expect(stream.file_id).to be_a(BSON::ObjectId) end it 'sets the fs object' do expect(stream.fs).to eq(fs) end it 'opens a stream' do expect(stream.close).to be_a(BSON::ObjectId) end context 'when the fs does not have disable_md5 specified' do it 'sets an md5 for the file' do stream.send(:file_info).to_bson expect(stream.send(:file_info).document[:md5].size).to eq(32) end end context 'when the fs has disable_md5 specified' do before do stream.send(:file_info).to_bson end context 'when disable_md5 is true' do let(:fs_options) do { disable_md5: true } end it 'does not set an md5 for the file' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document.has_key?(:md5)). to be(false) expect(stream.send(:file_info).document[:md5]). to be_nil end end context 'when disabled_md5 is false' do let(:fs_options) do { disable_md5: false } end it 'sets an md5 for the file' do stream.send(:file_info).to_bson expect(stream.send(:file_info).document[:md5].size).to eq(32) end end end context 'when the fs has a write concern' do require_topology :single let(:fs_options) do { write: INVALID_WRITE_CONCERN } end it 'uses the write concern of the fs as a default' do expect{ stream.close }.to raise_exception(Mongo::Error::OperationFailure) end end context 'when the fs does not have a write concern' do let(:fs) do authorized_client.with(write: nil).database.fs end it 'uses the write concern default at the operation level' do expect(stream.write(file).closed?).to eq(false) end end context 'when provided options' do context 'when provided a write option' do let(:extra_options) do { write: INVALID_WRITE_CONCERN } end let(:expected) do Mongo::WriteConcern.get(options[:write]).options end it 'sets the write concern' do expect(stream.write_concern.options).to eq(expected) end context 'when chunks are inserted' do it 'uses that write concern' do expect(stream.send(:chunks_collection).write_concern.options[:w]).to eq(expected[:w]) end end context 'when a files document is inserted' do it 'uses that write concern' do expect(stream.send(:files_collection).write_concern.options[:w]).to eq(expected[:w]) end end end context 'when provided a metadata document' do let(:options) do { metadata: { 'some_field' => 'test-file' } } end it 'sets the metadata document' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).metadata).to eq(options[:metadata]) end end context 'when provided a chunk size option' do let(:options) do { chunk_size: 50 } end it 'sets the chunk size' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).chunk_size).to eq(options[:chunk_size]) end context 'when chunk size is also set on the FSBucket object' do let(:fs_options) do { chunk_size: 100 } end it 'uses the write stream options' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).chunk_size).to eq(options[:chunk_size]) end end end context 'when provided a content type option' do let(:options) do { content_type: 'text/plain' } end it 'sets the content type' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).content_type).to eq(options[:content_type]) end end context 'when provided an aliases option' do let(:options) do { aliases: [ 'testing-file' ] } end it 'sets the aliases' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document[:aliases]).to eq(options[:aliases]) end end context 'when provided a file_id option' do let(:options) do { file_id: 'Custom ID' } end it 'assigns the stream the file id' do expect(stream.file_id).to eq(options[:file_id]) end end end end describe '#write' do let(:file_from_db) do fs.find_one(filename: filename) end context 'when the stream is written to' do before do stream.write(file) end it 'does not close the stream' do expect(stream).not_to receive(:close) end end context 'when indexes need to be ensured' do context 'when the files collection is empty' do before do stream.write(file) end let(:chunks_index) do fs.database[fs.chunks_collection.name].indexes.get(:files_id => 1, :n => 1) end let(:files_index) do fs.database[fs.files_collection.name].indexes.get(:filename => 1, :uploadDate => 1) end it 'creates an index on the files collection' do expect(files_index[:name]).to eq('filename_1_uploadDate_1') end it 'creates an index on the chunks collection' do expect(chunks_index[:name]).to eq('files_id_1_n_1') end context 'when write is called more than once' do before do expect(fs).not_to receive(:ensure_indexes!) end it 'only creates the indexes the first time' do stream.write(file2) end end end context 'when the files collection is empty but indexes already exist with double values' do before do fs.files_collection.indexes.create_one( { filename: 1.0, uploadDate: 1.0 }, name: 'filename_1_uploadDate_1' ) fs.chunks_collection.indexes.create_one( { files_id: 1.0, n: 1.0 }, name: 'files_id_1_n_1', unique: true ) end it 'does not raise an exception' do expect do stream.write(file) end.not_to raise_error end it 'does not create new indexes' do stream.write(file) files_indexes = fs.files_collection.indexes.map { |index| index['key'] } chunks_indexes = fs.chunks_collection.indexes.map { |index| index['key'] } # Ruby parses the index keys with integer values expect(files_indexes).to eq([{ '_id' => 1 }, { 'filename' => 1, 'uploadDate' => 1 }]) expect(chunks_indexes).to eq([{ '_id' => 1 }, { 'files_id' => 1, 'n' => 1 }]) end end context 'when the files collection is not empty' do before do support_fs.send(:ensure_indexes!) support_fs.files_collection.insert_one(a: 1) stream.write(file) end let(:files_index) do fs.database[fs.files_collection.name].indexes.get(:filename => 1, :uploadDate => 1) end it 'assumes indexes already exist' do expect(files_index[:name]).to eq('filename_1_uploadDate_1') end end context 'when the index creation is done explicitely' do before do fs.chunks_collection.indexes.create_one(Mongo::Grid::FSBucket::CHUNKS_INDEX, :unique => false) end it 'should not raise an error to the user' do expect { stream.write(file) }.not_to raise_error end end end context 'when provided an io stream' do context 'when no file id is specified' do before do stream.write(file) stream.close end it 'writes the contents of the stream' do expect(file_from_db.data.size).to eq(file.size) end it 'updates the length written' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document['length']).to eq(file.size) end it 'updates the position (n)' do expect(stream.instance_variable_get(:@n)).to eq(1) end end context 'when a custom file id is provided' do let(:extra_options) do { file_id: 'Custom ID' } end let!(:id) do stream.write(file) stream.close end it 'writes the contents of the stream' do expect(file_from_db.data.size).to eq(file.size) end it 'updates the length written' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document['length']).to eq(file.size) end it 'updates the position (n)' do expect(stream.instance_variable_get(:@n)).to eq(1) end it 'uses the custom file id' do expect(id).to eq(options[:file_id]) end end context 'when the user file contains no data' do before do stream.write(file) stream.close end let(:file) do StringIO.new('') end let(:files_coll_doc) do stream.fs.files_collection.find(filename: filename).to_a.first end let(:chunks_documents) do stream.fs.chunks_collection.find(files_id: stream.file_id).to_a end it 'creates a files document' do expect(files_coll_doc).not_to be(nil) end it 'sets length to 0 in the files document' do expect(files_coll_doc['length']).to eq(0) end it 'does not insert any chunks' do expect(file_from_db.data.size).to eq(file.size) end end end context 'when the stream is written to multiple times' do before do stream.write(file) stream.write(file2) stream.close end it 'writes the contents of the stream' do expect(file_from_db.data.size).to eq(file.size * 2) end it 'updates the length written' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document['length']).to eq(file.size * 2) end it 'updates the position (n)' do expect(stream.instance_variable_get(:@n)).to eq(2) end end context 'when the stream is closed' do before do stream.close end it 'does not allow further writes' do expect { stream.write(file) }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::ClosedStream) end end end describe '#close' do let(:file_content) do File.open(__FILE__).read end context 'when close is called on the stream' do before do stream.write(file) end let(:file_id) do stream.file_id end it 'returns the file id' do expect(stream.close).to eq(file_id) end end context 'when the stream is closed' do before do stream.write(file) stream.close end let(:md5) do Digest::MD5.new.update(file_content).hexdigest end let(:files_coll_doc) do stream.fs.files_collection.find(filename: filename).to_a.first end it 'inserts a file documents in the files collection' do expect(files_coll_doc['_id']).to eq(stream.file_id) end it 'updates the length in the files collection file document' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document[:length]).to eq(file.size) end it 'updates the md5 in the files collection file document' do expect(stream.send(:file_info).document[:md5]).to eq(md5) end end context 'when the stream is already closed' do before do stream.close end it 'raises an exception' do expect { stream.close }.to raise_error(Mongo::Error::ClosedStream) end end end describe '#closed?' do context 'when the stream is closed' do before do stream.close end it 'returns true' do expect(stream.closed?).to be(true) end end context 'when the stream is still open' do it 'returns false' do expect(stream.closed?).to be(false) end end end end