How to make documentation for Kaya? ============== Kaya documentation is loaded to your local mongodb during the command `prepare` from all .md files located inside /kaya/documentation/ and /kaya/ folders. Then it's made available in [/kaya/help/main](/kaya/help/main "Help") where you can see all documents and perform searches through them. Where do i put the documents? --------------------- You can push them to the kaya git project inside /kaya/documentation/ folder, /kaya/ folder it's also functional but it's discouraged. What type of file do i use? --------------------- You can only use Markdown (.md) files. How do i name it? --------------------- The name should describe the content of the document, beware that this name its going to be the title of the document in the [/kaya/help/main](/kaya/help/main "Help") page so take that into consideration. Also all the name should be all in undercase, and words should be separated by "_" wich are replaced by spaces afterwards. An example of this: Name of the file: The the title will be like this: This is an example How do i format de content of the file? --------------------- All files in kaya project shuld be formated like this Main title ============== Body of the file - Main title: it describes the content of the file, it is also the description dispayed here [/kaya/help/main](/kaya/help/main "Help") - Body of the file: here you can place all the content you want, see ´How do i format de body?´ for more info. How do i format de body? --------------------- You can use most of Markdown rules. Also you can use some basic HTML, but it's strongly discouraged. Here are some examples: Main title ============== Secondary titles --------------------- Normal text. > This is a quote. *This is italicized* **This is bold** ***This is italicized and bold*** `this is higlighted` - this - is a - list This is a link: [Despegar]( You can make relative links too: [/kaya/help/main](/kaya/help/main "Help") This is a block. This is a ruler: --------------------------------------- They are displayed as follows: Main title ============== Secondary titles --------------------- Normal text. > This is a quote. *This is italicized* **This is bold** ***This is italicized and bold*** `this is higlighted` - this - is a - list This is a link: [Despegar]( You can make relative links too: [/kaya/help/main](/kaya/help/main "Help") This is a block This is a ruler: ----------------------------------------