// This is a commonly used structure for WebSocket messanging. // The documentation is available on the www.plezi.io website: // http://www.plezi.io/docs/websockets#websocket-json-auto-dispatch // // Basics: // To open a websocket connection to the current location: // // var client = new PleziClient() // // To open a connection to a different path for the original server (SSL will be preserved when in use), use: // // var client = new PleziClient(PleziClient.origin + "/path") // // To automatically renew the connection when disconnections are reported by the browser, use: // // client.autoreconnect = true // client.reconnect_interval = 250 // sets how long to wait before reconnection attempts. default is 250 ms. // // To set up event handling, directly set an `` callback. i.e., for an event called `chat`: // // client.chat = function(event) { "..." } // // To sent / emit event in JSON format, use the `emit` method: // // client.emit({event: "chat", data: "the message"}) // function PleziClient(url, autoreconnect) { // Set URL if(url) { this.url = url } else { this.url = PleziClient.origin + window.location.pathname } // Connect Websocket this.reconnect(); // auto-reconnection this.autoreconnect = false; this.reconnect_interval = 200 // the timeout for a message ack receipt this.emit_timeout = false // Set the autoreconnect property if(autoreconnect) {this.autoreconnect = true;} } // The Websocket onopen callback PleziClient.prototype.___on_open = function(e) { this.owner.connected = true; if (this.owner.onopen) { this.owner.onopen(e) } } // The Websocket onclose callback PleziClient.prototype.___on_close = function(e) { this.owner.connected = false; if (this.owner.onclose) { this.owner.onclose(e) } if(this.owner.autoreconnect) { setTimeout( function(obj) { obj.reconnect(); }, this.owner.reconnect_interval, this.owner); } } // The Websocket onerror callback PleziClient.prototype.___on_error = function(e) { if (this.owner.onerror) {this.owner.onerror(e)} } // The Websocket onmessage callback PleziClient.prototype.___on_message = function(e) { try { var msg = JSON.parse(e.data); if ( msg.event == '_ack_') { clearTimeout(msg._EID_) } if ( (msg.event) && (this.owner[msg.event])) { this.owner[msg.event](msg); } else if ( (msg.event) && (this.owner['on' + msg.event])) { console.warn('PleziClient: use a callback called "' + msg.event + '" instead of of "on' + msg.event + '"'); this.owner['on' + msg.event](msg); } else { if (this.owner['unknown'] && (msg.event != '_ack_') ) {this.owner['unknown'](msg)}; } } catch(err) { console.error("PleziClient experienced an error while responding to the following onmessage event", err, e) } } // Sets a timeout for the websocket message PleziClient.prototype.___set_failed_timeout = function(event, callback, timeout) { if(event._EID_) {return event;}; if(!timeout) { timeout = this.emit_timeout; }; if(!callback) { callback = this.___on_timeout; }; if(!timeout) { return event; }; event._EID_ = setTimeout(callback, timeout, event, this); return event; } // Removes the _client_ property from the event and calls // the ontimeout callback within the correct scope PleziClient.prototype.___on_timeout = function(event, client) { client.ontimeout(event) } // The timeout callback PleziClient.prototype.ontimeout = function(event) { console.warn("Timeout reached - it's assumed the connection was lost " + "and the following event was ignored by the server:", event); console.log(this); } PleziClient.prototype.reconnect = function() { this.connected = NaN; this.ws = new WebSocket(this.url); // lets us access the client from the callbacks this.ws.owner = this // The Websocket onopen callback this.ws.on_open = this.___on_open // The Websocket onclose callback this.ws.onclose = this.___on_close // The Websocket onerror callback this.ws.onerror = this.___on_error // The Websocket onmessage callback this.ws.onmessage = this.___on_message } PleziClient.prototype.close = function() { this.autoreconnect = false; this.ws.close(); } PleziClient.origin = (window.location.protocol.match(/https/) ? 'wws' : 'ws') + '://' + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port == '' ? '' : (':' + window.location.port) ); PleziClient.prototype.sendraw = function(data) { if (this.ws.readyState != 1) { return false; } this.ws.send(data); if (this.ws.readyState != 1) { return false; } return true } PleziClient.prototype.emit = function(event, callback, timeout) { this.___set_failed_timeout(event, callback, timeout) return this.sendraw( JSON.stringify(event) ); } PleziClient.prototype.readyState = function() { return this.ws.readyState; }