# Clicksign::API 1.1.0 (Octuber 29, 2021) Add support to multiple credentials. This is useful to work with different environments, providing flexibility. For example, applications have different tokens for each environment. Other useful case, occurs working with multiple companies. The credentials should be a hash. It is possible use a `.yml` file to configure the authentication tokens. The `.yml` file can get the tokens using environment variables. Now all requests receive token parameter, that represents the key associated with the token. ## Examples: YML file ```yml key.production: 'CLICKSIGN_ACCESS_TOKEN_PRODUCTION' key.sandbox: 'CLICKSIGN_ACCESS_TOKEN_SANDBOX' ``` Request: ```ruby file = File.open('/path/to/file/local/file.pdf', 'r') response = Clicksign::API::Document.create( params: { path: '/path/to/file/on/clicksign.pdf', file: file }, token: 'key.production') ```