# fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model - a ViaQ data model filter plugin for [Fluentd](http://fluentd.org)
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## Introduction
This plugin formats Fluentd records in the proper [ViaQ data
model](https://github.com/ViaQ/elasticsearch-templates). It does the
* Removes empty fields
* fields with a value of `nil`
* string fields with a value of `''` or the empty string
* hash valued fields with a value of `{}`
* hash valued fields which contain only empty fields as described above
* FixNum, Boolean and other field values are not removed - type must respond
to `:empty?` to be considered empty
* Moves "undefined" values to a top level field called `undefined`
The ViaQ data model wants all top level fields defined and described. These
can conflict with the fields defined by ViaQ. You can "move" these fields to
be under a hash valued top level field called `undefined` so as not to conflict
with the "well known" ViaQ top level fields. You can optionally keep some
fields as top level fields while moving others to the `undefined` container.
* Rename a time field to `@timestamp`
You cannot set the `@timestamp` field in a Fluentd `record_transformer` filter.
The plugin allows you to use some other field e.g. `time` and have that "moved"
to a top level field called `@timestamp`.
* Converts systemd and json-file logs to ViaQ data model format
Doing this conversion in a `record_transformer` with embedded ruby code is very
resource intensive. The ViaQ plugin can convert common input formats such as
Kubernetes `json-file`, `/var/log/messages`, and systemd `journald` into their
corresponding ViaQ `_default_`, `systemd`, `kubernetes`, and
`pipeline_metadata` namespaced fields. The `pipeline_metadata` will be added
to all records, regardless of tag. Use the `pipeline_type` parameter to
specify which part of the pipeline this is, `collector` or `normalizer`.
The ViaQ data model conversion will only be applied to matching `tag`s
specified in a `formatter` section.
* Creates Elasticsearch index names or prefixes
You can create either a full Elasticsearch index name for the record (to be
used with the `fluent-plugin-elasticsearch` `target_index_key` parameter), or
create an index name prefix (missing the date/timestamp part of the index
name - to be used with `logstash_prefix_key`). In order to use this, create an
`elasticsearch_index_name` section, and specify the `tag` to match, and the
`name_type` type of index name to create. By default, a prefix name will be
stored in the `viaq_index_prefix` field in the record, and a full name will be
stored in the `viaq_index_name` field. Configure
`elasticsearch_index_name_field` or `elasticsearch_index_prefix_field` to use a
different field name.
## Configuration
NOTE: All fields are Optional - no required fields.
See `filter-viaq_data_model.conf` for an example filter configuration.
* `default_keep_fields` - comma delimited string - default: `''`
* This is the default list of fields to keep as top level fields in the record
* `default_keep_fields message,@timestamp,ident` - do not move these fields into the `undefined` field
* `extra_keep_fields` - comma delimited string - default: `''`
* This is an extra list of fields to keep in addition to
`default_keep_fields` - mostly useful as a way to hard code the
`default_keep_fields` list for configuration management purposes, but at the
same time allow customization in certain cases
* `extra_keep_fields myspecialfield1,myspecialfield2`
* `keep_empty_fields` - comma delimited string - default `''`
* Always keep these top level fields, even if they are empty
* `keep_empty_fields message` - keep the `message` field, even if empty
* `use_undefined` - boolean - default `false`
* If `true`, move fields not specified in `default_keep_fields` and
`extra_keep_fields` to the `undefined` top level field. If you use
`use_undefined` you should specify the fields you want to keep out of
`undefined` by using `default_keep_fields` and/or `extra_keep_fields`
* `undefined_name` - string - default `"undefined"`
* Name of undefined top level field to use if `use_undefined true` is set
* `undefined_name myfields` - keep undefined fields under field `myfields`
* `rename_time` - boolean - default `true`
* Rename the time field e.g. when you need to set `@timestamp` in the record
* NOTE: This will overwrite the `dest_time_name` if already set
* `rename_time_if_missing` - boolean - default `false`
* Rename the time field only if it is not present. For example, if some
records already have the `@timestamp` field and you do not want to overwrite
them, use `rename_time_if_missing true`
* `src_time_name` - string - default `time`
* Use this field to get the value of the time field in the resulting record.
This field will be removed from the record.
* NOTE: This field must be present in the `default_keep_fields` or
`extra_keep_fields` if `use_undefined true`
* `dest_time_name` - string - default `@timestamp`
* This is the name of the top level field to hold the time value. The value
is taken from the value of the `src_time_name` field.
* `formatter` - a formatter for a well known common data model source
* `type` - one of the well known sources
* `sys_journal` - a record read from the systemd journal
* `k8s_journal` - a Kubernetes container record read from the systemd
journal - should have `CONTAINER_NAME`, `CONTAINER_ID_FULL`
* `sys_var_log` - a record read from `/var/log/messages`
* `k8s_json_file` - a record read from a `/var/log/containers/*.log` JSON
formatted container log file
* `tag` - the Fluentd tag pattern to match for these records
* `remove_keys` - comma delimited list of keys to remove from the record
* `pipeline_type` - which part of the pipeline is this? `collector` or
`normalizer` - the default is `collector`
* `elasticsearch_index_name` - how to construct Elasticsearch index names or
prefixes for given tags
* `tag` - the Fluentd tag pattern to match for these records
* `name_type` - the well known type of index name or prefix to create -
`operations_full, project_full, operations_prefix, project_prefix` - The
`operations_*` types will create a name like `.operations`, and the
`project_*` types will create a name like
When using the `full` types, a delimiter `.` followed by the date in
`YYYY.MM.DD` format will be added to the string to make a full index name.
When using the `prefix` types, it is assumed that the
`fluent-plugin-elaticsearch` is used with the `logstash_prefix_key` to
create the full index name.
* `elasticsearch_index_name_field` - name of the field in the record which stores
the index name - you should remove this field in the elasticsearch output
plugin using the `remove_keys` config parameter - default is `viaq_idnex_name`
* `elasticsearch_index_prefix_field` - name of the field in the record which stores
the index prefix - you should remove this field in the elasticsearch output
plugin using the `remove_keys` config parameter - default is `viaq_idnex_prefix`
**NOTE** The `formatter` blocks are matched in the given order in the file.
This means, don't use `tag "**"` as the first formatter or none of your
others will be matched or evaulated.
**NOTE** The `elasticsearch_index_name` processing is done *last*, *after* the
formatting, removal of empty fields, `@timestamp` creation, etc., so use
e.g. `record['systemd']['t']['GID']` instead of `record['_GID']`
**NOTE** The `elasticsearch_index_name` blocks are matched in the given order
in the file. This means, don't use `tag "**"` as the first formatter or none
of your others will be matched or evaulated.
## Example
If the input record looks like this:
"a": "b",
"c": "d",
"e": '',
"f": {
"g": '',
"h": {}
"i": {
"j": 0,
"k": False,
"l": ''
"time": "2017-02-13 15:30:10.259106596-07:00"
The resulting record, using the defaults, would look like this:
"a": "b",
"c": "d",
"i": {
"j": 0,
"k": False,
"@timestamp": "2017-02-13 15:30:10.259106596-07:00"
## Formatter example
Given a record like the following with a tag of `journal.system`
_CMDLINE=/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-script=/usr/libexec/libvirt_leaseshelper
MESSASGE=my message
Using a configuration like this:
tag "journal.system**"
type sys_journal
The resulting record will look like this:
"systemd": {
"t": {
"u": {
"message":"my message",
## Elasticsearch index name example
Given a configuration like this:
tag "journal.system** system.var.log** **_default_** **_openshift_** **_openshift-infra_** mux.ops"
name_type operations_full
tag "**"
name_type project_full
elasticsearch_index_field viaq_index_name
A record with tag `journal.system` like this:
will end up looking like this:
A record with tag `kubernetes.journal.container` like this:
will end up looking like this:
## Installation
gem install fluent-plugin-viaq_data_model
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Test it (`GEM_HOME=vendor bundle install; GEM_HOME=vendor bundle exec rake test`)
5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
6. Create new Pull Request