namespace :facebooker do tunnel_ns = namespace :tunnel do # Courtesy of Christopher Haupt # # desc "Create a reverse ssh tunnel from a public server to a private development server." task :start => [ :environment, :config ] do puts @notification system @ssh_command end desc "Create a reverse ssh tunnel in the background. Requires ssh keys to be setup." task :background_start => [ :environment, :config ] do puts @notification system "#{@ssh_command} > /dev/null 2>&1 &" end # Adapted from Evan Weaver: desc "Check if reverse tunnel is running" task :status => [ :environment, :config ] do if `ssh #{@public_host} -l #{@public_host_username} netstat -an | egrep "tcp.*:#{@public_port}.*LISTEN" | wc`.to_i > 0 puts "Seems ok" else puts "Down" end end task :config => :environment do facebook_config = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../config/facebooker.yml' FACEBOOKER = YAML.load([RAILS_ENV] @public_host_username = FACEBOOKER['tunnel']['public_host_username'] @public_host = FACEBOOKER['tunnel']['public_host'] @public_port = FACEBOOKER['tunnel']['public_port'] @local_port = FACEBOOKER['tunnel']['local_port'] @ssh_port = FACEBOOKER['tunnel']['ssh_port'] || 22 @server_alive_interval = FACEBOOKER['tunnel']['server_alive_interval'] || 0 @notification = "Starting tunnel #{@public_host}:#{@public_port} to{@local_port}" @notification << " using SSH port #{@ssh_port}" unless @ssh_port == 22 # "GatewayPorts yes" needs to be enabled in the remote's sshd config @ssh_command = %Q[ssh -v -p #{@ssh_port} -nNT4 -o "ServerAliveInterval #{@server_alive_interval}" -R *:#{@public_port}:localhost:#{@local_port} #{@public_host_username}@#{@public_host}] end end desc "Create a reverse ssh tunnel from a public server to a private development server." task :tunnel => tunnel_ns[:start] end