# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) describe 'Backup::Storage::Cycler' do let(:cycler) { Backup::Storage::Cycler } let(:storage) { mock } let(:package) { mock } let(:storage_file) { mock } let(:pkg_a) { mock } let(:pkg_b) { mock } let(:pkg_c) { mock } let(:s) { sequence '' } describe '#cycle!' do it 'should setup variables and initiate cycling' do cycler.expects(:storage_file).in_sequence(s).returns(storage_file) cycler.expects(:update_storage_file!).in_sequence(s) cycler.expects(:remove_packages!).in_sequence(s) cycler.cycle!(storage, package) cycler.instance_variable_get(:@storage).should be(storage) cycler.instance_variable_get(:@package).should be(package) cycler.instance_variable_get(:@storage_file).should be(storage_file) end end describe 'update_storage_file!' do before do cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage, storage) cycler.instance_variable_set(:@package, package) cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage_file, storage_file) end it 'should remove entries and set @packages_to_remove' do storage.stubs(:keep).returns(2) cycler.expects(:yaml_load).in_sequence(s).returns([pkg_a, pkg_b, pkg_c]) cycler.expects(:yaml_save).in_sequence(s).with([package, pkg_a]) cycler.send(:update_storage_file!) cycler.instance_variable_get(:@packages_to_remove).should == [pkg_b, pkg_c] end it 'should typecast the value of keep' do storage.stubs(:keep).returns('2') cycler.expects(:yaml_load).in_sequence(s).returns([pkg_a, pkg_b, pkg_c]) cycler.expects(:yaml_save).in_sequence(s).with([package, pkg_a]) cycler.send(:update_storage_file!) cycler.instance_variable_get(:@packages_to_remove).should == [pkg_b, pkg_c] end end describe '#remove_packages!' do before do cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage, storage) cycler.instance_variable_set(:@packages_to_remove, [pkg_a, pkg_b, pkg_c]) end it 'should call the @storage to remove the old packages' do storage.expects(:remove!).in_sequence(s).with(pkg_a) storage.expects(:remove!).in_sequence(s).with(pkg_b) storage.expects(:remove!).in_sequence(s).with(pkg_c) cycler.send(:remove_packages!) end context 'when errors occur removing packages' do before do pkg_b.stubs(:trigger).returns('pkg_trigger') pkg_b.stubs(:time).returns('pkg_time') pkg_b.stubs(:filenames).returns(['file1', 'file2']) end it 'should warn and continue' do storage.expects(:remove!).in_sequence(s).with(pkg_a) storage.expects(:remove!).in_sequence(s).with(pkg_b).raises('error message') Backup::Logger.expects(:warn).with do |err| err.should be_an_instance_of Backup::Errors::Storage::CyclerError err.message.should == 'Storage::CyclerError: ' + "There was a problem removing the following package:\n" + " Trigger: pkg_trigger :: Dated: pkg_time\n" + " Package included the following 2 file(s):\n" + " file1\n" + " file2\n" + " Reason: RuntimeError\n" + " error message" end storage.expects(:remove!).in_sequence(s).with(pkg_c) expect do cycler.send(:remove_packages!) end.not_to raise_error end end end # describe '#remove_packages!' describe '#storage_file' do before do cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage, storage) storage.stubs(:class).returns('Backup::Storage::S3') cycler.instance_variable_set(:@package, package) package.stubs(:trigger).returns('pkg_trigger') end context 'when the @storage.storage_id is not set' do before { storage.stubs(:storage_id).returns(nil) } it 'should return the path to the YAML storage file with no suffix' do cycler.send(:storage_file).should == File.join(Backup::Config.data_path, 'pkg_trigger', 'S3.yml') end end context 'when the @storage.storage_id is set' do before { storage.stubs(:storage_id).returns('Storage #1') } it 'should sanitize the storage_id to use as a filename suffix' do cycler.send(:storage_file).should == File.join(Backup::Config.data_path, 'pkg_trigger', 'S3-Storage__1.yml') end end end # describe '#storage_file' describe '#yaml_load' do let(:obj_a) { mock } let(:obj_b) { mock } let(:obj_c) { mock } let(:unsorted_objects) { [obj_a, obj_c, obj_b] } let(:sorted_objects) { [obj_c, obj_b, obj_a] } before do cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage_file, storage_file) obj_a.instance_variable_set(:@time, '2012.') obj_b.instance_variable_set(:@time, '2012.') obj_c.instance_variable_set(:@time, '2012.') end context 'when the storage file exists' do before { File.expects(:exist?).with(storage_file).returns(true) } context 'when the file is not empty' do before { File.expects(:zero?).with(storage_file).returns(false) } it 'should return YAML deserialized objects in an array, sorted by time DESC' do YAML.expects(:load_file).with(storage_file).returns(unsorted_objects) cycler.expects(:check_upgrade).with(sorted_objects).returns(sorted_objects) cycler.send(:yaml_load).should be(sorted_objects) end end context 'when the file is empty' do before { File.expects(:zero?).with(storage_file).returns(true) } it 'should return an empty array' do cycler.send(:yaml_load).should == [] end end end context 'when the storage file does not exist' do before { File.expects(:exist?).with(storage_file).returns(false) } it 'should return an empty array' do cycler.send(:yaml_load).should == [] end end end # describe '#yaml_load' describe '#yaml_save' do let(:file) { mock } let(:pkgs) { [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ] } let(:pkgs_to_yaml) { pkgs.to_yaml } it 'should save the given packages to the storage file in YAML format' do cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage_file, storage_file) File.expects(:open).with(storage_file, 'w').yields(file) file.expects(:write).with(pkgs_to_yaml) cycler.send(:yaml_save, pkgs) end end # describe '#yaml_save' describe '#check_upgrade' do let(:yaml_v3_0_19) do <<-EOF.gsub(/^ +/,' ').gsub(/^ (-\W\W)/, "\\1") --- - !ruby/object:Backup::Storage::Local time: 2011. remote_file: 2011. - !ruby/object:Backup::Storage::Local time: 2011. remote_file: 2011. - !ruby/object:Backup::Storage::Local time: 2011. remote_file: 2011. EOF end let(:yaml_v3_0_20) do <<-EOF.gsub(/^ +/,' ').gsub(/^ (-\W\W)/, "\\1") --- - !ruby/object:Backup::Storage::Local time: 2011. chunk_suffixes: [] filename: 2011. version: 3.0.20 - !ruby/object:Backup::Storage::Local time: 2011. chunk_suffixes: [] filename: 2011. version: 3.0.20 - !ruby/object:Backup::Storage::Local time: 2011. chunk_suffixes: - aa - ab filename: 2011. version: 3.0.20 EOF end before do model = Backup::Model.new('foo', 'foo') cycler.instance_variable_set(:@storage, storage) storage.instance_variable_set(:@model, model) end it 'should upgrade v3.0.20 objects' do objects = YAML.load(yaml_v3_0_20) packages = cycler.send(:check_upgrade, objects) packages.all? {|pkg| pkg.is_a? Backup::Package }.should be_true packages.all? {|pkg| pkg.extension == 'tar.gz' }.should be_true packages[0].time.should == '2011.' packages[0].chunk_suffixes.should == [] packages[1].time.should == '2011.' packages[1].chunk_suffixes.should == [] packages[2].time.should == '2011.' packages[2].chunk_suffixes.should == ['aa', 'ab'] end it 'should upgrade v3.0.19 objects' do objects = YAML.load(yaml_v3_0_19) packages = cycler.send(:check_upgrade, objects) packages.all? {|pkg| pkg.is_a? Backup::Package }.should be_true packages.all? {|pkg| pkg.extension == 'tar.gz' }.should be_true packages.all? {|pkg| pkg.chunk_suffixes == [] }.should be_true packages[0].time.should == '2011.' packages[1].time.should == '2011.' packages[2].time.should == '2011.' end end # describe '#check_upgrade' end