describe("toThrowError", function() { it("throws an error when the actual is not a function", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(); expect(function() {{}); }).toThrowError(/Actual is not a Function/); }); it("throws an error when the expected is not an Error, string, or RegExp", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("foo"); }; expect(function() {, 1); }).toThrowError(/Expected is not an Error, string, or RegExp./); }); it("throws an error when the expected error type is not an Error", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("foo"); }; expect(function() {, void 0, "foo"); }).toThrowError(/Expected error type is not an Error./); }); it("throws an error when the expected error message is not a string or RegExp", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("foo"); }; expect(function() {, Error, 1); }).toThrowError(/Expected error message is not a string or RegExp./); }); it("fails if actual does not throw at all", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { return true; }, result; result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message).toEqual("Expected function to throw an Error."); }); it("fails if thrown is not an instanceof Error", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw 4; }, result; result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw an Error, but it threw 4."); }); describe("when error is from another frame", function() { function isNotRunningInBrowser() { return typeof document === 'undefined' } var iframe = null; afterEach(function() { if (iframe !== null) { document.body.removeChild(iframe); } }); it("passes if thrown is an instanceof Error regardless of global that contains its constructor", function() { if (isNotRunningInBrowser() || jasmine.getEnv().phantomVersion < 2 || jasmine.getEnv().ieVersion < 10) { return; } var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(); iframe = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); iframe.src = "about:blank"; var iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; if (iframeDocument.body) { iframeDocument.body.appendChild(iframeDocument.createElement("script")) .textContent = "function method() { throw new Error('foo'); }"; } else { // older IE iframeDocument.write(""); } var result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message).toEqual("Expected function not to throw an Error, but it threw Error."); }); }); it("fails with the correct message if thrown is a falsy value", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw undefined; }, result; result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw an Error, but it threw undefined."); }); it("passes if thrown is a type of Error, but there is no expected error", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new TypeError(); }, result; result =; expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message).toEqual("Expected function not to throw an Error, but it threw TypeError."); }); it("passes if thrown is an Error and the expected is the same message", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("foo"); }, result; result =, "foo"); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw an exception with message 'foo'."); }); it("fails if thrown is an Error and the expected is not the same message", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("foo"); }, result; result =, "bar"); expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw an exception with message 'bar', but it threw an exception with message 'foo'."); }); it("passes if thrown is an Error and the expected is a RegExp that matches the message", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("a long message"); }, result; result =, /long/); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw an exception with a message matching /long/."); }); it("fails if thrown is an Error and the expected is a RegExp that does not match the message", function() { var matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error("a long message"); }, result; result =, /foo/); expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw an exception with a message matching /foo/, but it threw an exception with message 'a long message'."); }); it("passes if thrown is an Error and the expected the same Error", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(true) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error(); }, result; result =, Error); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw Error."); }); it("passes if thrown is a custom error that takes arguments and the expected is the same error", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(true) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), CustomError = function CustomError(arg) { arg.x }, fn = function() { throw new CustomError({ x: 1 }); }, result; CustomError.prototype = new Error(); result =, CustomError); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw CustomError."); }); it("fails if thrown is an Error and the expected is a different Error", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(false) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new Error(); }, result; result =, TypeError); expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw TypeError, but it threw Error."); }); it("passes if thrown is a type of Error and it is equal to the expected Error and message", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(true) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new TypeError("foo"); }, result; result =, TypeError, "foo"); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw TypeError with message 'foo'."); }); it("passes if thrown is a custom error that takes arguments and it is equal to the expected custom error and message", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(true) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), CustomError = function CustomError(arg) { this.message = arg.message }, fn = function() { throw new CustomError({message: "foo"}); }, result; CustomError.prototype = new Error(); result =, CustomError, "foo"); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw CustomError with message 'foo'."); }); it("fails if thrown is a type of Error and the expected is a different Error", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(false) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new TypeError("foo"); }, result; result =, TypeError, "bar"); expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw TypeError with message 'bar', but it threw TypeError with message 'foo'."); }); it("passes if thrown is a type of Error and has the same type as the expected Error and the message matches the expected message", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(true) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new TypeError("foo"); }, result; result =, TypeError, /foo/); expect(result.pass).toBe(true); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function not to throw TypeError with a message matching /foo/."); }); it("fails if thrown is a type of Error and the expected is a different Error", function() { var util = { equals: jasmine.createSpy('delegated-equal').and.returnValue(false) }, matcher = jasmineUnderTest.matchers.toThrowError(), fn = function() { throw new TypeError("foo"); }, result; result =, TypeError, /bar/); expect(result.pass).toBe(false); expect(result.message()).toEqual("Expected function to throw TypeError with a message matching /bar/, but it threw TypeError with message 'foo'."); }); });