# FIXME: ========== cleanup and remove ==================== require 'yaml' require 'date' require 'fileutils' AUTHENTICATED_PREFIX = "oo" SITES_ROOT = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/sites" PASSWORD_SALT = "jf93jfnvnas09093nas0923" # type anything here (but change this line !) ZENA_CALENDAR_LANGS = ["en", "fr"] # FIXME: build this dynamically from existing files def has_executable(*list) list.inject(true) do |s,e| s && !(`which #{e} || echo 'no #{e}'` =~ /^no #{e}/) end end ENABLE_LATEX = true && has_executable('pdflatex') # enable LateX post-rendering ENABLE_FOP = true && has_executable('fop', 'xsltproc') # enable xsl-fo post-rendering ENABLE_MATH = true && has_executable('latex', 'dvips', 'convert', 'gs') ENABLE_ZENA_UP = false && has_executable('zena_up') ENABLE_XSENDFILE = false UPLOAD_KEY = defined?(Mongrel) ? 'upload_id' : "X-Progress-ID" require 'bricks/patcher' module Zena VERSION = '0.15.0' REVISION = 1336 ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) class << self attr_accessor :tools_enabled def add_load_paths(config = nil) paths_to_add = ( Dir["#{Zena::ROOT}/vendor/gems/*/lib"] + Dir["#{Zena::ROOT}/vendor/plugins/*/lib"] + Bricks::Patcher.models_paths ) if config config.load_paths += ["#{Zena::ROOT}/vendor"] else paths_to_add.each do |path| $LOAD_PATH.push path end end end def enable_tools # TODO: move all code from environment.rb here... @tools_enabled ||= {:Latex => ENABLE_LATEX, :fop => ENABLE_FOP, :math => ENABLE_MATH, :zena_up => ENABLE_ZENA_UP}.map{|k,v| v ? k : nil}.compact end def include_modules ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.send :include, Zena::Routes if ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[RAILS_ENV]['adapter'] == 'mysql' # This has to come first Zena::Fix::MysqlConnection end # FIXME: make this explicit in models ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Zena::Use::Zafu::ModelMethods ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Zena::Use::NodeQueryFinders::AddUseNodeQueryMethod ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Zena::Acts::Secure ActionController::Base.send :include, Zena::Acts::Secure end def require_in_lib(name, dir, lib_name = nil) if defined?(ActiveRecord) # late loading, require base = Dir["#{dir}/*#{name}*"].first lib_path = "#{base}/lib/#{lib_name || name}" lib_path += '.rb' unless lib_path =~ /\.rb$/ if File.exist?(lib_path) require lib_path else puts "Could not require #{lib_path.inspect}" end end end def gem_configuration conf = open("#{Zena::ROOT}/config/gems.yml") {|f| YAML.load(f.read)} res = {} conf.each do |k, v| if v.kind_of?(String) res[k] = {'version' => v} else res[k] = v end end res end def gems_setup gem_configuration.each do |gem_name, gem_config| if gem_config gem gem_name, gem_config['version'] else gem gem_name end end rescue LoadError # ignore (we need this to pass in rake tasks) end def config_gems(config) gem_configuration.each do |gem_name, gem_config| if gem_config conf = gem_config.symbolize_keys conf[:version].gsub!(/\A=\s*/,'') config.gem gem_name, conf else config.gem gem_name end end end def load_plugins Dir.foreach("#{Zena::ROOT}/vendor/plugins") do |plugin_name| next if plugin_name =~ /\A\./ require_in_lib plugin_name, "#{Zena::ROOT}/vendor/plugins" end # init.rb not evaluated in responds-to-parent ActionController::Base.send :include, RespondsToParent end def load_custom_extensions #FIXME: cleanup all these hacks ! lib_path = File.join(Zena::ROOT, 'lib') Dir.foreach(File.join(lib_path, 'core_ext')) do |f| next unless f =~ /\.rb\Z/ require File.join(lib_path, 'core_ext', f) end require File.join(lib_path, 'base_additions') require File.join(lib_path, 'fix_rails_layouts.rb') # FIXME: remove when https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/3207 approved end def set_default_timezone(config) # Make Active Record use UTC-base instead of local time # do not change this ! ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone = :utc ENV['TZ'] = 'UTC' end def load_bricks Bricks::Patcher.load_bricks end def add_inflections ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect| inflect.uncountable %w( children ) end end def initialize_gettext require 'fast_gettext' FastGettext.add_text_domain 'zena', :path => "#{Zena::ROOT}/locale" #File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../locale' FastGettext.text_domain = 'zena' end def init config = Rails.configuration enable_tools puts "** zena #{Zena::VERSION} #{tools_enabled == [] ? '' : '('+tools_enabled.join(', ')+') '}starting" add_load_paths(config) config_gems(config) load_plugins if RAILS_ROOT != Zena::ROOT load_custom_extensions include_modules load_bricks set_default_timezone(config) add_inflections initialize_gettext end end end # test if DRB started unless RAILS_ENV == 'test' || File.exist?(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'log', 'upload_progress_drb.pid')) puts "\n** WARNING: drb server not running. Upload progress will not work." puts " * WARNING: you should start the drb server with 'lib/upload_progress_server.rb start'\n\n" end unless File.exist?(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'database.yml')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(Zena::ROOT, 'config', 'database_example.yml'), File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'database.yml')) end unless File.exist?(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'log')) FileUtils.mkpath(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'log')) end unless File.exist?(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'sites')) FileUtils.mkpath(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'sites')) end # this list is taken from http://www.duke.edu/websrv/file-extensions.html EXT_TYPE = [ [ "ai" , "application/postscript" ], [ "aif" , "audio/x-aiff" ], [ "aifc" , "audio/x-aiff" ], [ "aiff" , "audio/x-aiff" ], [ "au" , "audio/basic" ], [ "avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ], [ "bcpio" , "application/x-bcpio" ], [ "bin" , "application/octet-stream" ], [ "ccad" , "application/clariscad" ], [ "cdf" , "application/x-netcdf" ], [ "class" , "application/octet-stream" ], [ "cpio" , "application/x-cpio" ], [ "cpt" , "application/mac-compactpro" ], [ "csh" , "application/x-csh" ], [ "css" , "text/css" ], [ "dcr" , "application/x-director" ], [ "dir" , "application/x-director" ], [ "dms" , "application/octet-stream" ], [ "doc" , "application/msword" ], [ "drw" , "application/drafting" ], [ "dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ], [ "dwg" , "application/acad" ], [ "dxf" , "application/dxf" ], [ "dxr" , "application/x-director" ], [ "eps" , "application/postscript" ], [ "etx" , "text/x-setext" ], [ "exe" , "application/octet-stream" ], [ "ez" , "application/andrew-inset" ], [ "fli" , "video/x-fli" ], [ "gif" , "image/gif" ], [ "gtar" , "application/x-gtar" ], [ "gz" , "application/x-gzip" ], [ "hdf" , "application/x-hdf" ], [ "hqx" , "application/mac-binhex40" ], [ "htm" , "text/html" ], [ "html" , "text/html" ], [ "ice" , "x-conference/x-cooltalk" ], [ "ief" , "image/ief" ], [ "iges" , "model/iges" ], [ "igs" , "model/iges" ], [ "ips" , "application/x-ipscript" ], [ "ipx" , "application/x-ipix" ], [ "jpg" , "image/jpeg" ], [ "jpe" , "image/jpeg" ], [ "jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ], [ "js" , "application/x-javascript" ], [ "kar" , "audio/midi" ], [ "latex" , "application/x-latex" ], [ "lha" , "application/octet-stream" ], [ "lsp" , "application/x-lisp" ], [ "lzh" , "application/octet-stream" ], [ "man" , "application/x-troff-man" ], [ "me" , "application/x-troff-me" ], [ "mesh" , "model/mesh" ], [ "mid" , "audio/midi" ], [ "midi" , "audio/midi" ], [ "mif" , "application/vnd.mif" ], [ "mime" , "www/mime" ], [ "mov" , "video/quicktime" ], [ "movie" , "video/x-sgi-movie" ], [ "mp2" , "audio/mpeg" ], [ "mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ], [ "mpe" , "video/mpeg" ], [ "mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ], [ "mpg" , "video/mpeg" ], [ "mpga" , "audio/mpeg" ], [ "ms" , "application/x-troff-ms" ], [ "msh" , "model/mesh" ], [ "nc" , "application/x-netcdf" ], [ "oda" , "application/oda" ], [ "pbm" , "image/x-portable-bitmap" ], [ "pdb" , "chemical/x-pdb" ], [ "pdf" , "application/pdf" ], [ "pgm" , "image/x-portable-graymap" ], [ "pgn" , "application/x-chess-pgn" ], [ "png" , "image/png" ], [ "pnm" , "image/x-portable-anymap" ], [ "pot" , "application/mspowerpoint" ], [ "ppm" , "image/x-portable-pixmap" ], [ "pps" , "application/mspowerpoint" ], [ "ppt" , "application/mspowerpoint" ], [ "ppz" , "application/mspowerpoint" ], [ "pre" , "application/x-freelance" ], [ "prt" , "application/pro_eng" ], [ "ps" , "application/postscript" ], [ "qt" , "video/quicktime" ], [ "ra" , "audio/x-realaudio" ], [ "ram" , "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ], [ "ras" , "image/cmu-raster" ], [ "rb" , "text/x-ruby-script" ], [ "rgb" , "image/x-rgb" ], [ "rm" , "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ], [ "roff" , "application/x-troff" ], [ "rpm" , "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" ], [ "rss" , "application/rss+xml" ], [ "rtf" , "text/rtf" ], [ "rtx" , "text/richtext" ], [ "scm" , "application/x-lotusscreencam" ], [ "set" , "application/set" ], [ "sgm" , "text/sgml" ], [ "sgml" , "text/sgml" ], [ "sh" , "application/x-sh" ], [ "shar" , "application/x-shar" ], [ "silo" , "model/mesh" ], [ "sit" , "application/x-stuffit" ], [ "skd" , "application/x-koan" ], [ "skm" , "application/x-koan" ], [ "skp" , "application/x-koan" ], [ "skt" , "application/x-koan" ], [ "smi" , "application/smil" ], [ "smil" , "application/smil" ], [ "snd" , "audio/basic" ], [ "sol" , "application/solids" ], [ "spl" , "application/x-futuresplash" ], [ "src" , "application/x-wais-source" ], [ "step" , "application/STEP" ], [ "stl" , "application/SLA" ], [ "stp" , "application/STEP" ], [ "sv4cpio" , "application/x-sv4cpio" ], [ "sv4crc" , "application/x-sv4crc" ], [ "swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ], [ "t" , "application/x-troff" ], [ "tgz" , "application/x-gzip" ], [ "tar" , "application/x-tar" ], [ "tcl" , "application/x-tcl" ], [ "tex" , "application/x-tex" ], [ "texi" , "application/x-texinfo" ], [ "texinf" , "application/x-texinfo" ], [ "txt" , "text/plain" ], [ "hh" , "text/plain" ], [ "h" , "text/plain" ], [ "hpp" , "text/plain" ], [ "asc" , "text/plain" ], [ "c" , "text/plain" ], [ "m" , "text/plain" ], [ "cc" , "text/plain" ], [ "cpp" , "text/plain" ], [ "f" , "text/plain" ], [ "f90" , "text/plain" ], [ "tiff" , "image/tiff" ], [ "tr" , "application/x-troff" ], [ "tsi" , "audio/TSP-audio" ], [ "tsp" , "application/dsptype" ], [ "tsv" , "text/tab-separated-values" ], [ "unv" , "application/i-deas" ], [ "ustar" , "application/x-ustar" ], [ "vcd" , "application/x-cdlink" ], [ "vcf" , "text/x-vCard" ], [ "vcard" , "text/x-vCard" ], [ "vda" , "application/vda" ], [ "viv" , "video/vnd.vivo" ], [ "vivo" , "video/vnd.vivo" ], [ "vrml" , "model/vrml" ], [ "wav" , "audio/x-wav" ], [ "wrl" , "model/vrml" ], [ "xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ], [ "xlc" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ], [ "xll" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ], [ "xlm" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ], [ "xls" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ], [ "xlw" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ], [ "xml" , "text/xml" ], [ "xsl" , "text/xml" ], [ "xslt" , "text/xml" ], [ "xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ], [ "xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ], [ "xyz" , "chemical/x-pdb" ], [ "yml" , "text/yaml" ], [ "zafu" , "text/zafu" ], [ "zip" , "application/zip" ], [ "zml" , "text/znode" ], ] def make_hashes(h) val_to_keys = {} keys_to_val = {} h.each do |e| k,v = e if keys_to_val[k] keys_to_val[k] << v else keys_to_val[k] = [v] end if val_to_keys[v] val_to_keys[v] << k else val_to_keys[v] = [k] end end [keys_to_val, val_to_keys] end EXT_TO_TYPE, TYPE_TO_EXT = make_hashes(EXT_TYPE) Zena.add_load_paths Zena.gems_setup require 'rubyless'