module Brakeman class AppTree VIEW_EXTENSIONS = %w[html.erb html.haml rhtml js.erb].join(",") attr_reader :root def self.from_options(options) root = options[:app_path] # Convert files into Regexp for matching if options[:skip_files] list = "(?:" << options[:skip_files].map { |f| Regexp.escape f }.join("|") << ")$" new(root, else new(root) end end def initialize(root, skip_files = nil) @root = root @skip_files = skip_files end def expand_path(path) File.expand_path(path, @root) end def read(path), path)) end # This variation requires full paths instead of paths based # off the project root. I'd prefer to get all the code outside # of AppTree using project-root based paths (e.g. app/models/user.rb) # instead of full paths, but I suspect it's an incompatible change. def read_path(path) end def exists?(path) File.exists?(File.join(@root, path)) end # This is a pair for #read_path. Again, would like to kill these def path_exists?(path) File.exists?(path) end def initializer_paths @initializer_paths ||= find_paths("config/initializers") end def controller_paths @controller_paths ||= find_paths("app/controllers") end def model_paths @model_paths ||= find_paths("app/models") end def template_paths @template_paths ||= find_paths("app/views", "*.{#{VIEW_EXTENSIONS}}") end def layout_exists?(name) pattern = "#{@root}/app/views/layouts/#{name}.html.{erb,haml}" !Dir.glob(pattern).empty? end def lib_paths @lib_files ||= find_paths("lib") end private def find_paths(directory, extensions = "*.rb") pattern = @root + "/#{directory}/**/#{extensions}" Dir.glob(pattern).sort.tap do |paths| reject_skipped_files(paths) end end def reject_skipped_files(paths) return unless @skip_files paths.reject! { |f| @skip_files.match f } end end end