3.1.11 (Brainy Betty) dbd329016433fec94009de95e047867867ec2955 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode : @linei:@template"W // @doc off // Example 1: // // a.twitter // +sprite-img("icons-32.png", 1) // a.facebook // +sprite-img("icons-32png", 2) // // Example 2: // // a // +sprite-background("icons-32.png") // a.twitter // +sprite-column(1) // a.facebook // +sprite-row(2) // @doc on $sprite-default-size: 32px !default; $sprite-default-margin: 0px !default; $sprite-image-default-width: $sprite-default-size !default; $sprite-image-default-height: $sprite-default-size !default; // Sets all the rules for a sprite from a given sprite image to show just one of the sprites. // To reduce duplication use a sprite-bg mixin for common properties and a sprite-select mixin for positioning. @mixin sprite-img($img, $col, $row: 1, $width: $sprite-image-default-width, $height: $sprite-image-default-height, $margin: $sprite-default-margin) { @include sprite-background($img, $width, $height); @include sprite-position($col, $row, $width, $height, $margin); } // Sets rules common for all sprites, assumes you want a square, but allows a rectangular region. @mixin sprite-background($img, $width: $sprite-default-size, $height: $width) { @include sprite-background-rectangle($img, $width, $height); } // Sets rules common for all sprites, assumes a rectangular region. @mixin sprite-background-rectangle($img, $width: $sprite-image-default-width, $height: $sprite-image-default-height) { background: image-url($img) no-repeat; width: $width; height: $height; overflow: hidden; } // Allows horizontal sprite positioning optimized for a single row of sprites. @mixin sprite-column($col, $width: $sprite-image-default-width, $margin: $sprite-default-margin) { @include sprite-position($col, 1, $width, 0px, $margin); } // Allows vertical sprite positioning optimized for a single column of sprites. @mixin sprite-row($row, $height: $sprite-image-default-height, $margin: $sprite-default-margin) { @include sprite-position(1, $row, 0px, $height, $margin); } // Allows vertical and horizontal sprite positioning from a grid of equal dimensioned sprites. @mixin sprite-position($col, $row: 1, $width: $sprite-image-default-width, $height: $sprite-image-default-height, $margin: $sprite-default-margin) { $x: ($col - 1) * -$width - ($col - 1) * $margin; $y: ($row - 1) * -$height - ($row - 1) * $margin; background-position: $x $y; } :@has_childrenT:@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value["C/* @doc off * Example 1: * * a.twitter * +sprite-img("icons-32.png", 1) * a.facebook * +sprite-img("icons-32png", 2) * * Example 2: * * a * +sprite-background("icons-32.png") * a.twitter * +sprite-column(1) * a.facebook * +sprite-row(2) * @doc on */;i: @loud0: @silenti; [: @options{o:Sass::Tree::VariableNode ;i: @expro:Sass::Script::Number ; i%;i:@numerator_units["px:@original" 32px:@denominator_units[;@ ; [: @name"sprite-default-size;@ : @guarded" !defaulto; ;i;o; ; i;i;["px;"0px;[;@ ; [;"sprite-default-margin;@ ;" !defaulto; ;i;o:Sass::Script::Variable ;i:@underscored_name"sprite_default_size;"sprite-default-size;@ ; [;"sprite-image-default-width;@ ;" !defaulto; ;i;o; ;i;"sprite_default_size;"sprite-default-size;@ ; [;" sprite-image-default-height;@ ;" !defaulto; ; ["Ð/* Sets all the rules for a sprite from a given sprite image to show just one of the sprites. * To reduce duplication use a sprite-bg mixin for common properties and a sprite-select mixin for positioning. */;i ; 0; i; [;@ o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;i": @args[ [o;;"img;"img;@ 0[o;;"col;"col;@ 0[o;;"row;"row;@ o; ; i;i";[;"1;[;@ [o;;" width;" width;@ o; ;i";"sprite_image_default_width;"sprite-image-default-width;@ [o;;" height;" height;@ o; ;i";" sprite_image_default_height;" sprite-image-default-height;@ [o;;" margin;" margin;@ o; ;i";"sprite_default_margin;"sprite-default-margin;@ ;T; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;i#;[o; ;i#;"img;"img;@ o; ;i#;" width;" width;@ o; ;i#;" height;" height;@ :@keywords{; [;"sprite-background;@ o; ;i$;[ o; ;i$;"col;"col;@ o; ;i$;"row;"row;@ o; ;i$;" width;" width;@ o; ;i$;" height;" height;@ o; ;i$;" margin;" margin;@ ;{; [;"sprite-position;@ ;"sprite-img;@ o; ; ["i/* Sets rules common for all sprites, assumes you want a square, but allows a rectangular region. */;i&; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i';[[o;;"img;"img;@ 0[o;;" width;" width;@ o; ;i';"sprite_default_size;"sprite-default-size;@ [o;;" height;" height;@ o; ;i';" width;" width;@ ;T; [o; ;i(;[o; ;i(;"img;"img;@ o; ;i(;" width;" width;@ o; ;i(;" height;" height;@ ;{; [;" sprite-background-rectangle;@ ;"sprite-background;@ o; ; ["K/* Sets rules common for all sprites, assumes a rectangular region. */;i*; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i+;[[o;;"img;"img;@ 0[o;;" width;" width;@ o; ;i+;"sprite_image_default_width;"sprite-image-default-width;@ [o;;" height;" height;@ o; ;i+;" sprite_image_default_height;" sprite-image-default-height;@ ;T; [ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode : @tabsi; o:Sass::Script::List ; [o:Sass::Script::Funcall ;i,;[o; ;i,;"img;"img;@ ;{;"image-url;@ o:Sass::Script::String ; "no-repeat;i,: @type:identifier;@ ;i,:@separator: space;@ ;i,:@prop_syntax:new; [;["background;@ o; ;i; o; ;i-;" width;" width;@ ;i-;&;'; [;[" width;@ o; ;i; o; ;i.;" height;" height;@ ;i.;&;'; [;[" height;@ o; ;i; o;!; " hidden;";#;@ ;i/;&;'; [;[" overflow;@ ;" sprite-background-rectangle;@ o; ; ["V/* Allows horizontal sprite positioning optimized for a single row of sprites. */;i1; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i2;[[o;;"col;"col;@ 0[o;;" width;" width;@ o; ;i2;"sprite_image_default_width;"sprite-image-default-width;@ [o;;" margin;" margin;@ o; ;i2;"sprite_default_margin;"sprite-default-margin;@ ;T; [o; ;i3;[ o; ;i3;"col;"col;@ o; ; i;i3;[;"1;@B;@ o; ;i3;" width;" width;@ o; ; i;i3;["px;"0px;[;@ o; ;i3;" margin;" margin;@ ;{; [;"sprite-position;@ ;"sprite-column;@ o; ; ["W/* Allows vertical sprite positioning optimized for a single column of sprites. */;i5; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i6;[[o;;"row;"row;@ 0[o;;" height;" height;@ o; ;i6;" sprite_image_default_height;" sprite-image-default-height;@ [o;;" margin;" margin;@ o; ;i6;"sprite_default_margin;"sprite-default-margin;@ ;T; [o; ;i7;[ o; ; i;i7;[;"1;@B;@ o; ;i7;"row;"row;@ o; ; i;i7;["px;"0px;[;@ o; ;i7;" height;" height;@ o; ;i7;" margin;" margin;@ ;{; [;"sprite-position;@ ;"sprite-row;@ o; ; ["f/* Allows vertical and horizontal sprite positioning from a grid of equal dimensioned sprites. */;i9; 0; i; [;@ o; ;i:;[ [o;;"col;"col;@ 0[o;;"row;"row;@ o; ; i;i:;[;"1;@B;@ [o;;" width;" width;@ o; ;i:;"sprite_image_default_width;"sprite-image-default-width;@ [o;;" height;" height;@ o; ;i:;" sprite_image_default_height;" sprite-image-default-height;@ [o;;" margin;" margin;@ o; ;i:;"sprite_default_margin;"sprite-default-margin;@ ;T; [o; ;i;;o:Sass::Script::Operation ;i;:@operand1o;( ;i;;)o;( ;i;;)o; ;i;;"col;"col;@ :@operator: minus;@ :@operand2o; ; i;i;;[;"1;@B;@ ;*: times;@ ;,o:!Sass::Script::UnaryOperation ;i;;*;+: @operando; ;i;;" width;" width;@ ;@ ;*;+;@ ;,o;( ;i;;)o;( ;i;;)o; ;i;;"col;"col;@ ;*;+;@ ;,o; ; i;i;;[;"1;@B;@ ;*;-;@ ;,o; ;i;;" margin;" margin;@ ; [;"x;@ ;0o; ;i<;o;( ;i<;)o;( ;i<;)o;( ;i<;)o; ;i<;"row;"row;@ ;*;+;@ ;,o; ; i;i<;[;"1;@B;@ ;*;-;@ ;,o;. ;i<;*;+;/o; ;i<;" height;" height;@ ;@ ;*;+;@ ;,o;( ;i<;)o;( ;i<;)o; ;i<;"row;"row;@ ;*;+;@ ;,o; ; i;i<;[;"1;@B;@ ;*;-;@ ;,o; ;i<;" margin;" margin;@ ; [;"y;@ ;0o; ;i; o; ; [o; ;i=;"x;"x;@ o; ;i=;"y;"y;@ ;i=;$;%;@ ;i=;&;'; [;["background-position;@ ;"sprite-position;@ ;@