## Updating to new Thoughtbot releases ### Files that we change in the mainline of the repo: * bin/voyage * suspenders.gemspec Everything else is scoped to lib/voyage, so all of those changes will always apply cleanly after rebasing to upstream/master. Then just go back through each set of commits and make sure our overrides don't need some updating. ### Here are files we're currently overriding: * lib/suspenders/app_generator.rb => lib/voyage/app_generator.rb * templates/config_locales_en.yml.erb => lib/voyage/templates/config_locales_en.yml.erb * templates/Gemfile.erb => lib/voyage/templates/Gemfile.erb * templates/rails_helper.rb.erb => lib/voyage/templates/rails_helper.rb.erb * templates/README.md.erb => lib/voyage/templates/README.md.erb Everything else is a new file we want to add. ## Testing Test that the new generator works, manually for now. It'd be awesome to get some [aruba](https://github.com/cucumber/aruba) tests going to test the various command line options / generated app permutations that are possible. For example, with and without devise, which templating language we should use, etc.