class CodeRunner # declare the constant end # = CodeRunner Overview # # CodeRunner is a class designed to make the running an analysis of large simulations and easy task. An instance of this class is instantiated for a given root folder. The runner, as it is known, knows about every simulation in this folder, each of which has a unique id and a unique subfolder. # # The heart of the runner is the variable run_list. This is a hash of IDs and runs. A run is an instance of a class which inherits from CodeRunner::Run, and which is customised to be able to handle the input variables, and the output data, from the given simulation code. This is achieved by a module which contains a child class of CodeRunner::Run, which is provided independently of CodeRunner. # # CodeRunner has methods to sort these runs, filter them according to quite complex conditions, print out the status of these runs, submit new runs, plot graphs using data from these runs, cancel running jobs, delete unwanted runs, and so on. # # = CodeRunner Interfaces # # CodeRunner has two different interfaces: # # 1. Instance methods # 2. Class methods # # == Instance Methods # # The instance methods provide a classic Ruby scripting interface. A runner is instantiated from the CodeRunner class, and passed a root folder, and possibly some default options. Instance methods can then be called individually. This is what should be used for complex and non-standard tasks. # # == Class methods # # The class methods are what are used by the command line interface. They define a standard set of tasks, each of which can be customised by a set of options known as command options, or copts for short. # # There is a one-to-one correspondence between the long form of the commandline commands, and the class methods that handle those commands, and between the command line flags, and the options that are passed to the class methods. So for example: # # $ coderunner submit -p '{time: 23.4, resolution: 256}' -n 32x4 -W 600 # # Becomes # # CodeRunner.submit(p: '{time: 23.4, resolution: 256}', n: "32x4", W: 600) # # remembering that braces are not needed around a hash if it is the final parameter. # # These methods are what should be used to automate a large number of standard tasks, which would be a pain to run from the command line. class CodeRunner class CRMild < StandardError # more of a dead end than an error. Should never be allowed to halt execution def initialize(mess="") mess += "\n\n#{self.class} created in directory #{Dir.pwd}" super(mess) end end class CRError < StandardError # usually can be handled def initialize(mess="") mess += "\n\n#{self.class} created in directory #{Dir.pwd}" super(mess) end end class CRFatal < StandardError # should never be rescued - must always terminate execution def initialize(mess="") mess += "\n\n#{self.class} created in directory #{Dir.pwd}" super(mess) end end # The defaults that are saved in the root folder FOLDER_DEFAULTS = [:code, :modlet, :executable, :defaults_file, :project] # Parameters important to the submission of a run, which can be set by command line flags. The runner values provide the default values for the submit function, but can be overidden in that function. All the runner does with them is set them as properties of the run to be submitted. It is the run itself for which the options are relevant. SUBMIT_OPTIONS = [:nprocs, :wall_mins, :sys, :project, :queue, :comment, :executable] # A hash containing the defaults for most runner options. They are overridden by any options provided during initialisation. They are mostly set at the command line (in practice, the command line flags are read into the command options, which set these defaults in the function CodeRunner.process_command_options which calls CodeRunner.set_runner_defaults). However, if Code Runner is being scripted, these defaults must be set manually or else the options they specify must be provided when initialising a runner. DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS = ([:conditions, :sort, :debug, :script_folder, :recalc_all, :multiple_processes, :heuristic_analysis, :test_submission, :reprocess_all, :use_large_cache, :use_large_cache_but_recheck_incomplete, :use_component, :no_run, :server, :version, :parameters] + SUBMIT_OPTIONS + FOLDER_DEFAULTS).inject({}){|hash, option| hash[option] = nil; hash} # Options that apply across the CodeRunner class CLASS_OPTIONS = [:multiple_processes].inject({}){|hash, option| class_accessor option set(option, nil) hash[option] = nil; hash } DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS.keys.each do |variable| #define accessors for class options and instance options # class_accessor(variable) attr_accessor variable # class_variable_set(variable, nil) end # def self.default_script_info # Hash.phoenix('.code_runner_script_defaults.rb') # # eval('.code_runner_script_defaults.rb')) # end # # def self.add_to_default_script_info(hash) # Hash.phoenix('.code_runner_script_defaults.rb') do |defaults| # hash.each{|key,value| defaults[key] = value} # end # end DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS[:use_component] = :real DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS[:script_folder] = SCRIPT_FOLDER #File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) # These are properties of the run class that must be defined. For more details see CodeRunner::Run. NECESSARY_RUN_CLASS_PROPERTIES = { :code => [String], :variables => [Array], :naming_pars => [Array], :results => [Array], :run_info => [Array], :code_long => [String], :excluded_sub_folders => [Array], :modlet_required => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :uses_mpi => [TrueClass, FalseClass] } # These are methods that the run class must implement. They should be defined in a code module. NECESSARY_RUN_CODE_METHODS = [ :process_directory_code_specific, :print_out_line, :parameter_string, :generate_input_file, :parameter_transition, :executable_location, :executable_name ] # These are methods that the run class must implement. They should be defined in a system module. NECESSARY_RUN_SYSTEM_METHODS = [ :queue_status, :run_command, :execute, :error_file, :output_file, :cancel_job ] # These are the only permitted values for the run instance variable @status. PERMITTED_STATI = [:Unknown, :Complete, :Incomplete, :NotStarted, :Failed, :Queueing, :Running, :Held] include Log # Log.log_file = nil # Dir.pwd + "/.cr_logfile.txt" # puts Log.log_file, 'hello' Log.clean_up attr_accessor :run_list, :component_run_list, :combined_run_list, :ids, :component_ids, :combined_ids, :current_status, :run_class, :requests, :current_request, :root_folder, :print_out_size, :cache, :modlet, :code, :executable, :defaults_file attr_reader :max_id, :maxes, :cmaxes, :mins, :cmins, :start_id # Instantiate a new runner. The root folder contains a set of simulations, each of which has a unique ID. There is a one-to-one correspondence between a runner and a root folder: no two runners should ever be given the same root folder in the same script (there are safeguards to prevent this causing much trouble, but it should still be avoided on philosophical grounds), and no runner should be given a folder which has more than one set of simulations within it (as these simulations will contain duplicate IDs). # # # Options is a hash whose keys may be any of the keys of the constant DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS. I.e. to see what options can be passed: # # p CodeRunner::DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS.keys def initialize(root_folder, options={}) logf :initialize raise"System not defined") unless SYS root_folder.sub!(/~/, ENV['HOME']) @root_folder = root_folder read_defaults options.each do |key,value| key = LONG_TO_SHORT.key(key) if LONG_TO_SHORT.key(key) set(key, value) if value end # ep options log 'modlet in initialize', @modlet @version= options[:version] # ep 'ex', @executable #ep 'modlet is ', @modlet get_run_class @cache = {} @n_checks = 0 @print_out_size = 0 @run_list = {}; @ids = [] set_max_id(0) @component_run_list = {}; @component_ids = [] @component_id = -1 @combined_run_list = {}; @combined_ids = [] @current_request = nil @requests = [] @pids= [] @maxes = {}; @mins = {} @cmaxes = {}; @cmins = {} end def get_run_class @run_class = setup_run_class(@code, modlet: @modlet, version: @version, executable: @executable) end # Read the default values of runner options from the constant hash CodeRunner::DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS. This hash usually contains options set from the command line, but it can have its values edited manually in a script. # # Also calls read_folder_defaults. def read_defaults DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS.each{|key,value| set(key, value)} #ep DEFAULT_RUNNER_OPTIONS, @multiple_processes read_folder_defaults get_run_class end # Increase the value of @max_id by 1. def increment_max_id @max_id +=1 end # Return an array of runs (run_list.values) def runs run_list.values end # Set the max_id. If the number given is lower than start_id, start_id is used. Use with extreme caution... if you set max_id to be lower than the highest run id, you may end up with duplicate ids. def set_max_id(number) # :doc: # ep 'MAXES', @max_id, number, @start_id, 'END' @max_id = @start_id ? [@start_id, number].max : number end private :set_max_id # Read any default options contained in the file .code_runner_script_defaults.rb in the root folder. def read_folder_defaults # p @root_folder + '/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb' if ENV['CODE_RUNNER_READONLY_DEFAULTS'] hash = eval( + '/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb')) FOLDER_DEFAULTS.each do |var| set(var, hash[var]) if hash[var] end else Hash.phoenix(@root_folder + '/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb') do |hash| # ep hash FOLDER_DEFAULTS.each do |var| # p send(var), hash[var] hash[var] = (send(var) or hash[var]) hash[:code_runner_version] ||= CodeRunner::CODE_RUNNER_VERSION.to_s set(var, hash[var]) end @start_id = hash[:start_id] if hash[:start_id] # ep "start_id: #@start_id" hash end end raise "No default information exists for this folder. If you are running CodeRunner from the commmand line please run again with the -C (and -m , if required) flag (you only need to specify these flags once in each folder). Else, please specify :code (and :modlet if required) as options in, options)" unless @code end # Here we redefine the inspect function p to raise an error if anything is written to standard out # while in server mode. This is because the server mode uses standard out to communicate # and writing to standard out can break it. All messages, debug information and so on, should always # be written to standard error. def p(*args) if @server raise "Writing to stdout in server mode will break things!" else super(*args) end end # Here we redefine the function puts to raise an error if anything is written to standard out # while in server mode. This is because the server mode uses standard out to communicate # and writing to standard out can break it. All messages, debug information and so on, should always # be written to standard error. def puts(*args) if @server raise "Writing to stdout in server mode will break things!" else super(*args) end end # Here we redefine the function print to raise an error if anything is written to standard out # while in server mode. This is because the server mode uses standard out to communicate # and writing to standard out can break it. All messages, debug information and so on, should always # be written to standard error. def print(*args) if @server raise "Writing to stdout in server mode will break things!" else super(*args) end end def self.server_dump(obj) "code_runner_server_dump_start_E#{Marshal.dump(obj)}code_runner_server_dump_end_E" end def server_dump(obj) self.class.server_dump(obj) end def set_start_id(id) raise "start_id #{id} lower than max_id #@max_id" if @max_id and id < @max_id Hash.phoenix(@root_folder + '/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb') do |hash| @start_id = hash[:start_id] = id hash end end # See CodeRunner.get_run_class_name def get_run_class_name(code, modlet) self.class.get_run_class_name(code, modlet) end # See CodeRunner.setup_run_class def setup_run_class(code, options) options[:runner] ||= self self.class.setup_run_class(code, options) end def self.old_get_run_class_name(code, modlet) # :nodoc: return modlet ? "#{code.capitalize}#{modlet.capitalize.sub(/\.rb$/, '').sub(/_(\w)/){"#$1".capitalize}}Run" : "#{code.capitalize}Run" end # Return the name of the run class according to the standard CodeRunner naming scheme. If the code name is 'a_code_name', with no modlet, the run class name will be ACodeName. If on the other hand there is a modlet called 'modlet_name', the class name will be ACodeName::ModletName. def self.get_run_class_name(code, modlet=nil) return modlet ? "#{code.capitalize}::#{modlet.capitalize.sub(/\.rb$/, '').variable_to_class_name}" : "#{code.capitalize}" end def self.repair_marshal_run_class_not_found_error(err) #ep 'error', err, err.message code, modlet = err.message.scan(/CodeRunner\:\:([A-Z][a-z0-9_]+)(?:::([A-Z]\w+))?/)[0] #ep 'merror', err, code, modlet; gets code.gsub!(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') (modlet.gsub!(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'); modlet.downcase!) if modlet setup_run_class(code.downcase, modlet: modlet) end SETUP_RUN_CLASSES =[] # Create, set up and check the validity of the custom class which deals with a particular simulation code. This class will be defined in a custom module in the folder code_modules/code_name, where 'code_name' is the name of the code. The only option is modlet:. # # If the custom class has already been set up, this method just returns the class. def self.setup_run_class(code, options={}) # logf(:setup_code) # log(:code, code) modlet = options[:modlet] version = options[:version] # log('modlet in setup_run_class', modlet) # modlet = modlet.sub(/\.rb$/, '') if modlet raise"Code must contain only lowercase letters, digits, and underscore, and must begin with a letter or underscore; it is '#{code}'") unless code =~ /\A[a-z_][a-z_\d]*\Z/ raise"Input_file_module must contain only lowercase letters, digits, and underscore, and must begin with a letter or underscore; it is '#{modlet}'") if modlet and not modlet =~ /\A[a-z_][a-z_\d]*\Z/ run_class_name = get_run_class_name(code, modlet) # p run_class_name return recursive_const_get(run_class_name) if SETUP_RUN_CLASSES.include?(run_class_name) #constants.include? (run_class_name).to_sym unless options[:force] #and const_get(run_class_name).rcp.code? #return const_get(run_class_name) if constants.include? (run_class_name).to_sym unless options[:force] #and const_get(run_class_name).rcp.code? eputs "Loading modules for #{code}, #{modlet.inspect}..." SETUP_RUN_CLASSES.push run_class_name #.downcase FileUtils.makedirs(ENV['HOME'] + "/.coderunner/#{code}crmod/") FileUtils.makedirs(ENV['HOME'] + "/.coderunner/#{code}crmod/defaults_files") #Create the run_class, a special dynamically created class which knows how to process runs of the given code on the current system. #run.rb contains the basic methods of the class # puts run_class_name; gets # run_class = add_a_child_class(run_class_name, "") # run_class.class_eval(%[ # @@code=#{code.inspect}; @@version=#{version.inspect} # @@modlet=#{modlet.inspect} #modlet should be nil if not @@modlet_required # SYS = #{SYS.inspect} # include Log # Log.logi(:code_just_after_runfile, @@code) # ] # ) code_module_name = SCRIPT_FOLDER+ "/code_modules/#{code}/#{code}.rb" code_module_name = "#{code}crmod" require code_module_name # ep get_run_class_name(code, nil) run_class = const_get(get_run_class_name(code, nil)) run_class.instance_variable_set(:@code, code) run_class.instance_variable_set(:@sys, SYS) raise "#{run_class} must inherit from CodeRunner::Run: its ancestors are: #{run_class.ancestors}" unless run_class.ancestors.include? Run if options[:runner] run_class.runner = options[:runner] run_class.instance_variable_set(:@runner, options[:runner]) end #Add methods appropriate to the current system system_module_name = SCRIPT_FOLDER+ "/system_modules/#{SYS}.rb" require system_module_name run_class.send(:include, const_get(SYS.variable_to_class_name)) # run_class.class_eval(, system_module_name) #Some codes require an modlet; the flag modlet_required is specified in the code module if run_class.rcp.modlet_required raise"Modlet necessary and none given") unless modlet end #If a modlet is specified (modlets can also be optional) if modlet # Log.logi(:modlet, modlet) #if ( modlet_location = "#{SCRIPT_FOLDER}/code_modules/#{code}/default_modlets"; #file_name = "#{modlet_location}/#{modlet}.rb"; #FileTest.exist? file_name #) #elsif ( modlet_location = "#{SCRIPT_FOLDER}/code_modules/#{code}/my_modlets"; #file_name = "#{modlet_location}/#{modlet}.rb"; #FileTest.exist? file_name #) #else #raise"Could not find modlet file: #{modlet}.rb") #end #require file_name # ep run_class.constants # ep run_class_names modlet_file = "#{code}crmod/#{modlet}.rb" #ep ['requiring modlet file'] require modlet_file run_class = recursive_const_get(run_class_name) run_class.instance_variable_set(:@modlet, modlet) end run_class.check_and_update # log("random element of variables", run_class.variables.random) # logi("run_class.variables[0] in setup_code", run_class.variables[0]) # ep 'finished' return run_class end # Traverse the directory tree below the root folder, detecting and analysing all runs within that folder. Although runs submitted by CodeRunner will all be in one folder in the root folder, it is not necessary for the runs to be organised like that. This is because CodeRunner can also be used to analyse runs which it did not submit. # # All subfolders of the root_folder will be analysed, except for ones specified in the run class property excluded_sub_folders, or those containing the hidden file '.CODE_RUNNER_IGNORE_THIS_DIRECTORY' def traverse_directories # :doc: string = "" #ep 'traversing', Dir.pwd if FileTest.exist?("code_runner_info.rb") or FileTest.exist?("CODE_RUNNER_INPUTS") or FileTest.exist?("README") or @heuristic_analysis and (Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).find{|file| not [".","..","data.txt"].include? file and File.file? file} and not Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).include? '.CODE_RUNNER_IGNORE_THIS_DIRECTORY') #i.e. if there are some files in this directory (not just directories) eprint '.' if @write_status_dots begin raise"must recalc all") if @recalc_all or @reprocess_all #must recalculate the run results, not load them if @@recalc_all run = @run_class.load(Dir.pwd, self) #NB this doesn't always return an object of class run_class - since the run may actually be from a different code raise"not complete: must recalc") unless run.status == :Complete or run.status == :Failed raise"Not the right directory, must recalc") unless == Dir.pwd rescue ArgumentError, CRMild => err if err.class == ArgumentError unless err.message =~ /marshal data too short/ #puts err #puts err.backtrace raise err end end log(err) # puts err.class begin #interrupted = false; #old_trap2 = trap(2){} #old_trap2 = trap(2){eputs "Interrupt acknowledged...#{Dir.pwd} finishing folder analyis. Interrupt again to override (may cause file corruption)."; interrupted = true} # Here we make sure we are creating a run object of the right class for this folder if FileTest.exist?('code_runner_info.rb') and'code_runner_info.rb') =~ /Classname:.*?(?[A-Z][\w:]+)/ classname = $~[:class] begin run_cls = Object.recursive_const_get(classname) rescue NameError=>err ep err, err.message self.class.repair_marshal_run_class_not_found_error( run_cls = Object.recursive_const_get(classname) end else run_cls = @run_class end run = #NB this doesn't always return an object of class run_class - since the run may actually be from a different code #trap(2, old_trap2) #(eputs "Calling old interrupt #{Dir.pwd}"; Process.kill(2, 0)) if interrupted rescue => err log(err) unless @heuristic_analysis and (err.class == CRMild or err.class == CRError) # puts Dir.pwd logd eputs Dir.pwd eputs err.class eputs err # eputs err.backtrace eputs "----Only allowed to fail processing a directory if a heuristic analysis is being run" raise err end # puts err.class run = nil # puts @requests end end check = false if run # puts, @run_list[]; gets # raise"\n\n-----Duplicate run ids: #{} and #{@run_list[].directory}----") if @run_list[] if @run_list[] check = true raise < ? @max_id : end if @heuristic_analysis Dir.foreach(Dir.pwd)do |directory| next if [".",".."].include? directory or File.file? directory or directory =~ /\.rb/ or @run_class.rcp.excluded_sub_folders.include? directory # begin Dir.chdir(directory) do traverse_directories end # rescue Errno::ENOENT # log Dir.entries # puts directory + " was not a directory" # end end end else Dir.foreach(Dir.pwd)do |directory| next if [".",".."].include? directory or File.file? directory or directory =~ /\.rb/ or @run_class.rcp.excluded_sub_folders.include? directory # begin Dir.chdir(directory) do traverse_directories end # rescue Errno::ENOENT # log Dir.entries # puts directory + " was not a directory" # end end end end private :traverse_directories # Write out a simple datafile containing all the inputs and outputs listed in the run class property readout_string. What is actually written out can be customised by redefining the method data_string in the run class, or changing readout_string or both. def write_data(filename = "data.txt") logf(:write_data) generate_combined_ids, "w") do |file| @combined_ids.each do |id| run = @combined_run_list[id] if run.status =~ /Complete/ data_string = run.data_string raise"data_string did not return a string") unless data_string.class == String file.puts data_string end end end end # Sort the runs according to the variable @sort which can be either whitespace separated string or an array of strings. In the former case, the string is split to form an array of strings, using the separator /\s+/. For example, if # # @sort == ['height', '-weight', 'colour'] # # Then the runs will be sorted according to first height, then (descending) weight, then colour. What actually happens is that the variable @ids is sorted, rather than @run_list. For this to work, height, weight and colour must be either variables or results or instance methods of the run class. # # Type can be either '' or 'component', in which case the variable sorted will be either @ids or @component_ids respectively. def sort_runs(type = @use_component.to_s.sub(/real/, '')) logf(:sort_runs) log(:type, type) #ep 'sort', @sort #sort_list = @sort ? (@sort.class == String ? eval(@sort) : @sort) : [] run_list_name = [type.to_s, 'run_list'].join('_').gsub(/^_/, '') ids_name = [type.to_s, 'ids'].join('_').gsub(/^_/, '') log run_list_name set(ids_name, send(ids_name).sort_by do |id| run = send(run_list_name)[id] sortkey = run.instance_eval((@sort or '[]')) #ep 'sortkey', sortkey sortkey{|str| run.instance_eval(str)} end) end # Returns an empty string. A hook for CodeRunner::Merged def merged_runner_info(run) "" end # Print out a summary of all the runs in the root folder, formatted in nice pretty colours. Since this is often called in a loop, if called twice without any arguments it will erase the first printout. To stop this happening set rewind to 0. If the command is being issued not in a terminal, so that CodeRunner cannot determine the size of the terminal, the second argument must be passed as an array of [rows, columns]. def print_out(rewind = nil, options={}) # terminal_size = [rows, cols] rewind ||= @print_out_size terminal_size = options[:terminal_size] logf(:print_out) # raise"terminal size must be given if this is called any where except inside a terminal (for example if yo u've called this as a subprocess)") unless terminal_size or $stdout.tty? terminal_size ||= Terminal.terminal_size #lots of gritty terminal jargon in here. Edit at your peril! unless ENV['CODE_RUNNER_NO_COLOUR']=='true' or ENV['CODE_RUNNER_NO_COLOR']=='true' dc= Terminal::WHITE # .default_colour green= Terminal::LIGHT_GREEN cyan = Terminal::CYAN bblck = Terminal::BACKGROUND_BLACK else dc= ""# Terminal::WHITE # .default_colour green= "" # Terminal::LIGHT_GREEN cyan = "" #Terminal::CYAN bblck = "" #Terminal::BACKGROUND_BLACK end cln = Terminal::CLEAR_LINE # print "\033[#{rewind}A" deco = '-'*terminal_size[1] Terminal.erewind(rewind) eputs "\n#{cln}\n#{cln}\n#{bblck}#{dc}#{deco}\n#{@run_class.rcp.code_long} Status:#{cln}\n#{deco}" i = 0; j=0 # i is no. of actual terminal lines; j is number of results lines # Group the lines by major sort key #@split = @sort && @sort.split(/\s+/).size > 1 ? @sort.split(/\s+/)[0].to_sym : nil @split_point = nil generate_combined_ids @combined_ids.each do |id| begin # puts id, :hello; gets @run = @combined_run_list[id] if filter # puts @run[:id], @id; gets #@new_split_point = @split ? @run.send(@split) : nil #if @split_point && @split_point != @new_split_point then eputs sprintf(" #{cln}", ""); i+=1 end #@split_point = @new_split_point eprint j%2==0 ? j%4==0 ? cyan : green : dc line = options[:with_comments] ? @run.comment_line : @run.print_out_line.chomp # if this is not a merged runner, merged_runner_info is an empty string line = merged_runner_info(@run) + line eprint line eputs cln # puts (line.size / Terminal.terminal_size[1]).class # puts (line.size / Terminal.terminal_size[1]) i+=((line.sub(/\w*$/, '').size-1) / terminal_size[1]).ceiling j+=1 end # raise "monkeys" rescue => err eputs err eputs err.backtrace eputs "---------------------\nUnable to print out line for this job:" eputs "run_name: #{@run.run_name}" eputs "status: #{@run.status}\n-----------------------" Terminal.reset return # raise end end @print_out_size = i+7# + (@run_list.keys.find{|id| not [:Complete, :Failed].include? @run_list[id].status } ? 0 : 1) eprint dc, deco; Terminal.reset; eputs # puts # puts # puts dc # "\033[1;37m" # print 'rewind size is', rewind end # def filtered_run_list # logf :filtered_run_list # unless @use_component == :component # return @run_list.find_all{|id, run| filter(run)} # else # log 'using component' # return @component_run_list.find_all{|id, run| filter(run)} # end # end # Return a list of ids, filtered according to conditions. See CodeRunner#filter def filtered_ids(conditions=@conditions) generate_combined_ids # ep @combined_run_list.keys # sort_runs return @combined_ids.find_all{|id| filter(@combined_run_list[id], conditions)} end # Return true if # run.instance_eval(conditions) == true # and false if # run.instance_eval(conditions) == false. # performing some checks on the validity of the variable conditions. For people who are new to Ruby instance_eval means 'evaluate in the context of the run'. Generally conditions will be something like 'status == :Complete and height == 4.5 and not width == 20', where height and width might be some input parameters or results from the diminishing. def filter(run=@run, conditions=@conditions) logf(:filter) @run = run # to_instance_variables(directory) return true unless conditions # p conditions,, @run.is_component conditions = conditions.dup raise" ----------------------------- Conditions contain a single = sign: #{conditions} -----------------------------") if conditions =~ /[^!=<>]=[^=~<>]/ log conditions begin fil = @run.instance_eval(conditions) rescue => err eputs eputs conditions raise err end return fil end # Similar to CodeRunner#write_data, except that the readout is written to stdout, and formatted a bit. Will probably be rarely used. def readout logf(:readout) generate_combined_ids @split = @sort && @sort.split(/\s+/).size > 1 ? @sort.split(/\s+/)[0].to_sym : nil @split_point = nil string = @combined_ids.inject("") do |s, id| run = @combined_run_list[id] if run.status =~ /Complete/ and filter(run) @new_split_point = @split ? run.send(@split) : nil splitter = (@split_point and @split_point != @new_split_point) ? "\n\n" : "" @split_point = @new_split_point splitter = "" # comment to put split points back in # puts s.class, splitter.class, data_string(directory) data_string = run.data_string raise"data_string did not return a string") unless data_string.class == String s + splitter + data_string else s end end # puts @max.inspect return string end # ? Probably can get rid of this one def readout_cols(*var_list) # :nodoc: logf :readout_cols ans = [[]] * var_list.size generate_combined_ids filtered_ids.each do |id| run = combined_run_list[id] var_list.each_with_index do |var, index| ans[index].push run.send(var) end end ans end # List every file in the root folder. def get_all_root_folder_contents # :nodoc: @root_folder_contents =[] Find.find(@root_folder){|file| @root_folder_contents.push file} end #Update the information about all the runs stored in the variable @run_list. By default, this is done by calling CodeRunner#traverse_directories. If, on the other hand, @use_large_cache is set to true, this is done by reading the temporary cache maintained in ".CODE_RUNNER_TEMP_RUN_LIST_CACHE" in the root folder. This is much quicker. If in addition @use_large_cache_but_recheck_incomplete is set to true, all runs whose status is not either :Complete or :Failed will be rechecked. def update(write_status_dots=true, use_large_cache=@use_large_cache, use_large_cache_but_recheck_incomplete=@use_large_cache_but_recheck_incomplete) @use_large_cache = use_large_cache logf(:update) @write_status_dots = write_status_dots @run_list={} @ids=[] @component_run_list = {} @component_ids = [] @run_store =[] # @multiple_processes_directories = [] set_max_id 0 @run_class.update_status(self) if @use_large_cache and not @recalc_all and not @reprocess_all log("using large cache") begin begin eputs 'Loading large cache...' if @write_status_dots Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do @run_list = Marshal.load(".CODE_RUNNER_TEMP_RUN_LIST_CACHE")) end @run_list.values.each{|run| run.runner = self} rescue ArgumentError => err eputs err raise err unless err.message =~ /undefined class/ #NB all code_names have to contain only lowercase letters: # modlet, code = err.message.scan(/CodeRunner\:\:([A-Z][\w+])?([A-Z]\w+)Run/)[0] code, modlet = err.message.scan(/CodeRunner\:\:([A-Z][a-z0-9_]+)(?:::([A-Z]\w+))?/)[0] # ep code.downcase, modlet modlet.downcase! if modlet setup_run_class(code.downcase, modlet: modlet) retry end # ep @run_list @ids = @run_list.keys @run_list.each{|id, run| run.runner = self } #eputs "Setting max id..." set_max_id(@ids.max || 0) #eputs "max_id = #@max_id" # puts @max_id; gets # @use_large_cache = false @ids.sort! redone_count = 0 # puts "hello" # ep @use_large_cache_but_recheck_incomplete; exit recheck_incomplete_runs if use_large_cache_but_recheck_incomplete # sort_runs eprint "Updating runs..." if @write_status_dots # get_all_root_folder_contents # puts @run_list.values[0].directory, File.expand_path(@root_folder).esc_regex fix_directories = (run_list.size > 0 and not @run_list.values[0].directory =~ File.expand_path(@root_folder).esc_regex) # eputs 'fdirectories', fix_directories # exit eputs "Fixing Directories..." if fix_directories @run_list.each do |id, run| eprint '.' if @write_status_dots = File.join(@root_folder, run.relative_directory) if fix_directories # = "#@root_folder/#{run.relative_directory}" # unless @root_folder_contents.include? and =~ File.expand_path(@root_folder).esc_regex # if @root_folder_contents.include?(rel = File.join(@root_folder, run.relative_directory)) # = rel # else # raise"Directory #{} not found") # end # end # eputs @use_component #run.generate_component_runs #if @use_component.to_s =~ /component/i run.component_runs.each{|r| add_component_run(r)} if run.component_runs end eputs if @write_status_dots save_large_cache if fix_directories # puts redone_count return self rescue Errno::ENOENT, ArgumentError, TypeError => err if err.class == ArgumentError and not err.message =~ /marshal data too short/ or err.class == TypeError and not err.message =~ /incompatible marshal file format/ eputs err eputs err.backtrace raise end eputs err, "Rereading run data" # @use_large_cache = false end end log("not using large cache") @run_list={} @ids=[] @component_run_list = {} @component_ids = [] @run_store =[] # @multiple_processes_directories = [] set_max_id 0 log("traversing directories") eprint 'Analysing runs..' if @write_status_dots #interrupted = false; #old_trap2 = trap(2){} #trap(2){eputs "Interrupt acknowledged... reloading saved cache. Interrupt again to override (may cause file corruption)."; trap(2, old_trap2); update(true, true, false); Process.kill(2,0)} Dir.chdir(@root_folder){traverse_directories} @max_id ||= 0 eputs # puts 'before request', @ids, @requests; respond_to_requests # @n_checks += 1 # exit if ($nruns > 0 && @n_checks > $nruns) sort_runs @recalc_all = false # pp @run_list save_large_cache #@run_list.each{|id, run| run.generate_component_runs} #trap(2, old_trap2) #Process.kill(2, 0) if interrupted return self end # Dump all the instance variables of the runner to stdout as Marshalled binary data. This is used for RemoteCodeRunner server functions. def marshalled_variables #ep 'marsh1' instance_vars = {} instance_variables.each do |var| instance_vars[var] = instance_variable_get(var) end instance_vars[:@run_list].values.each{|run| run.runner=nil} #Kernel.puts server_dump(instance_vars) instance_vars[:@cache]={} instance_vars[:@component_run_list].values.each{|run| run.runner = nil} #ep 'marsh2' #eputs instance_vars.pretty_inspect #instance_vars.each do |var, val| #ep var #eputs server_dump(val) #end instance_vars end # Write the variable @run_list, which contains all information currently known about the simulations in the root folder, as Marshalled binary data in the file ".CODE_RUNNER_TEMP_RUN_LIST_CACHE". This cache will be used later by CodeRunner#update. def save_large_cache # pp self # ep @run_list # pp{|run|{|var| [var, run.instance_variable_get(var).class]}} generate_combined_ids @combined_run_list.each{|id, run| run.runner = nil; run.component_runs.each{|pr| pr.runner=nil} if run.component_runs} + "/.CODE_RUNNER_TEMP_RUN_LIST_CACHE", 'w'){|file| file.puts Marshal.dump @run_list} @combined_run_list.each{|id, run| run.runner = self; run.component_runs.each{|pr| pr.runner=self} if run.component_runs} end # Self-explanatory! Call CodeRunner::Run#process_directory for every run whose status is not either :Complete or :Failed. (Note, for historical reasons traverse_directories is called rather than CodeRunner::Run#process_directory directly but the effect is nearly the same). def recheck_incomplete_runs logf :recheck_incomplete_runs @run_class.update_status(self) redone_count = 0 run_list, @run_list = @run_list, {}; @ids = []; run_list.each do |id, run| # print id if run.status == :Complete or run.status == :Failed # print ".", id, "___" @run_list[id] = run @ids.push id else # print id, "%%%"; redone_count+=1 Dir.chdir({traverse_directories} end end @ids.sort! # @ids = @run_list.keys set_max_id(@ids.max || 0) sort_runs respond_to_requests save_large_cache end # Self-explanatory! Call CodeRunner::Run#process_directory for every run for which CodeRunner#filter(run) is true. (Note, for historical reasons traverse_directories is called rather than CodeRunner::Run#process_directory directly but the effect is nearly the same). def recheck_filtered_runs(write_status_dots=false) @write_status_dots = write_status_dots logf :recheck_filtered_runs @run_class.update_status(self) @run_list.each do |id, run| if filter(run) and not (run.status == :Complete or run.status == :Failed) # eputs Dir.chdir({run.process_directory} # eputs run.status # ep run end end save_large_cache # run_list, @run_list = @run_list, {}; @ids = []; @max_id = 0 # run_list.each do |id, run| # if not filter(run) or run.status == :Complete # @run_list[id] = run # @ids.push id # else # Dir.chdir({traverse_directories} # end # end # @ids.sort! # @ids = @run_list.keys set_max_id(@ids.max || 0) sort_runs respond_to_requests save_large_cache end # One of the features of CodeRunner is two way communication between a runner and its runs. The runs can request actions from the runner directly by calling its instance methods, but often the runs want something to happen after the runner has processed every run in the directory. For example if a run wanted to check if it was resolved, it would need to know about all the other runs so it could compare itself with them. In this case it would place an instance method that it wanted to call in the variable @requests in the runner. The runner would then call that instance method on every run after it had finished processing all the runs. # # In summary, this method is called after every time the runner has checked through the directory. When it is called, it looks in the variable @requests which contains symbols representing methods. It calls each symbol as an instance method of every run in turn. So if @requests was [:check_converged] it would call run.check_converged for every run. def respond_to_requests logf(:respond_to_requests) logi(:@requests, @requests) log('@component_run_list.class', @component_run_list.class) while @requests[0] old_requests = @requests.uniq @requests = [] old_requests.each do |request| @current_request = request if request == :traverse_directories # a special case @ids = [] @run_list = {} @component_run_list = {} @component_ids = [] Dir.chdir(@root_folder){traverse_directories} else filtered_ids.each do |id| run = @run_list[id] Dir.chdir({run.instance_eval(request.to_s);; run.write_results} end end end end end # Start a simulation: submit the run that is passed. What happens is as follows: # # 1. Modify the run according to options. # 2. Check if any other processes are submitting runs in the same root folder. In this case there will be a file called 'submitting' in the folder. If there is such a file wait until it is gone. # 3. Check if a run with identical parameters has been submitted before. In which case skip submitting the run unless options[:skip] == false. # 4. Call run.submit # #Options can be any one of CodeRunner::SUBMIT_OPTIONS. The options passed here will override values stored as instance variables of the runner with the same name, which will override these values if they are set in the runs itself. For example if # run.nprocs == '32x4' # runner.nprocs == nil # options[:nprocs] == nil # the number of processes will be 32x4. On the other hand if # run.nprocs == '32x4' # runner.nprocs == '24x4' # options[:nprocs] == '48x4' # the number of processes will be 48x4. def submit(runs, options={}) eputs "System " + SYS eputs "No. Procs " + @nprocs.inspect runs = [runs] unless runs.class == Array #can pass a single run to submit outruns = runs.dup skip = true unless options[:skip] == false SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each do |option| set(option, options[option]) if options.keys.include? option end logf(:submit) Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do @skip=skip mess = false while FileTest.exist?("submitting") (eputs " Waiting for another process to finish submitting. If you know that no other CodeRunner processes are submitting in this folder (#@root_folder) then delete the file 'submitting' and try again"; mess = true) unless mess sleep rand end # old_trap = trap(0) #old_trap0 = trap(0){eputs "Aborted Submit (0)!"; File.delete("#@root_folder/submitting"); exit!} old_trap2 = trap(2){eputs "Aborted Submit (2)!"; File.delete("#@root_folder/submitting") if FileTest.exist? "#@root_folder/submitting"; trap(2, "DEFAULT"); trap(0, "DEFAULT"); Process.kill(2, 0)} #"submitting", "w"){|file| file.puts ""} FileUtils.touch("submitting") unless options[:no_update_before_submit] @use_large_cache, ulc = false, @use_large_cache; update; @use_large_cache = ulc end generate_combined_ids(:real) # old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i} script = "" if options[:job_chain] runs.each_with_index do |run, index| similar = similar_runs([], run) if @skip and similar[0] and not (options[:replace_existing] or options[:rerun]) eputs "Found similar run: #{@run_list[similar[0]].run_name}" eputs "Skipping submission..." runs[index] = nil next end unless options[:replace_existing] or options[:rerun] @max_id+=1 = @max_id else if options[:replace_existing] FileUtils.rm_r elsif options[:rerun] ################# For backwards compatibility SUBMIT_OPTIONS.each do |opt| run.set(opt, send(opt)) unless run.send(opt) end ########################################### FileUtils.rm "#{}/code_runner_results.rb" FileUtils.rm "#{}/.code_runner_run_data" end @run_list.delete( @ids.delete generate_combined_ids end begin unless options[:job_chain] run.prepare_submission unless options[:rerun] next if @test_submission Dir.chdir( do old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i} ######################### The big tomale! run.job_no = run.execute # Start the simulation and get the job_number ######################### run.job_no = get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) unless run.job_no.kind_of? Integer # (if the execute command does not return the job number, look for it manually) # eputs 'run.job_no', run.job_no run.output_file = nil # reset the output file run.output_file # Sets the output_file on first call run.error_file = nil # reset the output file run.error_file # Sets the error_file on first call run.write_info eputs "Submitted run: #{run.run_name}" end else run.prepare_submission unless options[:rerun] script << "cd #{}\n" script << "#{run.run_command}\n" next if @test_submission end rescue => err File.delete("submitting") raise(err) end end # runs.each runs.compact! if options[:job_chain] and not @test_submission and runs.size > 0 FileUtils.makedirs('job_chain_files') @id_list ={|run|} #@executable ||= runs[0].executable @submission_script = script # A hook... default is to do nothing @submission_script = @run_class.modify_job_script(self, runs, @submission_script) # To get out of job_chain_files folder @submission_script = "cd .. \n" + @submission_script old_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i} ################ Submit the run Dir.chdir('job_chain_files'){job_no = execute} ################ job_no = get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) unless job_no.kind_of? Integer # (if the execute command does not return the job number, look for it manually) # eputs 'jobchain no', job_no #runs.each{|run| run.job_no = job_no} runs.each do |run| run.job_no = @job_no = job_no run.output_file = run.relative_directory.split("/").map{|d| ".."}.join("/") + "/job_chain_files/" + output_file run.error_file = run.relative_directory.split("/").map{|d| ".."}.join("/") + "/job_chain_files/" + error_file run.write_info eputs "Submitted run: #{run.run_name}" end end @write_status_dots, wsd = false, @write_status_dots @run_class.update_status(self) runs.each do |run| # ep, run_list.keys Dir.chdir({traverse_directories} end @write_status_dots = wsd save_large_cache File.delete("submitting") #trap(0, old_trap0) trap(2, old_trap2) end # Dir.chdir(@root_folder) # eputs #ep 'runs submitted', outruns return outruns[0].id if outruns.size == 1 #used in parameter scans end # def submit def rcp @run_class.rcp end def executable_name return 'job_chain' unless @executable File.basename(@executable) end def executable_location return '' unless @executable File.dirname(@executable) end def code_run_environment end def run_command #ep 'submission_script', @submission_script @submission_script end private :run_command def job_identifier "#{@id_list[0]}-#{@id_list[-1]}" end #private :job_identifier # Assuming only one new job has been created, detect its job number. def get_new_job_no(old_job_nos) # :doc: #|| "" # qstat = qstat=~/\S/ ? qstat : nil job_no = nil if self.respond_to? :queue_wait_attempts ntimes = queue_wait_attempts else ntimes = 5 end eputs 'Waiting for job to appear in the queue...' ntimes.times do |i| # job_no may not appear instantly # eputs queue_status new_job_nos = queue_status.scan(/^\s*(\d+)/).map{|match| match[0].to_i} job_no = (new_job_nos-old_job_nos).sort[0] # eputs "job_no", job_no break if job_no sleep 0.2 qstat = queue_status if i == ntimes eputs 'Timeout... perhaps increase queue_wait_attempts in the system module?' end end job_no ||= -1 # some functions don't work if job_no couldn't be found, but most are ok end private :get_new_job_no # def submit # # # logi(:job_nos, job_nos) # ################## # # ################## # # eputs info_file # @sys = SYS # # end # # # else # File.delete("submitting") # raise"queue_status did not return a string; submission cancelled. Suggest editing system_modules/#{SYS}.rb") # end # # end # Create a new instance of the class @run_class def new_run logf(:new_run) end @@wait = true #Do you wait for the previous run to have completed when using simple scan? # Submit a series of runs according to scan_string. scan_string specifies a number of scans separated by hashes. Each scan has a number which is the ID of the run to start from followed by a colon. After the colon the user can write some code which modifies the original run. For example: # # simple_scan('23: @height *= 2; @weight *=1.1') # # will submit a series of runs, where each successive run has height twice the last one, and weight 1.1 times the last one, where we assume that height and weight are input parameters. # # Options are the same as CodeRunner#submit def simple_scan(scan_string, options={}) scans = scan_string.split('#') ppipe = + 1, true, controller_refresh: 0.5, redirect: false) pipe_numbers = ppipe.fork(scans.size - 1) #p @run_class.naming_pars instructions = (scans[(ppipe.mpn > 0 ? ppipe.mpn - 1 : 0)]) id = instructions.scan(/^\d+\:/)[0].to_i instructions = instructions.sub(/^\d+\:/, '') @run= id > 0 ? @run_list[id] : (run =; run.update_submission_parameters((options[:parameters] or '{}')); run) @run_class.rcp.variables.each do |par| #p par, @run_class.naming_pars @run.naming_pars.push par if scan_string =~ end @run.naming_pars.uniq! # @run.naming_pars +== @run_class.naming_pars catch(:finished) do loop do #submit loop ppipe.synchronize(:submit) do @running = submit(@run, nprocs: options[:nprocs], version: @run_class.rcp.version) @conditions = "id == #@running" #print_out #ep 'Running run', @running end loop do # check finished loop dir = @run_list[@running].directory @run_list.delete(@running) @run_class.update_status(self) Dir.chdir(dir) do traverse_directories end unless @@wait and (@run_list[@running].status == :Incomplete or @run_list[@running].status == :NotStarted or @run_list[@running].status == :Queueing) @run.parameter_transition(@run_list[@running]) @old_run = @run_list[@running] break end #p @running ppipe.i_send(:running, @running, tp: 0) if ppipe.is_root arr = (pipe_numbers + [0]).inject([]) do |arr, pn| arr.push ppipe.w_recv(:running, fp: pn) end #p arr @conditions = "#{arr.inspect}.include? id" print_out end sleep 3 end @run.instance_eval(instructions) end end (ppipe.die; exit) unless ppipe.is_root ppipe.finish end # nprocs = options[:nprocs] # # version = options[:version] # skip = true unless options[:skip] == false # logf(:submit) # Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do # run.nprocs =nprocs; # A parameter scan array is a list of parameter_scans: # [parameter_scan, parameter_scan, ...] # A parameter_scan is a list of variable scans: # [variable_scan, variable_scan, ...] # # A variable_scan consists of a name, and a list of values; # # ['width', [0.3, 0.5, 0.6]] # # A parameter scan will scan through every possible combination of variable values, varying the final variable fastest. # # In between each run it will call the hook function parameter_transition. This allows you to adjust the input variables of the next run based on the results of the previous. # e.g. # parameter_scan_array = [ # [ # ['width', [0.3, 0.5, 0.6]], ['height', [0.5, 4.3]] # ], # [ # ['width', [7.2, 0.6]], ['height', [3.6, 12.6, 12.9, 0.26]] # ] # ] # # This will run two simultaneous parameter scans: one with 3x2 = 6 runs; one with 2x4 = 8 runs, a total of 14 runs # # Any variables not specified in the parameter scan will be given their default values. def parameter_scan(parameter_scan, parameters, options={}) skip = true unless options[:skip] == false # version= (options[:version] or "") nprocs = options[:nprocs] logf(:parameter_scan) raise"Wrong directory: parameter scan being conducted in #{Dir.pwd} instead of my root folder: #{@root_folder}") unless Dir.pwd == File.expand_path(@root_folder) @skip = skip puts parameter_scan.inspect @nprocs = nprocs; @skip=skip; log '@run_class', @run_class @run = @run.update_submission_parameters(parameters) # @running_scans = {}; @gammas = {} beginning = "catch(:finished) do \n" end_string = "\nend" parameter_scan.each do |variable_scan| beginning += %[ #{variable_scan[1].inspect}.each do |value|\n\t@run.#{variable_scan[0]} = value\n] @run_class.rcp.naming_pars.push variable_scan[0].to_sym; @run_class.rcp.naming_pars.uniq! end_string += %[\nend] end middle = <run, with the exception of those listed in exclude_variables def similar_runs(exclude_variables=[], run=@run) #all runs for which variables are the same as 'run', with the exception of exclude_variables logf(:similar_runs) raise"generate_combined_ids must be called before this function is called") unless (@combined_run_list.size > 0 and @combined_ids.size > 0) or @ids.size ==0 command = (run.class.rcp.variables+run.class.rcp.run_info-exclude_variables - [:output_file, :error_file, :runner, :component_runs]).inject("@combined_ids.find_all{|id| @combined_run_list[id].class == run.class}"){ |s,v| s + %<.find_all{|id| @combined_run_list[id].#{v}.class == #{run.send(v).inspect}.class and @combined_run_list[id].#{v} == #{run.send(v).inspect}}>} #the second send call retrieves the type conversion # log command #puts command begin similar = instance_eval(command) rescue => err log command raise err end return similar end # def max_conditional(variable,sweep=nil, conditions=nil) # logf(:max_complete) # return get_max_complete(variable,sweep, complete) == # end # # def max(variable,sweep=nil, complete=nil) # logf(:max) # return get_max(variable,sweep, complete) == # end # # def get_max(variable,sweep=nil, complete=nil) # logf :get_max # sweep ||= variable # logi @run.maxes # @run.maxes[variable] ||= {} # similar = similar_runs([sweep]) # similar = similar.find_all{|id| @combined_run_list[id].status == :Complete} if complete # logi(:similar, similar, @combined_run_list[similar[0]].send(variable)) # @run.maxes[variable][sweep] ||= similar[1] ? similar.max{|id1,id2| @combined_run_list[id1].send(variable) <=> @combined_run_list[id2].send(variable)} : # # puts "got_here" # logi("@run.maxes[#{variable}][#{sweep}]", @run.maxes[variable][sweep]) # return @run.maxes[variable][sweep] # end def get_max(run, variable,sweep, complete=nil) logf :get_max generate_combined_ids sweep = [sweep] unless sweep.class == Array similar = similar_runs(sweep, run) similar = similar.find_all{|id| @combined_run_list[id].status == :Complete} if complete logi(:similar, similar, @combined_run_list[similar[0]].send(variable)) max = similar[1] ? similar.max{|id1,id2| @combined_run_list[id1].send(variable) <=> @combined_run_list[id2].send(variable)} : similar[0] # puts "got_here" return max end def get_min(run, variable,sweep, complete=nil) logf :get_min generate_combined_ids sweep = [sweep] unless sweep.class == Array similar = similar_runs(sweep, run) similar = similar.find_all{|id| @combined_run_list[id].status == :Complete} if complete logi(:similar, similar, @combined_run_list[similar[0]].send(variable)) min = similar[1] ? similar.min{|id1,id2| @combined_run_list[id1].send(variable) <=> @combined_run_list[id2].send(variable)} : similar[0] # puts "got_here" return min end # # def get_max_conditional(variable,sweep=nil, conditions=nil) # logf(:get_max_conditional) # raise"generate_combined_ids must be called before this function is called") unless @combined_run_list[0] # sweep ||= variable # similar = similar_runs([sweep]).find_all{|id| filter(@combined_run_list[id], conditions)} # similar = similar.find_all{|id| @combined_run_list[id].status == :Complete} if complete # logi(:similar, similar, @combined_run_list[similar[0]].send(variable)) # id_of_max = similar[1] ? similar.max{|id1,id2| @combined_run_list[id1].send(variable) <=> @combined_run_list[id2].send(variable)} : # # puts "got_here" # return id_of_max # end # Duplicate the runner, trying to be intelligent as far as possible in duplicating instance variables. Not fully correct yet. Avoid using at the moment. def dup logf(:dup) new_one =, @root_folder, modlet: @modlet, version: @version) new_one.ids = @ids.dup; new_one.component_ids = @component_ids.dup; new_one.run_list = @run_list.dup; new_one.component_run_list = @component_run_list.dup new_one.run_class = @run_class return new_one end # Delete the folders of all runs for whom CodeRunner#filter(run) is true. This will permanently erase the runs. This is an interactive method which asks for confirmation. def destroy(options={}) ids = @ids.find_all{|id| filter @run_list[id]} unless options[:no_confirm] logf(:destroy) puts "About to delete:" ids.each{|id| eputs @run_list[id].run_name} return unless Feedback.get_boolean("You are about to DESTROY #{ids.size} jobs. There is no way back. All data will be eliminated. Please confirm the delete.") #gets eputs "Please confirm again. Press Enter to confirm, Ctrl + C to cancel" gets end ids.each{|id| FileUtils.rm_r @run_list[id].directory if @run_list[id].directory and not ["", ".", ".."].include? @run_list[id].directory @run_list.delete(id); @ids.delete(id); generate_combined_ids} set_max_id(@ids.max || 0) save_large_cache generate_combined_ids end # Cancel the job with the given ID. Options are: # :no_confirm ---> true or false, cancel without asking for confirmation if true # :delete ---> if (no_confirm and delete), delete cancelled run def cancel_job(id, options={}) @run=@run_list[id] raise "Run with id #{id} does not exist" unless @run unless options[:no_confirm] eputs "Cancelling job: #{@run.job_no}: #{@run.run_name}. \n Press enter to confirm" # puts 'asfda' gets end @run.cancel_job if options[:no_confirm] delete = options[:delete] else delete = Feedback.get_boolean("Do you want to delete the folder (#{}) as well?") end FileUtils.rm_r( if delete and and not == "" update print_out end # Needs to be fixed. # def rename_variable(old, new) # puts "Please confirm complete renaming of #{old} to #{new}" # gets # @run_list.each do |directory| # Dir.chdir directory[:directory] do # begin # @readme ="CODE_RUNNER_INPUTS") # rescue Errno::ENOENT => err # # puts err, err.class # @readme ="README") # end # @readme.sub!("^\s+#{old}:"), "^\s+#{new}:") #"CODE_RUNNER_INPUTS_TEST", 'w'){|file| file.puts @readme} # end # end # old_recalc, @recalc_all = @recalc_all, true # update # @recalc_all = old_recalc # end def add_component_run(run) @component_run_list[@component_id] = run @component_ids.push @component_id #run.real_id = = @component_id @component_id += -1 end def generate_combined_ids(kind= nil) logf(:generate_combined_ids) # case purpose # when :print_out # @combined_ids = [] # @combined_ids += @component_ids if @run_class.print_out_component_run_list # @combined_ids += @ids if @run_class.print_out_real_run_list # when :readout # @combined_ids = [] # @combined_ids += @component_ids if @run_class.readout_component_run_list # @combined_ids += @ids if @run_class.readout_real_run_list # when :submitting # @combined_ids = @ids kind ||= @use_component case kind when :real @combined_ids = @ids when :component @combined_ids = @component_ids when :both @combined_ids = @ids + @component_ids else raise"Bad use component variable: #{kind.inspect}") end log('@component_run_list.class', @component_run_list.class) #puts 'crlist', @component_run_list.keys, @run_list.keys @combined_run_list = @component_run_list + @run_list log(:kind, kind) # log(:combined_ids, @combined_ids) sort_runs(:combined) end def save_all save_large_cache @run_list.values.each do |run| run.write_results end end def save_all_and_overwrite_info save_all @run_list.values.each do |run| run.write_info end end private :save_all_and_overwrite_info # Permanently change the id of every run in the folder by adding num to them. Num can be negative unless it makes any of the ids negative. Use if you want to combine these runs with the runs in another folder, either by creating an instance of CodeRunner::Merge, or by directly copying and pasting the run folders. def alter_ids(num, options={}) Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do return unless options[:no_confirm] or Feedback.get_boolean("This will permanently alter all the ids in the folder #@root_folder. Scripts that use those ids may be affected. Do you wish to continue?") raise"Cannot have negative ids") if @run_list.keys.min + num < 0 runs = @run_list.values fids = filtered_ids @run_list = {} runs.each do |run| old_id = if fids.include? old_id += num old_dir = run.relative_directory new_dir = old_dir.sub("id_#{old_id}(\\D|$)")){"id_#{}#$1"} # ep old_dir, new_dir, new_dir) run.relative_directory = new_dir = File.expand_path(new_dir) end @run_list[] = run end @ids = @run_list.keys set_max_id(@ids.max || 0) save_all_and_overwrite_info end end def continue_in_new_folder(folder, options={}) Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do raise "Folder already exists" if FileTest.exist?(folder) FileUtils.makedirs("#{folder}/v") #FileUtils.makedirs(folder) FileUtils.cp(".code_runner_script_defaults.rb", "#{folder}/.code_runner_script_defaults.rb") FileUtils.cp(".code-runner-irb-save-history", "#{folder}/.code-runner-irb-save-history") FileUtils.cp("#{@defaults_file}_defaults.rb", "#{folder}/#{@defaults_file}_defaults.rb") if options[:copy_ids] options[:copy_ids].each do |id| FileUtils.cp_r(@run_list[id].directory, "#{folder}/v/id_#{id}") end end end end # Create a tar archive of the root folder and all the files in it. Options are # :compression => true or false # :folder => folder in which to place the archive. # :verbose => true or false # :group => group of new files # def create_archive(options={}) verbose = options[:verbose] ? 'v' : '' very_verbose = options[:very_verbose] ? 'v' : '' comp = options[:compression] Dir.chdir(@root_folder) do temp_root = ".tmparch/#{File.basename(@root_folder)}" FileUtils.makedirs(temp_root) system "chgrp #{options[:group]} #{temp_root}" if options[:group] size=@run_list.size @run_list.values.each_with_index do |run, index| archive_name = "#{File.basename(}.tar#{comp ? '.gz' : ''}" tar_name = archive_name.delsubstr('.gz') relative =, File.basename( FileUtils.makedirs(temp_root + relative) unless FileTest.exist? temp_root + relative + archive_name eputs "Archiving #{index} out of #{size}" if options[:verbose] Dir.chdir( + '/..') do command = "tar -cW#{very_verbose}f #{tar_name} #{File.basename(}" eputs command if options[:verbose] unless system command raise "Archiving failed" end break unless comp command = "gzip -4 -vf #{tar_name}" eputs command if options[:verbose] unless system command raise "Compression failed" end command = "gzip -t #{archive_name}" eputs command if options[:verbose] unless system command raise "Compression failed" end #exit end'/') + archive_name, temp_root + '/' + relative + archive_name) end system "chgrp -R #{options[:group]} #{temp_root}" if options[:group] end Dir.entries.each do |file| case file when '.', '..', '.tmparch' next when /^v/ next unless File.file? file else FileUtils.cp_r(file, "#{temp_root}/#{file}") end end Dir.chdir('.tmparch') do command = "tar -cWv --remove-files -f #{File.basename(@root_folder)}.tar #{File.basename(@root_folder)}" command = "tar -cWv -f #{File.basename(@root_folder)}.tar #{File.basename(@root_folder)}" eputs command if options[:verbose] raise "Archiving Failed" unless system command end".tmparch/#{File.basename(@root_folder)}.tar", "#{File.basename(@root_folder)}.tar") #FileUtils.rm_r(".tmparch") end end end [ "/graphs_and_films.rb", "/remote_code_runner.rb", "/merged_code_runner.rb", '/run.rb', '/heuristic_run_methods.rb', ].each do |file| file = CodeRunner::SCRIPT_FOLDER + file require file eprint '.' unless $has_put_startup_message_for_code_runner end