# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Ably::Realtime::Connection, 'failures', :event_machine do let(:connection) { client.connection } vary_by_protocol do let(:default_options) do { api_key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol } end let(:client_options) { default_options } let(:client) do Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) end context 'authentication failure' do let(:client_options) do default_options.merge(api_key: invalid_key, log_level: :none) end context 'when API key is invalid' do context 'with invalid app part of the key' do let(:invalid_key) { 'not_an_app.invalid_key_id:invalid_key_value' } it 'enters the failed state and returns a not found error' do connection.on(:failed) do |error| expect(connection.state).to eq(:failed) # TODO: Check error type is an InvalidToken exception expect(error.status).to eq(404) expect(error.code).to eq(40400) # not found stop_reactor end end end context 'with invalid key ID part of the key' do let(:invalid_key) { "#{app_id}.invalid_key_id:invalid_key_value" } it 'enters the failed state and returns an authorization error' do connection.on(:failed) do |error| expect(connection.state).to eq(:failed) # TODO: Check error type is a TokenNotFOund exception expect(error.status).to eq(401) expect(error.code).to eq(40400) # not found stop_reactor end end end end end context 'automatic connection retry' do let(:client_failure_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :none) } context 'with invalid WebSocket host' do let(:retry_every_for_tests) { 0.2 } let(:max_time_in_state_for_tests) { 0.6 } before do # Reconfigure client library retry periods and timeouts so that tests run quickly stub_const 'Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG', Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG.merge( disconnected: { retry_every: retry_every_for_tests, max_time_in_state: max_time_in_state_for_tests }, suspended: { retry_every: retry_every_for_tests, max_time_in_state: max_time_in_state_for_tests }, ) end # retry immediately after failure, then one retry every :retry_every_for_tests let(:expected_retry_attempts) { 1 + (max_time_in_state_for_tests / retry_every_for_tests).round } let(:state_changes) { Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = 0 } } let(:timer) { Hash.new } let(:client_options) do client_failure_options.merge(realtime_host: 'non.existent.host') end def count_state_changes EventMachine.next_tick do %w(connecting disconnected failed suspended).each do |state| connection.on(state.to_sym) { state_changes[state.to_sym] += 1 } end end end def start_timer timer[:start] = Time.now end def time_passed Time.now.to_f - timer[:start].to_f end context 'when disconnected' do it 'enters the suspended state after multiple attempts to connect' do connection.on(:failed) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :failed state yet' } count_state_changes && start_timer connection.once(:suspended) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:suspended) expect(state_changes[:connecting]).to eql(expected_retry_attempts) expect(state_changes[:disconnected]).to eql(expected_retry_attempts) expect(time_passed).to be > max_time_in_state_for_tests stop_reactor end end describe '#close' do it 'transitions connection state to :closed' do connection.on(:connected) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :connected state' } connection.on(:failed) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :failed state yet' } connection.once(:disconnected) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:disconnected) connection.on(:closed) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:closed) stop_reactor end connection.close end end end end context 'when connection state is :suspended' do it 'enters the failed state after multiple attempts if the max_time_in_state is set' do connection.on(:connected) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :connected state' } connection.once(:suspended) do count_state_changes && start_timer connection.on(:failed) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:failed) expect(state_changes[:connecting]).to eql(expected_retry_attempts) expect(state_changes[:suspended]).to eql(expected_retry_attempts) expect(state_changes[:disconnected]).to eql(0) expect(time_passed).to be > max_time_in_state_for_tests stop_reactor end end end describe '#close' do it 'transitions connection state to :closed' do connection.on(:connected) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :connected state' } connection.once(:suspended) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:suspended) connection.on(:closed) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:closed) stop_reactor end connection.close end end end end context 'when connection state is :failed' do describe '#close' do it 'will not transition state to :close and raises a StateChangeError exception' do connection.on(:connected) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :connected state' } connection.once(:failed) do expect(connection.state).to eq(:failed) expect { connection.close }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::StateChangeError, /Unable to transition from failed => closing/ stop_reactor end end end end context '#error_reason' do [:disconnected, :suspended, :failed].each do |state| it "contains the error when state is #{state}" do connection.on(state) do |error| expect(connection.error_reason).to eq(error) expect(connection.error_reason.code).to eql(80000) stop_reactor end end end it 'is reset to nil when :connected' do connection.once(:disconnected) do |error| # stub the host so that the connection connects allow(connection).to receive(:determine_host).and_yield(TestApp.instance.realtime_host) connection.once(:connected) do expect(connection.error_reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end end end it 'is reset to nil when :closed' do connection.once(:disconnected) do |error| connection.close do expect(connection.error_reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end end end end end describe '#connect' do let(:timeouts) { Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::TIMEOUTS } before do stub_const 'Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::TIMEOUTS', Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::TIMEOUTS.merge(open: 1.5) connection.on(:connected) { raise "Connection should not open in this test as CONNECTED ProtocolMessage is never received" } connection.once(:connecting) do # don't process any incoming ProtocolMessages so the connection never opens connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.unsubscribe end end context 'connection opening times out' do it 'attempts to reconnect' do started_at = Time.now connection.once(:disconnected) do expect(Time.now.to_f - started_at.to_f).to be > timeouts.fetch(:open) connection.once(:connecting) do stop_reactor end end connection.connect end it 'calls the errback of the returned Deferrable object when first connection attempt fails' do connection.connect.errback do |error| expect(connection.state).to eq(:disconnected) stop_reactor end end context 'when retry intervals are stubbed to attempt reconnection quickly' do let(:client_options) { client_failure_options } before do # Reconfigure client library retry periods and timeouts so that tests run quickly stub_const 'Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG', Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG.merge( disconnected: { retry_every: 0.1, max_time_in_state: 0.2 }, suspended: { retry_every: 0.1, max_time_in_state: 0.2 }, ) end it 'never calls the provided success block', em_timeout: 10 do connection.connect do raise 'success block should not have been called' end connection.once(:failed) do stop_reactor end end end end end end context 'connection resume' do let(:channel_name) { random_str } let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) } let(:publishing_client) do Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) end let(:publishing_client_channel) { publishing_client.channel(channel_name) } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :none) } def fail_if_suspended_or_failed connection.on(:suspended) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :suspended state' } connection.on(:failed) { raise 'Connection should not have reached :failed state' } end context 'when DISCONNECTED ProtocolMessage received from the server' do it 'reconnects automatically and immediately' do fail_if_suspended_or_failed connection.once(:connected) do connection.once(:disconnected) do disconnected_at = Time.now.to_f connection.once(:connecting) do expect(Time.now.to_f).to be_within(0.25).of(disconnected_at) connection.once(:connected) do state_history = connection.state_history.map { |transition| transition[:state].to_sym } expect(state_history).to eql([:connecting, :connected, :disconnected, :connecting, :connected]) stop_reactor end end end protocol_message = Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(action: Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage::ACTION.Disconnected.to_i) connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.publish :protocol_message, protocol_message end end context 'and subsequently fails to reconnect' do let(:retry_every) { 1.5 } before do # Reconfigure client library retry periods and timeouts so that tests run quickly stub_const 'Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG', Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG.merge( disconnected: { retry_every: retry_every, max_time_in_state: 60 }) end it "retries every CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG[:disconnected][:retry_every] seconds" do fail_if_suspended_or_failed stubbed_first_attempt = false connection.once(:connected) do connection.once(:disconnected) do connection.once(:connecting) do connection.once(:disconnected) do disconnected_at = Time.now.to_f connection.once(:connecting) do expect(Time.now.to_f - disconnected_at).to be > retry_every state_history = connection.state_history.map { |transition| transition[:state].to_sym } expect(state_history).to eql([:connecting, :connected, :disconnected, :connecting, :disconnected, :connecting]) # allow one more recoonect when reactor stopped expect(connection.manager).to receive(:reconnect_transport) stop_reactor end end # When reconnect called simply open the transport and close immediately expect(connection.manager).to receive(:reconnect_transport) do next if stubbed_first_attempt connection.manager.setup_transport do EventMachine.next_tick do connection.transport.unbind stubbed_first_attempt = true end end end end end protocol_message = Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(action: Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage::ACTION.Disconnected.to_i) connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.publish :protocol_message, protocol_message end end end end context 'when websocket transport is closed' do it 'reconnects automatically' do fail_if_suspended_or_failed connection.once(:connected) do connection.once(:disconnected) do connection.once(:connected) do state_history = connection.state_history.map { |transition| transition[:state].to_sym } expect(state_history).to eql([:connecting, :connected, :disconnected, :connecting, :connected]) stop_reactor end end connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing end end end context 'after successfully reconnecting and resuming' do it 'retains connection_id and connection_key' do previous_connection_id = nil previous_connection_key = nil connection.once(:connected) do previous_connection_id = connection.id previous_connection_key = connection.key connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing connection.once(:connected) do expect(connection.key).to eql(previous_connection_key) expect(connection.id).to eql(previous_connection_id) stop_reactor end end end it 'retains channel subscription state' do messages_received = false channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.data).to eql('message') stop_reactor end channel.attach do publishing_client_channel.attach do connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing connection.once(:connected) do publishing_client_channel.publish 'event', 'message' end end end end it 'triggers the resume callback', api_private: true do channel.attach do connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing connection.on_resume do expect(connection).to be_connected stop_reactor end end end context 'when messages were published whilst the client was disconnected' do it 'receives the messages published whilst offline' do messages_received = false channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.data).to eql('message') messages_received = true end channel.attach do publishing_client_channel.attach do connection.transport.off # remove all event handlers that detect socket connection state has changed connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing publishing_client_channel.publish('event', 'message') do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(messages_received).to eql(false) # simulate connection dropped to re-establish web socket connection.transition_state_machine :disconnected end end # subsequent connection will receive message sent whilst disconnected connection.once(:connected) do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(messages_received).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end end end end end end context 'when failing to resume' do context 'because the connection_key is not or no longer valid' do def kill_connection_transport_and_prevent_valid_resume connection.transport.close_connection_after_writing connection.configure_new '0123456789abcdef', '0123456789abcdef', -1 # force the resume connection key to be invalid end it 'updates the connection_id and connection_key' do connection.once(:connected) do previous_connection_id = connection.id previous_connection_key = connection.key connection.once(:connected) do expect(connection.key).to_not eql(previous_connection_key) expect(connection.id).to_not eql(previous_connection_id) stop_reactor end kill_connection_transport_and_prevent_valid_resume end end it 'detaches all channels' do channel_count = 10 channels = channel_count.times.map { |index| client.channel("channel-#{index}") } when_all(*channels.map(&:attach)) do detached_channels = [] channels.each do |channel| channel.on(:detached) do detached_channels << channel next unless detached_channels.count == channel_count expect(detached_channels.count).to eql(channel_count) stop_reactor end end kill_connection_transport_and_prevent_valid_resume end end it 'emits an error on the channel and sets the error reason' do client.channel(random_str).attach do |channel| channel.on(:error) do |error| expect(error.message).to match(/Invalid connection key/i) expect(error.code).to eql(80008) expect(channel.error_reason).to eql(error) stop_reactor end kill_connection_transport_and_prevent_valid_resume end end end end end describe 'fallback host feature' do let(:retry_every_for_tests) { 0.1 } let(:max_time_in_state_for_tests) { 0.3 } before do # Reconfigure client library retry periods and timeouts so that tests run quickly stub_const 'Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG', Ably::Realtime::Connection::ConnectionManager::CONNECT_RETRY_CONFIG.merge( disconnected: { retry_every: retry_every_for_tests, max_time_in_state: max_time_in_state_for_tests }, suspended: { retry_every: retry_every_for_tests, max_time_in_state: max_time_in_state_for_tests }, ) end # Retry immediately and then wait retry_every before every subsequent attempt let(:expected_retry_attempts) { 1 + (max_time_in_state_for_tests / retry_every_for_tests).round } let(:retry_count_for_one_state) { 1 + expected_retry_attempts } # initial connect then disconnected let(:retry_count_for_all_states) { 1 + expected_retry_attempts * 2 } # initial connection, disconnected & then suspended context 'with custom realtime websocket host option' do let(:expected_host) { 'this.host.does.not.exist' } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(realtime_host: expected_host, log_level: :none) } it 'never uses a fallback host' do expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect).exactly(retry_count_for_all_states).times do |host| expect(host).to eql(expected_host) raise EventMachine::ConnectionError end connection.on(:failed) do stop_reactor end end end context 'with non-production environment' do let(:environment) { 'sandbox' } let(:expected_host) { "#{environment}-#{Ably::Realtime::Client::DOMAIN}" } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(environment: environment, log_level: :none) } it 'never uses a fallback host' do expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect).exactly(retry_count_for_all_states).times do |host| expect(host).to eql(expected_host) raise EventMachine::ConnectionError end connection.on(:failed) do stop_reactor end end end context 'with production environment' do let(:custom_hosts) { %w(A.ably-realtime.com B.ably-realtime.com) } before do stub_const 'Ably::FALLBACK_HOSTS', custom_hosts end let(:expected_host) { Ably::Realtime::Client::DOMAIN } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(environment: nil, log_level: :none) } let(:fallback_hosts_used) { Array.new } context 'when the Internet is down' do before do allow(connection).to receive(:internet_up?).and_yield(false) end it 'never uses a fallback host' do expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect).exactly(retry_count_for_all_states).times do |host| expect(host).to eql(expected_host) raise EventMachine::ConnectionError end connection.on(:failed) do stop_reactor end end end context 'when the Internet is up' do before do allow(connection).to receive(:internet_up?).and_yield(true) end it 'uses a fallback host on every subsequent disconnected attempt until suspended' do request = 0 expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect).exactly(retry_count_for_one_state).times do |host| if request == 0 expect(host).to eql(expected_host) else expect(custom_hosts).to include(host) fallback_hosts_used << host end request += 1 raise EventMachine::ConnectionError end connection.on(:suspended) do expect(fallback_hosts_used.uniq).to match_array(custom_hosts) stop_reactor end end it 'uses the primary host when suspended, and a fallback host on every subsequent suspended attempt' do request = 0 expect(EventMachine).to receive(:connect).exactly(retry_count_for_all_states).times do |host| if request == 0 || request == expected_retry_attempts + 1 expect(host).to eql(expected_host) else expect(custom_hosts).to include(host) fallback_hosts_used << host end request += 1 raise EventMachine::ConnectionError end connection.on(:failed) do expect(fallback_hosts_used.uniq).to match_array(custom_hosts) stop_reactor end end end end end end end