# Changelog - We use the [GOV.UK versioning guidelines](https://docs.publishing.service.gov.uk/manual/publishing-a-ruby-gem.html#versioning). - Mark breaking changes with `BREAKING:`. Be sure to include instructions on how applications should be upgraded. - Include a link to your pull request. - Don't include changes that are purely internal. The CHANGELOG should be a useful summary for people upgrading their application, not a replication of the commit log. ## 0.4.4 * Allow `.configure` to accept extra chrome options ## 0.4.3 * Swap the deprecated chromedriver-helper gem for webdrivers gem ## 0.4.2 * Silence Puma logs during spec suite. ## 0.4.1 * Avoid issues with older versions of the chromedriver-helper gem, by only using chromedriver form the PATH if GOVUK_TEST_USE_SYSTEM_CHROMEDRIVER is set in the environment. ## 0.4.0 * Don't download chromedriver if it's already available. ## 0.3.1 * Revert "Don't force use of chromedriver-helper" - which seems to break apps in CI ## 0.3.0 * Don't download chromedriver if it's already available. ## 0.2.1 * Explicitly require the `chromedriver-helper` Gem to fix the path to the binary. ## 0.2.0 * Allow passing options to GovukTest.configure. Currently only `window_size` is supported. This is passed to the chrome driver capabilites. eg. `GovukTest.configure(window_size: "1280,720")`. ## 0.1.0 * Initial version, configures selenium headless chrome javascript driver by default.