function debug(str) {} function correct_value(cond) { if (cond) { if ('" . PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT . "' == 'IE') { return 'block'; } else { return 'table-row-group'; } } else return 'none'; } function show_details(row) { row.className = row.className.replace (' over', '') + ' over'; } function hide_last_shown(row) { row.className = row.className.replace (' over', ''); } var smooth_timer; function smoothHeight(id, curH, targetH, stepH, mode) { //alert(id + ' == ' + mode); diff = targetH - curH; if (diff != 0) { newH = (diff > 0) ? curH + stepH : curH - stepH; document.getElementById(id).style.height = newH + "px"; if (smooth_timer) window.clearTimeout(smooth_timer); smooth_timer = window.setTimeout( "smoothHeight('" + id + "'," + newH + "," + targetH + "," + stepH + ",'" + mode + "')", 20 ); } else if (mode != "o") document.getElementById(mode).style.display="none"; } function proceed_on_click(row, speed) { trRow = document.getElementById( + "_details"); divBlock = document.getElementById( + "_block_details"); if (trRow != null) { if ("none") {""; divBlock.blabla = divBlock.scrollHeight // try to store the first height to then use the same one from the begining. debug("Show Details, offsetHeight: " + divBlock.offsetHeight + " scrollHeight: " + divBlock.scrollHeight + " saved: " + divBlock.bla); if (speed == 0) { speed = divBlock.scrollHeight } h = Math.ceil(divBlock.scrollHeight/speed)*speed smoothHeight( + "_block_details", 0, h, speed, 'o'); row.className = row.className.replace (' clicked', '') + ' clicked'; } else { debug("Hide Details, offsetHeight: " + divBlock.offsetHeight + " scrollHeight: " + divBlock.scrollHeight); if (speed == 0) { speed = divBlock.scrollHeight } h = Math.ceil(divBlock.scrollHeight/speed)*speed smoothHeight( + "_block_details", h, 0, speed, + "_details"); row.className = row.className.replace (' clicked', ''); } } debug(''); }