// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Kentucky Variables // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Project Settings // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // $debug-mode: false !default; $use-media: false !default; $use-sprite: false !default; $use-breadcrumb: false !default; $use-split: false !default; // If use-sprite is set to true, input relevant values $sprite-sheet-loc: "sprite sheet url.png"; $sprite-sheet-grid: 36px; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Typographic Variables // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // $base-font-family: $helvetica !default; $base-font-size: 14px !default; $base-line-height: 1 !default; $base-font-color: #333 !default; $giga-size: 96px !default; $mega-size: 72px !default; $kilo-size: 48px !default; $h1-size: 42px !default; // %alpha $h2-size: 36px !default; // %bravo $h3-size: 24px !default; // %charlie $h4-size: 20px !default; // %delta $h5-size: 18px !default; // %echo $h6-size: 16px !default; // %foxtrot $milli-size: 12px !default; $micro-size: 10px !default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Brand Variables // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // $brand-font-family: $helvetica !default; $brand-color: #333 !default; $brand-round: 3px !default; // Used for rounded corners $link-color: #bebebe !default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Base Spacing Units // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // $base-spacing-unit: $base-line-height !default; $half-spacing-unit: $base-spacing-unit / 2 !default; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Media Query Widths // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // $mobile: new-breakpoint(max-width 480px 4); $tablet: new-breakpoint(max-width 990px 8); $laptop: new-breakpoint(max-width 1440px 12); // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Single Direction Margins // // Any block level elements should be added to this list as well. // Keeping the margins in one direction will avoid margin collapse // issues and keep spacing consistant. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol, dd, section, article, p, pre, table, fieldset, hr{ margin-bottom: ($base-font-size / $base-line-height); // IE8 Fallback margin-bottom: 1rem; }