// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== // 50 JSON records. var json0_9 = [ {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653acad","fullName": "Trecia Williamson 4", "bookTitle": "The Death Doors", "address":" UC Santa Cruz, 35 First St, Wichita, KS"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653acfe","fullName": "Jarrod Schreckengost 1", "bookTitle": "The Fear of the Thieves", "address":" Michigan State University, 285 Lazaneo St, Ann Arbor, MI"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653ad23","fullName": "Colbert Ward 3", "bookTitle": "The Menace Myth", "address":" College University, 351 Van Ness Blvd, London, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653ad43","fullName": "Kurtis Hall 3", "bookTitle": "The Creature of Madness", "address":" MIT, 122 Fifth Ave, Santa Clara, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653ad56","fullName": "Marilyn Bellinger 2", "bookTitle": "The Fear of the Gods", "address":" New York University, 438 Dana St, Southampton, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653ad6b","fullName": "Annalisa Butt 1", "bookTitle": "The Planet of Horror", "address":" Foothill College, 146 Bloom St, Los Angeles, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653ad7f","fullName": "Jesse Robinson 4", "bookTitle": "The Ice of Madness", "address":" Michigan State University, 153 Broadway Blvd, Los Angeles, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653ad93","fullName": "Zilla Fea 4", "bookTitle": "The Time of the Reign", "address":" Stanford University, 309 Van Ness Blvd, Wichita, KS"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653adad","fullName": "Milburn Holdeman 2", "bookTitle": "The Jaws of Night", "address":" Michigan State University, 236 Elm St, St. Louis, MO"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653adc4","fullName": "Martina Read 4", "bookTitle": "The Fear of the Spiders", "address":" London University, 142 Castro St, London, UK"} ]; 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var json20_29 = [ {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653aecc","fullName": "Alton Saline 4", "bookTitle": "The Horror Secret", "address":" Santa Clara University, 431 Main St, Seattle, WA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653aee2","fullName": "Homer Sandys 2", "bookTitle": "The Day Seeds", "address":" Stanford University, 75 First St, Wichita, KS"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653aef6","fullName": "Katherine Hozier 3", "bookTitle": "The Dominators", "address":" Stanford University, 348 Broadway Blvd, Seattle, WA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af0a","fullName": "Lavone Baxter 2", "bookTitle": "The Bride of Day", "address":" Foothill College, 34 Bloom St, Cambridge, MA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af24","fullName": "Hailey Berkheimer 3", "bookTitle": "The Long Machine", "address":" Santa Clara University, 47 Broadway Blvd, San Francisco, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af3b","fullName": "Shanelle Fry 2", "bookTitle": "The Enemies of Fear", "address":" Foothill College, 323 Van Ness Blvd, Southampton, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af5e","fullName": "Booker Earl 2", "bookTitle": "The Fury Doors", "address":" Harvard, 180 Castro St, Cambridge, MA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af72","fullName": "Emery Cavalet 2", "bookTitle": "The Inferno", "address":" Stanford University, 430 Dana St, St. Louis, MO"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af86","fullName": "Robynne Unk 3", "bookTitle": "The Fear Memories", "address":" Foothill College, 343 Lazaneo St, Santa Clara, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653af9a","fullName": "Lyssa Ashbaugh 1", "bookTitle": "The Angels", "address":" Harvard, 42 First St, Palo Alto, CA"} ]; var json30_39 = [ {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653afb5","fullName": "Rolph Burris 3", "bookTitle": "Dreams of Menace", "address":" Springfield University, 256 Fifth Ave, Southampton, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653afcb","fullName": "Sheree Kiefer 1", "bookTitle": "The Doom of the Night", "address":" Michigan State University, 432 Dana St, Palo Alto, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653afde","fullName": "Shaun Drabble 2", "bookTitle": "The Future Creatures", "address":" Springfield University, 388 Fifth Ave, Los Angeles, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653aff4","fullName": "Melvyn Stafford 1", "bookTitle": "The Fury of the Runaway", "address":" New York University, 252 Dana St, Southampton, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b008","fullName": "Alfreda Rahl 3", "bookTitle": "The Time of the Enemies", "address":" CalTech, 13 Bloom St, Los Angeles, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b022","fullName": "Auberon Coughenour 1", "bookTitle": "The Horror of the Rock", "address":" MIT, 429 Bloom St, Cambridge, MA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b043","fullName": "Clitus Mccallum 2", "bookTitle": "The Horror Dead", "address":" Springfield University, 121 Bloom St, Palo Alto, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b05f","fullName": "Jackie Munson 4", "bookTitle": "Seed of Day", "address":" Stanford University, 232 Oak Ave, San Francisco, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b075","fullName": "Kerri Mayers 3", "bookTitle": "The Madness of the Fear", "address":" Foothill College, 443 Lazaneo St, Southampton, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b08a","fullName": "Lyric Richards 3", "bookTitle": "The Horror Dead", "address":" Michigan State University, 391 Van Ness Blvd, London, UK"} ]; var json40_49 = [ {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b09f","fullName": "Marci Caesar 1", "bookTitle": "The Seventh Child", "address":" College University, 469 Dana St, London, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b0b7","fullName": "Jade Sloan 4", "bookTitle": "The Menace of the Seas", "address":" UC Santa Cruz, 295 Van Ness Blvd, Cambridge, MA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b0cf","fullName": "Leyton Jyllian 2", "bookTitle": "The Foe", "address":" Stanford University, 419 University Loop, St. Louis, MO"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b11d","fullName": "Janette Koepple 2", "bookTitle": "The Arc of Day", "address":" Springfield University, 57 Main St, Wichita, KS"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b136","fullName": "Thea Sullivan 4", "bookTitle": "Suns of Doom", "address":" Michigan State University, 115 First St, Cupertino, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b14a","fullName": "Caileigh Todd 3", "bookTitle": "The Horror Leisure", "address":" UC Santa Cruz, 330 First St, London, UK"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b15f","fullName": "Melvin Wilkerson 1", "bookTitle": "The Menace Alien", "address":" University of Southampton, 490 Elm St, Wichita, KS"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b173","fullName": "Leyton Jyllian 4", "bookTitle": "The Assassin of Fear", "address":" Harvard, 60 Elm St, Palo Alto, CA"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b187","fullName": "Sloane Moulton 1", "bookTitle": "The Crater of Horror", "address":" University of Southampton, 272 Broadway Blvd, New York, NY"}, {"type": "Author", "guid": "4995bc653b19b","fullName": "Tamsen Newton 3", "bookTitle": "The Long Crater", "address":" Harvard, 420 Second St, St. Louis, MO"} ];