/* * * Copyright 2021 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include "rb_xds_channel_credentials.h" #include #include "rb_call_credentials.h" #include "rb_channel_credentials.h" #include "rb_grpc.h" #include "rb_grpc_imports.generated.h" #include #include #include #include /* grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials is the ruby class that proxies grpc_channel_credentials. */ static VALUE grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials = Qnil; /* grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials wraps a grpc_channel_credentials. It * provides a mark object that is used to hold references to any objects used to * create the credentials. */ typedef struct grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials { /* Holder of ruby objects involved in constructing the credentials */ VALUE mark; /* The actual credentials */ grpc_channel_credentials* wrapped; } grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials; static void grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_free_internal(void* p) { grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials* wrapper = NULL; if (p == NULL) { return; }; wrapper = (grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials*)p; grpc_channel_credentials_release(wrapper->wrapped); wrapper->wrapped = NULL; xfree(p); } /* Destroys the credentials instances. */ static void grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_free(void* p) { grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_free_internal(p); } /* Protects the mark object from GC */ static void grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_mark(void* p) { grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials* wrapper = NULL; if (p == NULL) { return; } wrapper = (grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials*)p; if (wrapper->mark != Qnil) { rb_gc_mark(wrapper->mark); } } static rb_data_type_t grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type = { "grpc_xds_channel_credentials", {grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_mark, grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_free, GRPC_RB_MEMSIZE_UNAVAILABLE, NULL}, NULL, NULL, #ifdef RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY #endif }; /* Allocates ChannelCredential instances. Provides safe initial defaults for the instance fields. */ static VALUE grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_alloc(VALUE cls) { grpc_ruby_init(); grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials* wrapper = ALLOC(grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials); wrapper->wrapped = NULL; wrapper->mark = Qnil; return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(cls, &grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type, wrapper); } /* Creates a wrapping object for a given channel credentials. This should only * be called with grpc_channel_credentials objects that are not already * associated with any Ruby object. */ VALUE grpc_rb_xds_wrap_channel_credentials(grpc_channel_credentials* c, VALUE mark) { grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials* wrapper; if (c == NULL) { return Qnil; } VALUE rb_wrapper = grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_alloc(grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials); TypedData_Get_Struct(rb_wrapper, grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials, &grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type, wrapper); wrapper->wrapped = c; wrapper->mark = mark; return rb_wrapper; } /* The attribute used on the mark object to hold the fallback creds. */ static ID id_fallback_creds; /* call-seq: fallback_creds: (ChannelCredentials) fallback credentials to create XDS credentials Initializes Credential instances. */ static VALUE grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_init(VALUE self, VALUE fallback_creds) { grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials* wrapper = NULL; grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_fallback_creds = grpc_rb_get_wrapped_channel_credentials(fallback_creds); grpc_channel_credentials* creds = grpc_xds_credentials_create(grpc_fallback_creds); if (creds == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "the call to grpc_xds_credentials_create() failed, could not " "create a credentials, , see " "https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md for " "debugging tips"); return Qnil; } TypedData_Get_Struct(self, grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials, &grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type, wrapper); wrapper->wrapped = creds; /* Add the input objects as hidden fields to preserve them. */ rb_ivar_set(self, id_fallback_creds, fallback_creds); return self; } // TODO: de-duplicate this code with the similar method in // rb_channel_credentials.c, after putting ChannelCredentials and // XdsChannelCredentials under a common parent class static VALUE grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_compose(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self) { grpc_channel_credentials* creds; grpc_call_credentials* other; grpc_channel_credentials* prev = NULL; VALUE mark; if (argc == 0) { return self; } mark = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(mark, self); creds = grpc_rb_get_wrapped_xds_channel_credentials(self); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { rb_ary_push(mark, argv[i]); other = grpc_rb_get_wrapped_call_credentials(argv[i]); creds = grpc_composite_channel_credentials_create(creds, other, NULL); if (prev != NULL) { grpc_channel_credentials_release(prev); } prev = creds; if (creds == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Failed to compose channel and call credentials"); } } return grpc_rb_xds_wrap_channel_credentials(creds, mark); } void Init_grpc_xds_channel_credentials() { grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials = rb_define_class_under( grpc_rb_mGrpcCore, "XdsChannelCredentials", rb_cObject); /* Allocates an object managed by the ruby runtime */ rb_define_alloc_func(grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials, grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_alloc); /* Provides a ruby constructor and support for dup/clone. */ rb_define_method(grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials, "initialize", grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_init, 1); rb_define_method(grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials, "initialize_copy", grpc_rb_cannot_init_copy, 1); rb_define_method(grpc_rb_cXdsChannelCredentials, "compose", grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_compose, -1); id_fallback_creds = rb_intern("__fallback_creds"); } /* Gets the wrapped grpc_channel_credentials from the ruby wrapper */ grpc_channel_credentials* grpc_rb_get_wrapped_xds_channel_credentials(VALUE v) { grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials* wrapper = NULL; Check_TypedStruct(v, &grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type); TypedData_Get_Struct(v, grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials, &grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type, wrapper); return wrapper->wrapped; } bool grpc_rb_is_xds_channel_credentials(VALUE v) { return rb_typeddata_is_kind_of(v, &grpc_rb_xds_channel_credentials_data_type); }