Part of a Home Condition Report identifying, in the Home Inspectors opinion, the types of risks that may affect the value of the inspected property or place restrictions on the use of the inspected property.
Indicates whether the Home Inspector believes that there is a risk of the Highways or Footpaths not being adopted.
Not being adopted means that the maintenance cost of the road or footpath must be carried by the Owners of the Properties adjoining the highway or footpath.
A description of the alteration that the Home Inspector believes required a statutory consent to be given.
A description of the alteration that the Home Inspectors believes required a Freehold Owner Consent to have been obtained.
Indicates that the Home Inspector believes that their may be some risk with Flying Freeholds hat may be associated with the Property.
Indicates whether the Home Inspector believes that there is a some risk to the Property Owner relating to Mining rights in the land.
Details of any Rights of Way that the Home Inspector believes encroach on the Property.
Indicates that the Home Inspector believes that there may be some risk associated with the boundaries (including Party Walls) of the Property.
Details of any easements that the Home Inspector believes relate to the Property.
Indicates that the Home Inspector believes that there may be some risk with some of the structural repairs that may previously have been carried out on the Property.
Identifies the type of property warranty that the Home Inspector believes is covering the entire property such as an NHBC Buildmark Certificate.
Indicates that the Home Inspector believes that their may be some risk with on-going claims against the Property's Building Insurance.
Indicates that the Home Inspector believes that there may be some risk of Tree Preservation Orders affecting the Property.
Indicates that
Indicates that the property is in an area where Radon gas is know yto occur.
Describes any repairs to shared parts that may have been carried out.
Indicates whether the Home Inspector believes that there is an existing risk of contamination to the land or property.
Indicates whether the Home Inspector believes that there is a risk of flooding of the property in the future.
Location where the Home Inspector thinks the lack of an escape window poses a fire risk.
Indicates that the Home Inspector believes that there are inadequate measures to control the spread of fire.
Indicates that the Home inspector believes that there is a gas leak in the property
Identifies where the Home Inspector believes a lack of hand-rails may be present and health risk.
indicates the type of unsafe fittings that may be present at the property.
Indicates appliances and services that present a safety risk because they have not been recently tested.
Location of the Bees / Wasp Hornets nest if one is present at the property.
Identifies health risks that the inspector believes may exist at the property
Details of any flooding risk that may affect a property
The type of flooding that might occur
Identifies the type of access for the Right of Way e.g. Shared or Public.
The type of Right of Way e.g. Bridleway or Footpath
Identifies whether it is the roads, footpaths or both that at adopted.
Identifies the adopted status of the roads and/or footpaths.
Text description of the location of the unmade roads e.g. "North, South and East", "Front", "Front and Sides" etc.
It is a sentence rather than an enumerated domain because the possible values and combinations required to described the standard scenarios are excessively large.
Identifies the type of warranty that applies to the structural work that was carried out.
Identifies the type of Structural Work that was carried out.
Description of the other work that was carried out if Work-Type = 'other'.
Identifies the scope of the building that was affected by the structural work that was carried out e.g. whole building
Identifies the location of the contamination risk relative to the Property.
Identifies the location of the suspected unsafe room.
Identifies the reason that the Home Inspector suspects the room is unsafe to live in.
Identifies who the Home Inspector informed about the suspected Gas Leak
Identifies the location of the suspected Gas Leak.
The location of the property feature that the Home Inspector believes should have safety glass installed.