# this shouldn't be necessary, but engines seem to have a few weak spots. require 'will_paginate/view_helpers/action_view' # removes a circular loading warning during testing # while still allowing the styling during development/production unless Rails.env.test? require 'bootstrap-will_paginate' end module BarkestCore ## # This module contains some generic helper functions for use in all views and all controllers. module ApplicationHelper ## # Generates a title string for a page using a standard format. # # In this case, the standard format is either 'application name' or 'application name - page specific title'. # # * +title+ Specifies the page specific title. # def page_title(title = nil) return Rails.application.app_name if title.blank? "#{Rails.application.app_name} - #{title}" end ## # Renders an error summary for the specified model. # # Any model that includes an +errors+ method that returns an +full_messages+ collection can be passed to this method. # # If more than 6 errors exist, then the first 3 will be shown with a link to display all of the error messages. # def error_summary(model) render partial: 'shared/error_messages', locals: { model: model } end ## # Renders an alert message. # # * +type+ The type of message [info, success, warn, error, danger, etc] # * +message+ The message to display. # # To provide messages including HTML, you need to prefix the type with 'safe_'. # # render_alert(safe_info, 'This is a message containing HTML content.') # # The message can be a string, hash, or array. When an array is specified, then each array element is enumerated and # joined together. The real power comes in when you specify a hash. A hash will print the key as a label and then # enumerate the value (string, hash, or array) in an unordered list. Hash values are processed recursively, allowing # you to create alerts with lists within lists. # # render_alert(info, { 'Section 1' => [ 'Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3' ] }) # # # # # render_alert(info, { 'Block A' => { 'Block A:1' => [ 'Line 1', 'Line 2' ] }}) # # # # def render_alert(type, message) if type.to_s.index('safe_') type = type.to_s[5..-1] message = message.to_s.html_safe end type = type.to_sym type = :info if type == :notice type = :danger if type == :alert return nil unless [:info, :success, :danger, :warning].include?(type) "
".html_safe end ## # <%= render_for_namespace 'layout_partial_name' %> # # Only renders if the current controller is namespaced. # If the specified partial doesn't exist, no error is raised. def render_for_namespace view nmspc = params[:controller].include?('/') ? params[:controller].rpartition('/')[0] : nil # recurse down the namespace tree to see if we get any hits. until nmspc.blank? template = "layouts/#{nmspc}/_#{view}" partial = "layouts/#{nmspc}/#{view}" if lookup_context.template_exists?(template) return render(partial) end nmspc = nmspc.include?('/') ? nmspc.rpartition('/')[0] : nil end end private def render_alert_message(message, bottom = true) ret = '' if message.is_a?(Array) message = message.map { |v| render_alert_message(v, bottom) } ret += message.join elsif message.is_a?(Hash) message.each do |k,v| ret += '
  • ' unless bottom ret += "" ret += "" ret += '
  • ' unless bottom end else if bottom ret += h(message) else ret += "
  • #{h message}
  • ".html_safe end end ret.html_safe end end end