syntax = "proto3"; package Yoti.Protobuf.attrpubapi_v3; option java_package = "com.yoti.attrpubapi_v3"; option java_outer_classname = "AttrProto"; // ContentType indicates how to interpret the ‘Value’ field of an Attribute. enum ContentType { // UNDEFINED should not be seen, and is used as an error placeholder // value. UNDEFINED = 0; // STRING means the value is UTF-8 encoded text. STRING = 1; // JPEG indicates a standard .jpeg image. JPEG = 2; // Date as string in RFC3339 format (YYYY-MM-DD). DATE = 3; // PNG indicates a standard .png image. PNG = 4; } message Attribute { string name = 1; bytes value = 2; ContentType content_type = 3; repeated Anchor anchors = 4; } message Anchor { bytes artifact_link = 1; repeated bytes origin_server_certs = 2; bytes artifact_signature = 3; string sub_type = 4; bytes signature = 5; bytes signed_time_stamp = 6; }