module Rubaidh # :nodoc: module GoogleAnalyticsMixin def google_analytics_code GoogleAnalytics.google_analytics_code(request.ssl?) if GoogleAnalytics.enabled?(request.format) end # An after_filter to automatically add the analytics code. # If you intend to use the link_to_tracked view helpers, you need to set Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics.defer_load = false # to load the code at the top of the page # (see def add_google_analytics_code if GoogleAnalytics.defer_load response.body.sub! '', "#{google_analytics_code}" if response.body.respond_to?(:sub!) else response.body.sub! '', "#{google_analytics_code}" if response.body.respond_to?(:sub!) end end end class GoogleAnalyticsConfigurationError < StandardError; end # The core functionality to connect a Rails application # to a Google Analytics installation. # # The +GoogleAnalytics+ class has a variety of class attributes for configuration: # # * tracker_id (required) # # Specify the Google Analytics ID for this web site. This can be found # as the value of +_getTracker+ if you are using the new (ga.js) tracking # code, or the value of +_uacct+ if you are using the old (urchin.js) # tracking code. # # * domain_name # # Specify a different domain name from the default. You'll want to use # this if you have several subdomains that you want to combine into # one report. See the Google Analytics documentation for more # information. # # * legacy_mode # # Specify whether the legacy Google Analytics code should be used. By # default, the new Google Analytics code is used. # # * analytics_url # # I can't see why you'd want to do this, but you can always change the # analytics URL. This is only applicable in legacy mode. # # * analytics_ssl_url # # I can't see why you'd want to do this, but you can always change the # analytics URL (ssl version). This is only applicable in legacy mode. # # * environments # # The environments in which to enable the Google Analytics code. Defaults # to 'production' only. Supply an array of environment names to change this. # # * formats # # The formats for which to add. Defaults to +:html+ only. Supply an array # of formats to change this. # # * defer_load # # Set this to true (the default) if you want to load the Analytics javascript at # the bottom of page. Set this to false if you want to load the Analytics # javascript at the top of the page. The page will render faster if you set this to # true, but that will break the linking functions in Rubaidh::GoogleAnalyticsViewHelper. # # * local_javascript # # Set this to true to use a local copy of the ga.js (or urchin.js) file. # This gives you the added benefit of serving the JS directly from your # server, which in case of a big geographical difference between your server # and Google's can speed things up for your visitors. Use the # 'google_analytics:update' rake task to update the local JS copies. # # * override_domain_name # # Set this to override the initialized domain name for a single render. Useful # when you're serving to multiple hosts from a single codebase. Typically you'd # set up a before filter in the appropriate controller: # before_filter :override_domain_name # def override_domain_name # Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics.override_domain_name = '' # end # # * override_tracker_id # # Set this to override the initialized tracker ID for a single render. Useful # when you're serving to multiple hosts from a single codebase. Typically you'd # set up a before filter in the appropriate controller: # before_filter :override_tracker_id # def override_tracker_id # Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics.override_tracker_id = 'UA-123456-7' # end # # * override_trackpageview # # Set this to override the automatically generated path to the page in the # Google Analytics reports for a single render. Typically you'd set this up on a # controller-by-controller basis: # def show # Rubaidh::GoogleAnalytics.override_trackpageview = "path_to_report" # ... class GoogleAnalytics @@tracker_id = nil cattr_accessor :tracker_id @@domain_name = nil cattr_accessor :domain_name @@legacy_mode = false cattr_accessor :legacy_mode @@analytics_url = '' cattr_accessor :analytics_url @@analytics_ssl_url = '' cattr_accessor :analytics_ssl_url @@environments = ['production'] cattr_accessor :environments @@formats = [:html] cattr_accessor :formats @@defer_load = true cattr_accessor :defer_load @@local_javascript = false cattr_accessor :local_javascript cattr_accessor :override_domain_name cattr_accessor :override_tracker_id cattr_accessor :override_trackpageview # Return true if the Google Analytics system is enabled and configured # correctly for the specified format def self.enabled?(format) raise Rubaidh::GoogleAnalyticsConfigurationError if tracker_id.blank? || analytics_url.blank? environments.include?(RAILS_ENV) && formats.include?(format.to_sym) end # Construct the javascript code to be inserted on the calling page. The +ssl+ # parameter can be used to force the SSL version of the code in legacy mode only. def self.google_analytics_code(ssl = false) return legacy_google_analytics_code(ssl) if legacy_mode extra_code = domain_name.blank? ? nil : "pageTracker._setDomainName(\"#{domain_name}\");" if !override_domain_name.blank? extra_code = "pageTracker._setDomainName(\"#{override_domain_name}\");" self.override_domain_name = nil end code = if local_javascript <<-HTML HTML else <<-HTML HTML end code << <<-HTML HTML end # Construct the legacy version of the Google Analytics code. The +ssl+ # parameter specifies whether or not to return the SSL version of the code. def self.legacy_google_analytics_code(ssl = false) extra_code = domain_name.blank? ? nil : "_udn = \"#{domain_name}\";" if !override_domain_name.blank? extra_code = "_udn = \"#{override_domain_name}\";" self.override_domain_name = nil end url = legacy_analytics_js_url(ssl) code = <<-HTML HTML end # Generate the correct URL for the legacy Analytics JS file def self.legacy_analytics_js_url(ssl = false) if local_javascript 'urchin.js' ) else ssl ? analytics_ssl_url : analytics_url end end # Determine the tracker ID for this request def self.request_tracker_id use_tracker_id = override_tracker_id.blank? ? tracker_id : override_tracker_id self.override_tracker_id = nil use_tracker_id end # Determine the path to report for this request def self.request_tracked_path use_tracked_path = override_trackpageview.blank? ? '' : "'#{override_trackpageview}'" self.override_trackpageview = nil use_tracked_path end end class LocalAssetTagHelper # :nodoc: # For helping with local javascripts include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper end end