require "webpacker_lite/manifest"
require "webpacker_lite/env"
module WebpackerLite::Helper
# Computes the full path for a given webpacker asset.
# Return relative path using manifest.json and passes it to asset_url helper
# This will use asset_path internally, so most of their behaviors will be the same.
# Examples:
# In development mode:
# <%= asset_pack_path 'calendar.js' %> # => "/public/webpack/development/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e122.js"
# In production mode:
# <%= asset_pack_path 'calendar.css' %> # => "/public/webpack/production/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e122.css"
def asset_pack_path(name, **options)
pack_path = pack_path(name)
asset_path(pack_path, **options)
# Computes the full path for a given webpacker asset.
# Return relative path using manifest.json and passes it to asset_url helper
# Examples:
# In production mode:
# <%= asset_pack_path 'calendar.css' %> # => "webpack/production/calendar-1016838bab065ae1e122.css"
def pack_path(name)
path = WebpackerLite::Configuration.base_path
file = WebpackerLite::Manifest.lookup(name)
# Creates a script tag that references the named pack file, as compiled by Webpack.
# Examples:
# In development mode:
# <%= javascript_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # =>
# # In production mode:
# <%= javascript_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # =>
def javascript_pack_tag(name, **options)
javascript_include_tag(asset_source(name, :javascript), **options)
# Creates a link tag that references the named pack file(s), as compiled by Webpack per the entries list
# in client/webpack.client.base.config.js.
# Examples:
# # In production mode:
# <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # =>
# # In development mode:
# <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'calendar', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %> # =>
# # In development mode with hot-reloading
# <%= stylesheet_pack_tag('main') %> <% # Default is false for enabled_when_hot_loading%>
# # No output
# # In development mode with hot-reloading and enabled_when_hot_loading
# # <%= stylesheet_pack_tag('main', enabled_when_hot_loading: true) %>
def stylesheet_pack_tag(name, **options)
return "" if WebpackerLite::Env.hot_loading? && !options[:enabled_when_hot_loading].presence
stylesheet_link_tag(asset_source(name, :stylesheet), **options)
def asset_source(name, type)
url = WebpackerLite::Configuration.base_url
path = WebpackerLite::Manifest.lookup("#{name}#{compute_asset_extname(name, type: type)}")