module LD::Patch ## # LD::Patch format specification. Note that this format does not define any readers or writers. # # @example Obtaining an LD Patch format class # RDF::Format.for(:ldp) #=> LD::Patch::Format # RDF::Format.for("etc/foaf.ldp") # RDF::Format.for(:file_name => "etc/foaf.ldp") # RDF::Format.for(file_extension: "ldp") # RDF::Format.for(:content_type => "text/ldpatch") # # @see class Format < RDF::Format content_type 'text/ldpatch', extension: :ldp content_encoding 'utf-8' ## # Hash of CLI commands appropriate for this format # @return [Hash{Symbol => Lambda(Array, Hash)}] def self.cli_commands { patch: { description: "Patch the current graph using a patch file", help: "patch [--patch-input 'patch'] [--patch-file file]", control: :button, parse: true, lambda: -> (argv, opts) do opts[:patch_input] ||= case opts[:patch_file] when IO, StringIO then opts[:patch_file] else RDF::Util::File.open_file(opts[:patch_file]) {|f|} end raise ArgumentError, "Patching requires a patch or reference to patch resource" unless opts[:patch_input] opts[:logger].info "Patch" patch = LD::Patch.parse(opts[:patch_input], base_uri: opts.fetch(:patch_file, "")) opts[:messages][:reasoner] = {"S-Expression": [patch.to_sse]} if opts[:to_sxp] RDF::CLI.repository.query(patch) end, options: [ symbol: :patch_input, datatype: String, control: :none, on: ["--patch-input STRING"], description: "Patch in URI encoded format" ) {|v| URI.decode(v)}, symbol: :patch_file, datatype: String, control: :url2, on: ["--patch-file URI"], description: "Patch file" ) {|v| RDF::URI(v)}, symbol: :to_sxp, datatype: String, control: :checkbox, on: ["--to-sxp"], description: "Instead of patching repository, display parsed patch as an S-Expression" ), ] } } end def self.to_sym; :ldpatch; end end end