// attach handler to woeid so when it loses focus we can look it up // not dry, but no middle man function attachWoeidHandlers() { console.log('attaching woeid handlers'); $('input#weather_config_woeid').on('keyup', getWoeidInfo); function getWoeidInfo() { // will place name, district-county, province-state, country, woeid into 'div.woeid-info' var info = '
WOEID details could not be determined.
'; var woeid = $('input#weather_config_woeid').val(); var info_el = $('.woeid-info'); var woeidName = $('i.woeid-name'); // something was changed, so wipe out the pre-existing woeid name if (woeidName.length != 0) { $(woeidName).text(''); } if (info_el.length != 0) { // we found the summary box $(info_el).empty().html(' searching...'); $.ajax({ url: "//query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=" + encodeURIComponent("select woeid, placeTypeName, name, admin1, admin2, country from geo.places where (text = \"" + woeid + "\" or woeid = \"" + woeid + "\") limit 5") + "&format=json", dataType: 'jsonp', timeout: 4000, success: function (data) { function htmlEncode(value){ //create a in-memory div, set it's inner text(which jQuery automatically encodes) //then grab the encoded contents back out. The div never exists on the page. return $('').text(value).html(); } if (data.query && data.query.count > 0 && typeof(data.query.results.place) != "undefined") { j = data.query.results.place; if (!(j instanceof Array)) { j = [ data.query.results.place ]; } // we got something, should use jq datatables with js array load // places = [] // j.forEach(function(item) { // places.push([item.name, item.placeTypeName.content, (item.admin1 ? item.admin1.content : ''), // (item.admin2 ? item.admin2.content : ''), item.country.content, item.woeid]); // }); // icky html table construction (with classes for bootstrap) places = "Name | Type | District/County/Region | Province/State | Country | WOEID |
" + htmlEncode(item.name) + " | " + htmlEncode(item.placeTypeName.content) + " | " + htmlEncode((item.admin1 ? item.admin1.content : '')) + " | " + htmlEncode((item.admin2 ? item.admin2.content : '')) + " | " + htmlEncode((item.country ? item.country.content : '')) + " | " + item.woeid + " |